Search results

  1. R

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Batman: The Dark Knight, One of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
  2. R

    Worst film you have ever seen?

    Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, that movie out right sucked.
  3. R

    All Wii owners, which games would YOU like to see on the virtual console?

    Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI Chrono Trigger Secret of Mana Double Dragon 1-3 Golden Eye X-Men 2 The Sega version Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Super Star Wars Super Empire Strikes Back Super Return of the Jedi Shadows of the Empire Thats all I can think of :/
  4. R

    Metallica: Death Magnetic

    I liked Load. I will admit when I heard it the first time I was like wth. Afterwards, I started to like it. I did not care for Reload and onward though. I miss the old Metallica. Death Magnetic is so so with me. I did not buy the album but downloaded it for Guitar Hero III.
  5. R

    Worst film you have ever seen?

    Attack of the Clones, what was George Lucas thinking? I was bored out of my mind hoping it would just end.
  6. R

    Creampie Surprise / Accidental Creampie

    Re: accidental Creampie Smokie Flame
  7. R

    Her First Big Cock (rated: 7.0)

    Re: Her First Big Cock (rated: 7.5) Anyone a member of this site? I am stuck deciding to join this one or another one. I like to download movies I really like and was wondering if you could do that. In the review, it says you can't but when I look at the site itself, it says you can. I just...
  8. R

    Who is this friend of Brandi Belle?

    Elle Idol, she goes by Dirty Little Chloe also.
  9. R

    Help in finding this one site

    Yeah I saw those.
  10. R

    Straight male losing virginity I think is the name of the site. I seen it too.
  11. R

    Help in finding this one site

    Thanks. I did not know she had her own section on Freeones. Those are some great pics of her.
  12. R

    Help in finding this one site

    I didn't see that you posted a link. Thanks man. Thats it.
  13. R

    Help in finding this one site

    Ah, never mind I found her. Thanks for the help anyways guys. Here is a link to her site by the way if anyone is wondering what I am talking about,
  14. R

    Help in finding this one site

    No, I want to say American or Canadian.
  15. R

    Help in finding this one site

    Hey gang, I had this one girl's site on my firefox web browser for a long time and planned on joining it one day but lightning hit the filter and I lost it. I was wondering if anyone would know what the site is called? I think she calls herself Lucky or something to that effect. She has blonde...
  16. R

    Guitar Hero IV (Official Thread)

    I am just now getting into the GH series with GH III being my first game. GH 3 was loads of fun and still is. I will be buying 4 when it comes out. I hope they add some AC/DC to the list of songs, that would be sweet.
  17. R

    Ellie Idol / Chloe ( / Collie Pop / Christina / Elle / Ellie / Ellie Page / My Little Princess Ellie / Princess Ellie Idol

    On her main site, Has she posted any Boy/girl videos? I am kinda curious about rejoining her site again. Thanks in advance.
  18. R

    Arealous is requesting a review on Assassins Creed

    If you decide to buy this game, you may want to do some looking around first before paying the $60.00. I seen it at Target once for $38.00 on sale. I just now seen it at Toys R Us for $40.00 I think. Way better then paying $60.00.
  19. R

    ID redhead girl at avn adult expo 2008!!

    To the original poster. Thanks for posting the pictures. Man, she is hot. I don't care if she is wearing cloths. I still saved the pics.
  20. R

    so long Brett Favre

    I never was a Packer's fan either but I really liked and respected this guy. He's one of the greats in my book.
  21. R

    Redhead cutie slut in strawberry undies!

    She is pretty hot but I don't know who she is. I like too know too.
  22. R

    From Brandi Belle

    Elle Idol, she has her own website,
  23. R

    Ellie Idol / Chloe ( / Collie Pop / Christina / Elle / Ellie / Ellie Page / My Little Princess Ellie / Princess Ellie Idol

    I have to check that out. I became a fan of Chloe's since I saw her videos at
  24. R

    Ellie Idol / Chloe ( / Collie Pop / Christina / Elle / Ellie / Ellie Page / My Little Princess Ellie / Princess Ellie Idol

    Quite abit. When the videos were added they were mixed in with some of the older photo sets. If you were looking at the top for updates of photos and videos, you missed them. They were mixed in the middle. I managed to find them by scrolling down one day. The video I was talking about was the...
  25. R

    Favorite redheaded babe?

    Heather Christensen, Playboy model. I have been a fan of her for a longtime.
  26. R

    Ellie Idol / Chloe ( / Collie Pop / Christina / Elle / Ellie / Ellie Page / My Little Princess Ellie / Princess Ellie Idol

    Anyone know which sites, Lovbuz got those pics from? I would like to download the videos. Hi Chloe, I'm speechless lol. I am just going to say what everyone else is saying that you are the hottest model around. I really like your website and now a member of it. I look forward to seeing more...
  27. R

    Some gals I've been searching for.

    Hello, nice to meet you all :D . I been an on again and off again subscriber to Cumfiesta and lately been wondering by chance if any of you guys may have seen some of these good looking women in anymore sites. I have used the search engine and been able to find one I think. I can't find these...