Search results

  1. cartman24

    Lady Gaga

    The shit she wears is a total turn-off for me. The rumors that she might have both sets of genitals also scare me a bit.
  2. cartman24

    You Choice: Most Attractive Female Facial Feature?

    Eyes, lips are a close second.
  3. cartman24

    Fast Food Dollar Menus

    I like to get a few double hamburgers at McDonalds once in a while, thats about all I get on any dollar menu.
  4. cartman24

    Marge Simpson as Playboy cover girl

    I can say one thing. I would be deeply disappointed if I actually subscribed and got this issue in the mail. Cartoon nudity in playboy is just about as bad as the time they put Jessica Alba on the cover and not having her nude.
  5. cartman24

    MLB 2009 thread

    Oh man... My primary team was eliminated today (Red Sox) and my backup team was eliminated the other day (Cardinals). I'm predicting Yankees v Dodgers World Series. The Dodgers will pull it out in 7.
  6. cartman24

    Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL

    I haven't laughed this hard for a while.
  7. cartman24

    Rock band

    Child accounts already have the capability to block inappropriate content. All they would need to do is implement that into the dlc somewhere.
  8. cartman24

    MyFreeOnes October Raffle Giveaway! Win Prizes!

    I'll give 1 ticket a go for this round, see how it goes :). Good luck all.
  9. cartman24


    So long as the girl is decent looking I like it.
  10. cartman24

    Rock band

    10/13 DLC: Motörhead – "(We Are) The Road Crew ‘08" · Tenacious D – "The Metal" · Testament – "More Than Meets the Eye" · Black Tide – "Show Me the Way" · Blink-182 – "What's My Age Again?" · Joe Satriani – "Satch Boogie" · Joe Satriani – "Surfing with the Alien" · Kansas – "Icarus (Borne on the...
  11. cartman24

    Tony Kornheiser?

    Meh. I could live without him. His rants can get annoying at times but he does make the occasional good point.
  12. cartman24

    Does it bother you that some porn stars REFUSE to work with black guys?

    No, if someone isn't attracted to someone thats fine with me. Just because someone doesn't want to have sexual relations with someone else doesn't always imply racism, just different taste.
  13. cartman24

    Gauge Vs Sasha Grey-Whose the better 'teen' pornstar?

    Sasha is better IMO. She will do anything and is hotter I think.
  14. cartman24

    Who do you think is Hotter

    Amanda Cooper for me.
  15. cartman24

    How big are your balls?

    All regulation! My basketball,football, baseball, and soccer balls are all normal size :D.
  16. cartman24

    Use PhotoShop To X-Ray Through A Girls Clothes.

    The picture would have to be perfect for this to be possible. The right combination of lighting/shirt thickness/position need to be there. Seems like a waste of time for a cheap thrill.
  17. cartman24

    WTF!? He tied a knot in it?

    Uhhhh, even if I could, I wouldn't... EVER.
  18. cartman24

    Brutal Legend

    Looks cool, not really worth $60 to me, but I will definitely get it eventually. Its pretty sad that this game has a better soundtrack than most Guitar Hero games.
  19. cartman24

    The 100 worst movies of the decade

    Date Movie was way too high on that list for me to give it credibility. I'm surprised Good Luck Chuck was on it... It wasn't amazing, but certainly not that bad.
  20. cartman24

    Who is the hottest Wicked Pictures girl?

    Alektra, I've always found something very sexy about her.
  21. cartman24

    Which studio has the best contract girls?

    Digital Playground I love Jesse Jane, Katsuni and Teagan
  22. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Quarantine Definitely a good horror/suspense film. Probably only one of two horror movies that I haven't been overly critical of in the last 5+ years ( the other being The Descent). I'm probably going to watch REC (the film that Quarantine is based off of) tonight or tomorrow because everyone...
  23. cartman24

    who is your favourite milf?

    Of those, Lisa Ann.
  24. cartman24

    Who is your favorite singer / musical group?

    Between The Buried and Me Simply one of the best overall groups around as far as musical talent goes.
  25. cartman24

    A Nightmare On Elm Street trailer

    A big MEH for this trailer. Doesn't look scary at all.
  26. cartman24

    Something I guarentee you've never seen before.

    Lol, I saw a dog doing it in person, but a cat, Blasphemy!
  27. cartman24

    Super Cumshot!

    Anime never ceases to amaze me with randomness.
  28. cartman24

    Whose Hotter Latin Chicks or Asian Chicks

    Asians for me, something about those eyes.
  29. cartman24

    Favourite Bands

    Between the Buried and Me Protest the Hero The Human Abstract Rush Dream Theater pretty much any progressive rock.
  30. cartman24

    Cake Or Ice Cream

    Ice Cream, cake makes me too thirsty.
  31. cartman24

    would you cheat on your wife/girlfriend?

    Not under any real world circumstances no, but if that once in a lifetime dream situation were to arise I may have to think about it.
  32. cartman24

    Rachel Starr or Naomi Russell

    Naomi's ass is the best in porn, but Rachel is just so much hotter.
  33. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Anthrax - Nobody Knows Anything One of the craziest drum tracks I've ever heard.
  34. cartman24

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Rachel Roxxx One of the most perfect porn girls.
  35. cartman24

    Things your neighbor does that pisses you off :)

    Lets see: Smash my mail box with a porto-potty (long story) Drive by with quads, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, etc... all year round Yell at us for doing something to our yard Accuse me of stealing something I've never even seen The list goes on
  36. cartman24

    Recommend me some rock/metal instrumentals

    The entire album "Guitars That Ate My Brain". Its a compilation album of a bunch of metal guitarists playing original songs. Seriously some of the most epic instrumentals I've heard in a long time.
  37. cartman24

    Sophie dee

    Very hot indeed. I liked her when she was new to porn, but I REALLY like her ever since she got her teeth fixed and her hair dyed.
  38. cartman24

    Porsche Panamera

    That is one of the worst looking vehicles I've ever seen a Porsche emblem on, shame on them.
  39. cartman24

    Who would you rather fuck?

    Keri Sable for me, what a body :D.
  40. cartman24

    Which jerseys do you prefer?

    I'll go with the minority so far, football.
  41. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Human Abstract - Movement From Discord
  42. cartman24

    Your favorite alcoholic drink?

    Mikes Hard Lemonade. They go down so easy ;).
  43. cartman24

    It's Dinner Time!

    Giada, not even close.
  44. cartman24

    Olivia Wilde or Summer Glau

    Summer Glau She was amazingly hot in the Terminator series.
  45. cartman24

    Eating you own CUM!?

    Umm, FUCK NO.
  46. cartman24

    Danielle Foxxx a BIG part of you will truly be missed

    Scary to think that modern surgery could potentially become so good that a person could have a relationship with a post-op and never know it. I'm sure it must feel different though...
  47. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Inglorious Basterds Pretty damn good, best WWII movie in a long while (even though it was fiction).
  48. cartman24

    Longest youve abstained from cumming?

    A couple of weeks at least. After getting my wisdom teeth out the recovery made it impossible to get horny (I had to have my teeth cut into pieces and removed, so it was intense pain).
  49. cartman24

    which sportswoman would you like to do porn?

    All of them scare the hell out of me, so none.