Things your neighbor does that pisses you off :)


Things your neighbor does that pisses you off ...

even if it's as trivial as overfilling his garbage can every week, so much so that even the garbage man refuses to pick up all of the excesses that fall onto the ground around the can, that is, the very excesses that eventually end up at my doorstep.:mad:

Oh, and and that hammering all fuggin weekend long beginning at 8am, doesn't the guy use screws for anything ? hell- o It's not 1959 !!

:helpme: ..:ban2:...:fight:...:crash:...:hatsoff:​


Member, you member...
Re: Things your neighbor or does that pisses you off :)

Actually, neighbor gal has been pretty quiet lately. lol
Re: Things your neighbor or does that pisses you off :)

my neighbour believes i'm trying to make all the water in the neighbourhood shed onto her lawn. she comes over and yells at me.

yesterday i asked her if she needed a good marital aid to help her with her anger issue. seems that wasn't a helpful question.


Re: Things your neighbor or does that pisses you off :)

Blasting his BASS in his SUV enough to make my windows and doors shake.

Bonous note: They DO NOT Like Pantera, guess what plays at my house when his bass starts.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I had a damn hot neighbor girl and I could see her almost naked sometimes when looking out of my kitchen window. (Am I a creepy perv when I sometimes stand and go to the kitchen just to look if I can see her? :o)

Now what pisses me off is that she had a damn damn damn ugly boyfriend. He looked like a stupid socialist, student something...ass. :mad:

And what really pisses me off is that she moved a few weeks ago! :D
Lets see:
Smash my mail box with a porto-potty (long story)
Drive by with quads, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, etc... all year round
Yell at us for doing something to our yard
Accuse me of stealing something I've never even seen

The list goes on
Lets see:
Smash my mail box with a porto-potty (long story)
Drive by with quads, dirtbikes, snowmobiles, etc... all year round
Yell at us for doing something to our yard
Accuse me of stealing something I've never even seen

The list goes on

i can take care of your me.

i'll sick my neighbour on them and they'll likely fight it out to the death.


Closed Account
This is a great topic. I'm not sure if any of you listen to This American Life, but Ira Glass did a show recently where a neighbor lady swore up and down that one of the student girls in her building was selling drugs. The girl was actually just a normal 20-something college student who stayed up late and had friends coming over at later hours. The old neighbor lady was nuts to say the least.

How about leaving porn on really loud while having sex? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you asked what I do that pissed my neighbor off....



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
My neighbor has a fucking asshole pit bull dog that is extremely vicious and always snarling and barking at my family and me whenever we are in our back yard. I actually called the cops a couple of weeks ago when he was all over my wife and me when we were doing some yard work (a cedar fence separating us but....). The cop told me that unless the dog actually made it through the fence and attacked one of us, there was nothing he could do. I asked him, "What if my neighbor himself was screaming f-bombs at me over then fence....could I call you to come and arrest him?". He said, "Absolutely". I asked him, "So, a friggin' dog has more civil rights than a human does?". He was speechless.

Fucked up world, huh?
My neighbor has a fucking asshole pit bull dog that is extremely vicious and always snarling and barking at my family and me whenever we are in our back yard. I actually called the cops a couple of weeks ago when he was all over my wife and me when we were doing some yard work (a cedar fence separating us but....). The cop told me that unless the dog actually made it through the fence and attacked one of us, there was nothing he could do. I asked him, "What if my neighbor himself was screaming f-bombs at me over then fence....could I call you to come and arrest him?". He said, "Absolutely". I asked him, "So, a friggin' dog has more civil rights than a human does?". He was speechless.

Fucked up world, huh?

step 1: crush a glass bottle.
step 2: mix crushed glass with ground beef
step 3: throw "delicious meatball" over the cedar fence to the neighbours dog.

problem solved.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
step 1: crush a glass bottle.
step 2: mix crushed glass with ground beef
step 3: throw "delicious meatball" over the cedar fence to the neighbours dog.

problem solved.

Oh yes....I have had similar thoughts on many occasions. :thumbsup:

Note to self, stay on your good side.:shocked:

That's the only thing that has stopped me. I've come close though.....:eek:


what the fuck you lookin at?
They say "hi" every time they see me.
Ok, so my neighbor runs his own landscaping business but yet his yard looks like shit, and his trash is always ending up in my yard, and does he pick it up? Fuck no!
My neighbor has a pool that he doesn't use. So in the summer it is basically a huge misquito nest. Can't play volleyball or frisbee in my backyard without getting fucking malaria.

He also collects junk. Tires, scrap metal, wood, etc. Rats and raccoons were running rampant like (insert metaphor here). We eventually called the city and they made him throw all that shit out, so the rats were gone for a while. But I can see a pile slowly growing over there. By the time the snow melts away there will be more wild animals living there, maybe even a couple homeless. Can't wait.

Oh. And he doesn't return out frisbees when they go in his yard.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Loud freaking rednecks. (this is in an apartment)
It seriously sounds like they are trying to chisel their way through the wall - I keep joking to myself that this is all a bizarre heist to get to my baseball card collection. Loud Redneck also has some buddies who like to lean on the ol' doorbell. Only problem is, it was always the wrong doorbell, and after this happening five time, I finally took my batteries out. This only proceeded to piss off Loud Redneck's friends, who now use sledge hammers to knock on the door.

Then there are the people who live in the building next door. They refuse to get naked.