Search results

  1. cartman24

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Fiona Cheeks Its been a long while.
  2. cartman24

    All bow to the Gummy Bear!!!!!

    You've got that right. Artistic value doesn't mean anything to the critics as long as the song gets stuck in your head. The days of real musicianship seem to be going away :( (though there are some bands that give me hope, mostly metal).
  3. cartman24

    New FreeOnes Survey! The User-Experience!

    Took the survey, mostly positive on my front ;).
  4. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    The two songs that have been released from the upcoming Between the Buried and Me album: Between the Buried and Me - Mirrors Between the Buried and Me - Obfuscation Amazing
  5. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Texas Hippie Coalition - Clenched Fist
  6. cartman24

    US film star Patrick Swayze dies

    RIP, way too young :(
  7. cartman24

    Smoking: Yay or nay?

    Smoking is not attractive at all to me. The smell makes me want to puke.
  8. cartman24

    Faith Hill on Sunday Night Football

    She is hot, sure. Not many men would disagree with that. I am definitely not a fan of her singing, especially the Sunday Night Football song -_-
  9. cartman24

    2 girls 1 cupcake

    Lol, I might have a hard time eating this.
  10. cartman24

    Megadeth's Headcrusher Music Video

    Nice song, with a great guitar track. This song alone is better than all of Death Magnetic and St Anger combined, at least Dave's voice still sounds pretty much the same.
  11. cartman24

    Megan Fox as Wonder Woman OR Catwoman?

    Wonder Woman. That way she isn't covered up so much.
  12. cartman24

    Post HOT Asian girls here / Hottest Asian Girls / Hot Asian Babes, Beauties & Pornstars (no hardcore)

    Re: Hottest Asian Girls Off the top of my head (in no particular order): Avena Lee Tia Tanaka Tia Ling Jandi Lin (if you can get over the giant tattoo on her back) Nautica Thorn Fujiko Kano Kat Kitty Miko Lee Mika Tan Lucy Thai Nyla Thai
  13. cartman24

    Rock band

    9/15 DLC: · Anvil – "666 · Anvil – "Metal on Metal" · Anvil – "This is Thirteen" · Dinosaur Jr. – "Pick Me Up" · Dinosaur Jr. – "The Wagon" · The Guess Who – "Hand Me Down World" · The Guess Who – "No Time" · Tenacious D – "Rock Your Socks" · Tenacious D – "Tribute" I'll take a listen to Anvil...
  14. cartman24

    opportunity awaits

    I wonder where the fine print that says "some restrictions apply" is...
  15. cartman24

    hannah montana hater

    So there is hope for the future generations!
  16. cartman24

    Best console game ever!

    That wire is going to get in the way far too often, I'll wait for the next-gen version I guess :(
  17. cartman24

    Forget About Pepsi

    I have never seen a store that had inventory quite like this...
  18. cartman24

    You know your porn career is going wrong when...

    ...they puke after getting some of the money shot in their mouth.
  19. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Dream Theater - Peruvian Skies
  20. cartman24

    do pornstars like the idea of guys masturbating over them?

    I'm sure there are some that don't (that just want some "easy money"), but most of them probably accept and learn to like the idea of it.
  21. cartman24

    Who are your favorite Porn Twins?

    I have always been a fan of the Love Twins.
  22. cartman24

    Julia Bond retired?

    I'll sure as hell miss her scenes. She kept getting better as time went on and then she just disappeared.
  23. cartman24

    McLaren's new sports car revealed

    Looks very nice, kind of like a mix between a Ferarri 360 Modena and a Saleen S7. The chassis is a work of art on its own, so classy.
  24. cartman24

    "Ocean's..." Movie Fans

    11 is the best, but 13 was very good too. 12 was a mess...
  25. cartman24

    Ellen DeGeneres replaces Paula on AI

    Thats a damn good way to kill a show. Get a host who has absolutely no association with the music industry to judge talent... Oh well, 90% of the time the winner of the show is hardly ever heard of afterwards anyway.
  26. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Swordfish. It didn't get amazing reviews, but I have always liked it a lot.
  27. cartman24

    Who's ass would tate better covered in Caramel

    HAHA trick question. They would all taste exactly the same, like caramel.
  28. cartman24

    How do you sleep ?

    On my stomach or my side in complete darkness, also have a fan on in the summer.
  29. cartman24

    Halo 3: ODST

    The only way I'll ever consider playing this game in the next year is if the framerate is improved. Going from Call of Duty to Halo 3 is like night and day.
  30. cartman24

    What do you drive?

    It grips like crazy and accelerates like a bastard. Much better than I ever expected. The cornering is the best I have ever felt in a FWD (AWD is available).
  31. cartman24

    What do you drive?

    2010 Ford Fusion Sport
  32. cartman24

    Would you lose interest in your favorite pornstar if you found out she did scat porn?

    Re: Would you lose interest in your favorite pornstar if you found out she did scat p I don't really have a single favorite, but I don't think so. I just wouldn't watch those scenes, problem solved.
  33. cartman24

    What's that smell?

    Wow, I hate shirts with just words on them, but I would totally wear that lol.
  34. cartman24

    Golden Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano

    As if Ferraris didn't stand out enough...
  35. cartman24

    Courtney Love hasn't aged well.

    Wow, thats Dee Snyder? I was convinced it was Tiny Tim at first glance haha.
  36. cartman24

    texting while driving

    Lol, I hate people that feel they need to text 24/7.
  37. cartman24

    Dragonfly Toy

    What happens when you spill Red Bull on your dick?
  38. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Dissentience - Protest the Hero
  39. cartman24

    Huge rats found in Papua

    You have some huge issues if your house gets infested with these. You would need a damn lion to tame one.
  40. cartman24

    15 year old shoots himself in the PENIS.

    He took the idea of "shooting his load" a bit too seriously...
  41. cartman24

    Favorite Tom Hanks Movie

    The Green Mile is #1, with Saving Private Ryan just below it.
  42. cartman24

    Interracial Thread

    I have always liked Spring Thomas. People may hate her character she plays, but damn she is amazingly hot.
  43. cartman24

    Kristen Bell or Mila Kunis

    Kristen Bell
  44. cartman24

    This emo is so gay.............

    Lol, I can only imagine how bad he will regret this in like 30 years.
  45. cartman24

    Best Pub Sign Ever

    My god, every bar needs one of these.
  46. cartman24

    Milla Jovovich's Nipples

    Yes indeed, they are just about perfect for me. BTW this is the only reason to bother watching the movie .45.
  47. cartman24

    Disney to buy Marvel Comics in $4 billion deal

    I hope they are doing this just for the money and don't touch the creative direction. I love the darker tone in the Marvel series and all I can imagine Disney doing is making them more "family friendly".
  48. cartman24

    Men Prefer Women with Longer Hair. Why?

    The long hair distinguishes them from males better. Short hair makes them look more like dudes.
  49. cartman24

    The Longest Download

    Damn, where can I find the link to download the entire internet?
  50. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Blindness It was a decent concept, the ending was a bit to abrupt though.