LOST will end with Jack waking up on the plane and realizing it was all a bad dream.
Jack, Locke and Linus will die. I have it all figured out.
Actually, they will all die. And they will all live.
What, is there some sort of rule that says we can't talk about the ending of a show now?
If you didn't watch the finale but clicked on this thread on this night...your mistake, not mine.
I kinda enjoyed the finale. I liked how they wrapped it up with Jack ending up where he did. Brings it full circle.
I loved that episode. It kind of reminded me of when Charlie and Eko died. As great as Jin, Sun, Saieed and the pilot who looked like he just stepped of the set of a Burt Reynolds movie were, it was their time to go. Now it's about Sawyer, Hurley, Kate, Jack, Desmond, SmokyLocke and, to a lesser extent, Claire and Ben. The finale is going to be amazing and shocking. I can't wait. My only guess as to the ending is that something happens, maybe down to Eloise or Charles Widmore where they are pulled into the flash sideways scenario where the island is underwater and the plane never crashes, and the season will end how it starts - with Jack sitting in the plane. Maybe Desmond and the electromagnetic machine have something to do with that? I am just speculating of course. We will just have to see!!!
Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points.