Will Smith Signs For Men In Black III

Like Latrell Sprewell, he needs to feed his kids. :) He's had eight successive films that have grossed over $100 million, a feat achieved by no other actor

Given the scale of money that today's movies make...this isn't that impressive. His movies are expected to clear $100mil within 2 weeks and with all the marketing muscle that his movies get, it's pretty much a given they will make $100mil :dunno:

I like him as an action star. I liked him as a rapper back in the day. He is a hard-working, talented actor.

(Maybe he took a bath with some real estate investments lately...;):thefinger)
I heard this will be held in the Wild Wild West.

Get it?


The only good acting Will Smith ever did was on Fresh Prince. Fact
I heard this will be held in the Wild Wild West.

Get it?


The only good acting Will Smith ever did was on Fresh Prince. Fact

I disagree. For the past 20 years, he's been convincing most of the world that he's a heterosexual. That's some good acting!

I kid....?
Oh, for fuck's sake, another one?!? The first one was pretty good, but the second one was just ridiculous and unfunny. Is MIB gonna turn into the next Batman franchise (for those of you who either were too young to remember, or have since drank, smoked, or snorted away the memory, Batman had a franchise in the 90's. The first one from 1989 featured Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, and it was a decent movie. The sequels, though, spiraled down in quality, culminating in Batman and Robin, a cheesefest featuring George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone (what ever happened to her?), Uma Thurman, and The Governator. It sucked donkey balls.)? *sigh* We'll see...

I think Batman Returns was a very decent follow up on Batman. The rest were extremely lackluster, and generally dismissed by bat fans. On paper, Schumacher seemed like a good choice to succeed Burton on the franchise. Lost Boys, Flatliners, Falling Down ... it's not like he's a horrible director, but his approach left ALOT to be desired. And thus the films suffered because of it.

MIB was OK. I didn't bother with the sequel until a few years after it was released, and it really sucked big floppy donkey balls.

Actually, I think I would rather eat the rotten asshole of a road killed skunk than to watch MIB 2 again.

Now we got MIB 3 on the horizon? Um, no. That's ok. Fuck that.