
buddy of mine told me that on the DVD theyre gonna have an extra part where they just sit down and talk about fan questions, the ones everyone always asks
did i really just waste 6 seasons worth of my life to this show?
that ending was terrible,the whole show answered nothing of what was what and all along they are dead.which 90% of people said after 5 episodes in the 1st season!
that was bad the whole 2 1/2 hours but not as bad as the horrible end to the sopranos.
Well, they were dead all along. My gut reaction after having watched it is that I feel suckered. The line "we can all move along" seems like a bitter message to "the fans," a giant :thefinger from Lindeloff and Cuse to the fans.

I actually really liked where the finale was going until the last 10 minutes or so. I started to realize what was going on when Jack gave Hurley the water and said, "Now you're like me." I thought, wtf Jack that was bullshit.

They basically answered every question with this ending. The answer to all the unanswered questions is: It never mattered. They were dead the whole time, and the show was just an interesting way to make people realize they're dead. Sort of the inverse Matrix, I guess.

Was this the "easy" way out? Didn't Lindeloff and Cuse say in an interview back in Season 2 time period that it was not a purgatory show? I will go see if I can find a link to an interview because I could swear they "promised" in an interview that it wasn't a purgatory show.

So, I'll ask again. Was this the easy way to end the show?
What, is there some sort of rule that says we can't talk about the ending of a show now?

If you didn't watch the finale but clicked on this thread on this night...your mistake, not mine.
I think you guys got it wrong. Kinda hard to explain. They were very much alive on the island. It's just that when they died at differnt points that they met up at the church for one last time to move on. Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points.

I kinda enjoyed the finale. I liked how they wrapped it up with Jack ending up where he did. Brings it full circle.
What, is there some sort of rule that says we can't talk about the ending of a show now?

If you didn't watch the finale but clicked on this thread on this night...your mistake, not mine.

I agree with Titsrock. If you do not want to be spoiled by the ending and have not watched the show yet then don't come here.
I kinda enjoyed the finale. I liked how they wrapped it up with Jack ending up where he did. Brings it full circle.

Well the real debate is: Was it a "dead" show this whole time or was it just a show that occurred in Jack's head? It's one or the other. I will go with it being a dead show.

I have to admit I really liked the "Sideways" storyline with everyone in LA doing slightly different things. I think that was sharp. I will always be a sucker for the Dharma Initiative. That's still total brilliance to me.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
I loved that episode. It kind of reminded me of when Charlie and Eko died. As great as Jin, Sun, Saieed and the pilot who looked like he just stepped of the set of a Burt Reynolds movie were, it was their time to go. Now it's about Sawyer, Hurley, Kate, Jack, Desmond, SmokyLocke and, to a lesser extent, Claire and Ben. The finale is going to be amazing and shocking. I can't wait. My only guess as to the ending is that something happens, maybe down to Eloise or Charles Widmore where they are pulled into the flash sideways scenario where the island is underwater and the plane never crashes, and the season will end how it starts - with Jack sitting in the plane. Maybe Desmond and the electromagnetic machine have something to do with that? I am just speculating of course. We will just have to see!!!

Written on the 6th May. Give me some props, guys. I was pretty damned close. (I accept rep points!)
Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points.

Yea but that was clearly a way to dodge actually explaining what happened. They never say when he died just that he did. It could of been when he was dying in the bamboo field or it could have been when the plane crashed.

We don't really know what the island was and to me that dodged actually completing the story and put in a "positive message" to make people feel all warm and fuzzy while forgetting the fact that they left huge gaps in the story.

The Message was clearly that no matter what religion you are(all different idols in church) we all end up in the same place. And the here and the NOW matter. Cant argue with the message its a Good way to end a show but Kinda a bad way to end a good story
I must've seen an ad featuring this song 100 times tonight. The lyrics pretty much sum up LOST when it's all said and done.

:sing:Come with me and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination...:sing: