Hispanics leaving Arizona

No..you must carry proof of citizenship...(birth certificate, ssn card, etc.) at the threat of being searched and detained for possibly hours. A license is just a form of ID which law enforcement routinely accepts as defacto citizenship.

As a person who has acually read SB1070 more tha once, I have never found the part that says you have carry a birth certificate or SSN card. It is a federal law that if you are in this country legally that you carry proof of that at all times. You cannot be stopped walking down the street unless you break a law. You cannot be stopped in your car unless you break a law. If you are driving a car you must have a license which is provided by the state after proving legal status. Illegals have no drivers license, no insurance and no regard for driving laws.
As a person who has acually read SB1070 more tha once, I have never found the part that says you have carry a birth certificate or SSN card. It is a federal law that if you are in this country legally that you carry proof of that at all times. You cannot be stopped walking down the street unless you break a law. You cannot be stopped in your car unless you break a law. If you are driving a car you must have a license which is provided by the state after proving legal status. Illegals have no drivers license, no insurance and no regard for driving laws.

I've read it too and you're right, it doesn't say you must carry your B/C and SSN card with you at all times. What it says is you must be able to produce evidence you are a citizen if you're suspected of being here illegally. A drivers license isn't evidence of citizenship....it is your license to drive and defacto ID.

Evidence of citizenship is B/C and SSN. So it says it by default without actually articulating it specifically.
Wooo Hooo. This is good news for me if all the illegals will head to other states. This means I can finally stop getting shitted out of fire sauce by all of the disgruntled black and white teenagers whenever I visit Taco Bell.:nanner:
I'm sure Texas and California are going "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu............".


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Wooo Hooo. This is good news for me if all the illegals will head to other states. This means I can finally stop getting shitted out of fire sauce by all of the disgruntled black and white teenagers whenever I visit Taco Bell.:nanner:

If all the Hispanics leave, will there still be a Taco Bell to go to? Will they be able to stay in business if they have a bunch of white teenagers working minimum wage? That doesn't seem like authentic Mexican food...
I've read it too and you're right, it doesn't say you must carry your B/C and SSN card with you at all times. What it says is you must be able to produce evidence you are a citizen if you're suspected of being here illegally. A drivers license isn't evidence of citizenship....it is your license to drive and defacto ID.

Evidence of citizenship is B/C and SSN. So it says it by default without actually articulating it specifically.

I have looked through it again and not once is citezenship mentioned in it. This bill is not for citizens to prove citizenship but for noncitizens who are here legally to prove it. The training for Police has not started but officers I know believe a drivers license to be the end of discussion on legal status for traffic stops.
I'm sure Texas and California are going "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu............".

A state rep. in Texas has said she will introduce a similar bill there. California is too stupid to understand what is going on. They already have a more severe law than SB1070, they quit enforcing days after implementing it.
A state rep. in Texas has said she will introduce a similar bill there. California is too stupid to understand what is going on. They already have a more severe law than SB1070, they quit enforcing days after implementing it.

Yeah California is already a sinking ship. As for Texas more power to them if they can pass the law.

If illegals are leaving Arizona in droves every state in the Southwest is going to follow suit.
I don't know what Taco Bell you guys are going to but the ones here in CT (at least the ones I've been to) have blacks and whites working there. I don't think I've ever seen any Hispanics working there. They all work at McDonald's and Burger King.
Most of the Hispanics I've seen in north Florida or Houston Tx go to local "Taquerias" and not some pseudo fake Mexican Taco Hell.
Can't you all get branded like cows do? I'd have no problem with that.

Illegals can go first. Us mutli-generational fellas who have lineage who built America into the greatest nation on earth shall have to talk about it. :thefinger

Arizona will regret this when all the Taco Bells close.

But I won't regret it when all the godamn taco trucks on the corner of every f'in block of my neighborhood are goooooooooooone. :thefinger
This kind of law needs to be introduced in more states, otherwise illegals are just going to stop going to Arizona and start heading to California.

It's catching on like wildfire in other states also! Illegals are killing our taxpayer fed system!
Yeah California is already a sinking ship. As for Texas more power to them if they can pass the law.

If illegals are leaving Arizona in droves every state in the Southwest is going to follow suit.

California is finished mainly because bleeding heart liberals gave illegals free everything under the sun! I applaud Arizona!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I've read it too and you're right, it doesn't say you must carry your B/C and SSN card with you at all times. What it says is you must be able to produce evidence you are a citizen if you're suspected of being here illegally. A drivers license isn't evidence of citizenship....it is your license to drive and defacto ID.

Evidence of citizenship is B/C and SSN. So it says it by default without actually articulating it specifically.

In order to get a DL or state ID card in most states, you have to give proof of residence and identity along with a SS#. Most documents that are used to provide proof of residence already required a passport, SS#, birth certificate, etc.

Of course, this could all be avoided if the US would get with it and require citizens to get a passport at birth like most of the world already does.
In order to get a DL or state ID card in most states, you have to give proof of residence and identity along with a SS#. Most documents that are used to provide proof of residence already required a passport, SS#, birth certificate, etc.

Of course, this could all be avoided if the US would get with it and require citizens to get a passport at birth like most of the world already does.

You could simply overstay a visa (as many illegals do) after having once obtained a license and renew it and renew it and renew it. Plus illegals get fake licenses and SSNs as easy as getting a haircut here.
I don't know what Taco Bell you guys are going to but the ones here in CT (at least the ones I've been to) have blacks and whites working there. I don't think I've ever seen any Hispanics working there. They all work at McDonald's and Burger King.

Usually I see Hispanics working in the back of a Chinese buffet or Golden Corral.

It's not just Hispanics though the second leading illegal is Chinese. Though it is easier to deport the ones from Hispanic/Latin homelands than it is in China due to the relations between China and North America and the fact that China has over a billion citizens. So what if a few million leave the country? That is that many Chinese not needed to be supported by the government.