What is the latest good film you watched ?

TransSiberian -- not too shabby. Lovely Ruskya film.
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Not bad at all.


Sequels are very lacking, but I like this one. Natasha certainly got my attention back in '95. Ah, memories!
Quarantine. It far exceeded my expectations. :thumbsup:


milf n' cookies
Flashbacks of a Fool (2008) starring Daniel Craig.
Definitely a good horror/suspense film. Probably only one of two horror movies that I haven't been overly critical of in the last 5+ years ( the other being The Descent).

I'm probably going to watch REC (the film that Quarantine is based off of) tonight or tomorrow because everyone seems to think its better.
^^:thumbsup: The Descent is also one of my all-time horror favorites. The horror really works unlike much drivel I've seen (such as the remake of The Hills Have Eyes :thumbsdown & :snooze: )
Just watched Disturbia a bit ago(on TNT) for the first time.Not great,but definitely not bad at all.
Just watched Disturbia a bit ago(on TNT) for the first time.Not great,but definitely not bad at all.

Disturbia is supposed to be a modern day take of Rear Window isn't it? I've heard it's really good.