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  1. R


    I liked the season finale. I like the whole Egyptian mythology they got going now if thats what they got going. We are starting to see somewhat whats going on and enough mystery to have us speculating til the show comes back.
  2. R


    You sure do know your stuff. Makes me want to go do some reading up on Egyptian mythology. I don't want to wait next year for the answers darnit.
  3. R

    And now... they come for YOU

    When is the next TEA Party.
  4. R

    Terminator Salvation....

    lol, maybe you traveled back in time and did it :rofl:
  5. R

    Cheney backs Limbaugh

    Damn, you kill me lmao.
  6. R

    Ultra Wired Sex . Com ?

    It was one of the first pay sites I ever joined. It was a great site and I would have loved to join again but I don't think they are around anymore.
  7. R


    Thats a great theory about the smoke monster. I am looking forward to next week already. Loved this episode.
  8. R

    Final Fantasy VII

    To me this was the last great Final Fantasy game they ever did. I know others will disagree but honestly the others that followed never really held my attention.
  9. R

    Nikki Coxxx / Nikki Rhodes

    She gets a creampie on also. It does not advertise her there but she gets two of them in one scene. I almost freaked out when I saw her name listed on the full length videos list.
  10. R

    Does someone still play Dos Games or SuperNintendo?

    I have Regular Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, Gamboy Advance, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Sega Dreamcast, Gamecube, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, and Xbox 360. I love my video games. I have all of my old games too.
  11. R

    Lisa Marie

    I am looking for some Hi_Res picture sets of Lisa Marie. I have been looking every where. Anyone know of some good sites with some if any exist.
  12. R


    Yeah, I forgot all about that episode where Hurley had a flash forward with seeing Charlie's ghost and yelling at Jack that they had to go back. I completely forgot all about that. Then when Syiad came to bust him out of the mental hospital, he was like we are not going back to the island are...
  13. R


    Yeah I am thinking the same thing. I know the present Ben is with the injuried back at the new crash site. Karma finally caught up to him. The past Benjamin I do not know whats up with that. All I know is is that he works as a janitor with his father so he might just be out of sight and...
  14. R


    Yeah, I just remember when Daniel's mother (Ellise or something like that) talked to Jack that they had to recreate the first crash as much as possible by him putting something of his father's with Locke's body. It just got me to thinking that with Christian walking around like he is that maybe...
  15. R


    If I do not see a body then I presume that they are alive. I do not know why she left Aaron like she did. The whole Claire thing really does not make sense. I thought that the main reason that they killed Charlie was to show that Desmond was seeing the future. I remember them talking about that...
  16. R

    Cowboys Cut T.O.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah I hate Jerry Jones. Everytime I see one of his lame commercials come on, I just start busting out laughing at his ass. The man thinks he's great but all he is is a joke. I wish we could get rid of him too. It's not going to matter with T.O. gone, the Cowboys are still going to suck.
  17. R

    Best Final Fantasy

    Final Fantasy IV for me which was Final Fantasy here U.S. It was the first Final Fantasy game I played and I loved how the party members came and gone. I also loved the twists of who the final bad guy was. At first you would think it was the King of Baron then find it was Gobez but then it was...
  18. R


    Yeah, I have held on to the belief that Claire is not dead. I have had to explain it to others as well. I also believe that Christian came back to life on the island. I am curious about there being a future flashback episode with Christian explaining his whole involvement with the island before...
  19. R

    Midway is Selling Mortal Kombat Rights!

    Somehow I see Activision getting the rights like they did with Guitar Hero. I could be wrong.
  20. R

    If you love the "vs Capcom" fighting games.....

    I missed out on the Street Fighter vs X-men games and the Capcom vs Marvel ones. They look like they would be alot of fun. I hope they do come out with another one so I can see what I have been missing. I would love it if Capcom would rerelease the classic games so I could add them to my collection.
  21. R

    Final Fantasy

    I don't care for any of the new ones. Seven was the last good one in my opinion. I had high hopes for 12 but that fell through. I might rent 13 to see if it's any good before I buy it but I dunno.
  22. R

    ps3 games with nude and sex ?

