Looking and acting out are really one in the same however, as the most basic intention of your heart is still the same, even if not acted upon.
So then, what is the difference in acting and thinking, whether disclosed or undisclosed or caught vs not being caught? In essence they are one in the same, except one yeilds direct response, while the other may or may not.
Just some thoughts/things to ponder/discus. :dunno: :wave2: :fight:
:nanner: Now the conversation is rolling. Seemed like a good thought provoking topic after all.
Well perhaps thinking to cheat on someone and actually acting out upon it are two different things given the outcome. However if a person thinks (looking/lusting/fantasizing) they are one step closer to being able to cheat and perhaps doing so.
Take for instance flurting, if you flirt with someone your closer to possibly taking things to the next step of flirtation or further. I would guess most hook-ups are not merely people cheating by finding a fuck buddy online, but rather with someone they work with, associate with, run into, get appraoched by, etc... Its not like you see a women in isle 10 at the grocery and you have sex in the frozen food section within minutes. So even thoughts/fantasy hold value towards possibly cheating.
I would know in my heart that I had done something hurtful to her.
When you cheat at anything, it means you are not interested in putting in the required effort anymore. Plus it is dishonest.
it takes an entire lifetime to establish and maintain trust but only a split second of foolish indiscretion to destroy it forever.
Would you like that happen to you?
I could not ever cheat on my girl.
One observation about relationships that would make anyone involved in a serious one want to instinctively say "no" to this question....it takes an entire lifetime to establish and maintain trust but only a split second of foolish indiscretion to destroy it forever. Just isn't worth it.
Depends... I'm dating a girl now, but I don't love her, so yeah, if the right opportunity presented itself, I'd take it and then tell the gf about it.
If I loved my gf and/or was married, no, I would not cheat.