Tony Kornheiser?

What do you think of him?

  • I think he is really good!

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • He is pretty good.

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Not my cup of tea.

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • He is a f-ing douche bag!

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Who?

    Votes: 6 16.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lord Dipstick
The hour of Around The Horn/PTI is a "no miss" for me everyday!
Tony is the best on that network.....him and Dan LeBatard should have their own show!:D
I like Tony. He was horrible on MNF. Tony and Wilbon are great together on the show and it's not the same when ! of them is missing
I love Tony on P.T.I, Wilbon and him have great chemistry. I also liked his old radio talk show. However, he was awful on MNF.
I love Kornheiser, very insightful and funny to boot and works as a great foil to Wilbon, whom I love as well. "Avoir Canada"


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Tony Kornheiser is one of those dudes that I can't help but laugh at - in a good way. PTI is one of my favorite shows, just because he's not your typical sports analyst. Both him and Michael Wilbon have a greeeeeat sense of humor to go along with their very well informed sports knowledge. Big fan...big fan.


milf n' cookies
Tony Kornheiser and Brad Childress are the same person!!!! :rofl:
I think Kornholio is a total doosh. I can't stand him. Although I do like the penguin dance. I think Wilbon and Lebatard would make a better combo for PTI.

My MUST SEE TV is Around the Horn. I love that show...

But I also like....this guy... :thefinger
Hated him on Monday Night Football, but he's perfect for PTI.