    I read Conan has nudity on it but have not played it yet. I am currently playing God of War on Playstation 2 and it has nudity in it. God of War 3 is coming out sometime for the PS 3.
  23. R

    Guitar Hero: Metallica

    I am getting this game when it comes out. I have been a Metallica fan for a long time. It kinda sucks that Don't tread on me is not on this.
  24. R

    I really hope Batman: Arkham Asylum doesn't fall flat

    I remember that game. I rented it once when I was a teenager and had a blast with it.
  25. R

    I really hope Batman: Arkham Asylum doesn't fall flat

    I have my doubts about this game but we will see.
  26. R

    Street Fighter IV

    I want this game but may wait a while. It looks great.
  27. R

    Dallas Cowboys thread

    I like the Cowboys but really hate Jerry Jones. He is the real problem and why I feel they will never be a good team till he sells them. I hope Jason Garret is able to get that St. Louis Head Coach job. I hate to see his career go to waste with this team.
  28. R

    Circuit City liquidated today

    Damn, I just bought that Hitman 3 pack just in time for Playstation 2. I bought it day before yesterday and was expecting to pay 30 bucks for it. I was surprised when they rung it up 20 bucks. I will be sad to see Circuit City go. I never cared for the Best Buy we have here. The managment pretty...
  29. R

    question about red bumps on my anus

    Damn, thats funny lol. I wish I could add to your rep but can't. I have not laughed this hard in a long time.
  30. R

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    I really liked Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. To me after watching the bonus material, I felt Steven Spielberg saved that movie from going down the toilet. But to each their own.
  31. R

    So, who else here is a loner?

    I am a huge loner here. Like everyone else posted, it has it's perks and disadvantages. I had some friends back when I was in school that did nothing but take advantage of me and steal my stuff. Talk about me behind my back and treat me like crap. I got tired of all that and well just keep to...
  32. R

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    Yeah, I remember reading an article somewhere on how Mark Hamill and George Lucas got into it about the script to Return of the Jedi. I would have liked it more if wookies were in it then Ewoks. I knew the Millennium Falcon was supposed to get blown up and remember watching Return of the Jedi...
  33. R

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    I never claimed these were episodes 7-9. I just said to me they were the closest thing to them. It's just a dream of mine to see these novels get turned into a CGI trilogy, I highly doubt it will happen.
  34. R

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    If you read the Timothy Zahn novels, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command, the Empire is still around but not as strong as they once were. An alien named Grand Admiral Thrawn leads the Empire to a new fight with the New Republic with a jedi master he found somewhere...
  35. R

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    The only prequel movie I liked was Revenge of the Sith and that was pretty much it. The first one was ok and started out decent but fell apart toward the ending. The second one, Attack of the Clones was pretty much just boring as hell. I think I could have done a better job of writing that story...
  36. R

    Internet Dating

    I tried internet dating to help put me out there in my battle with shyness but really had no luck. Like the original poster said, most are superficial. I soon just gave up on it and keep to myself. When I get older, I can at least say I tried.
  37. R

    who is this perfect woman?

    Bump, I still like to know who she is :hatsoff:
  38. R

    75-year old woman kidnapped and beaten

    Life without parole. These nuts do not need to be on the streets.
  39. R

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    I might watch this one, I really do not know. The only X-Men movie I half way liked was the second one. The other two I really did not care for.
  40. R

    Terminator Salvation....

    I did not like how they did John Connor. He came off to much as a nice guy and not the balls to the wall kind of guy I had pictured. Maybe the casting was all wrong with him, I don't know. I just know that is what killed it for me.
  41. R

    Terminator Salvation....

    I disliked Terminator 3 with a passion. I was kinda skeptical when I heard of a fourth one. Then I saw the previews with Christian Bale in it as John Connor. I am kinda looking forward to it now.
  42. R

    Non porn aspect of FreeOnes

    I am a bored loner most of the time so visiting message boards is how I socialize. I visit various and diverse ones. I love reading people's opinions about day to day life. I look at the galleries every once and awhile.
  43. R

    Pornstars that you wish didn't get boobjobs

    Damn, I just clicked on the Sunrise Adam links and I have to say I agree. She looks better without the boob job. I have not looked at her in a long time but I thought she was pretty hot when she first started out. Don't get me wrong she still looks hot but she really did not need the boob job.
  44. R

    Pornstars that you wish didn't get boobjobs

    Sylvia Saint and September Lee aka Adana. I thought September Lee was really great looking before she got hers.
  45. R

    Hottest Redheaded female pornstar

    I forgot all about Faye Valentine.
  46. R

    who is this perfect woman?

    She is pretty Hot. I hope someone knows who she is.
  47. R

    Hottest Redheaded female pornstar

    I could not think of her name but went back and looked. Stephanie Renee is drop dead gorgeous also.
  48. R

    Hottest Redheaded female pornstar

    Yeah I love Nikki Rhodes. Smokie Flame is pretty hot too.
  49. R

    Why do you watching porn?

    Boredom and lack of a sex life.
  50. R

    King of the Hill cancelled!

    I am not really a big fan of tv but honestly I thought that show ended years ago.