You do not get the full immersion in PSVR watching porn. I'll try to explain, when you watch something in true vr you get two of the same scenes side by side, one for each eyeball. One is a little different then the other but its the same thing side by side. When you put the goggles on then your brain process it as one thing you are looking at making you feel you are seeing it in 3D. Making you feel like you are there. With PSVR videos which you have to download to play on that, you just get one image not side by side.
Go to and scroll down to the part that says download a free video. Its called Your Neighbors and You. Click on that and download the PSVR video of it and the Oculus version of it. Its free and should not cost you anything. Once its downloaded, go ahead and play it on whatever player you use on your computer. The PSVR should just be one video while the Oculus version should be two of the same scene playing side by side. You will see what I mean. You can watch this video just not in VR.
Games are real immersive in PSVR. I love playing RE 7, Rush of Blood, and VR Playroom. Just not that great watching porn. Oculus has some good games as well but its expensive. I got Robo Recall and its a pretty cool shooter. Hopefully Sony will pull their heads out of their ass one day and allow full immersion through their gear while watching porn but who knows.
thanks for explaining that. that's too bad. I'll probably still get a PSVR though and eventually an occulus rift when prices drop and my current pc craps out.
I just wanna cum.