Search results

  1. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    2012 Good action and very entertaining, kind of leveled out for the retarded level of cliches.
  2. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    If its an add-on expect it to be $60. Too many people bought Halo ODST for it not to be.
  3. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    You should finish the campaign before saying it doesn't flow. It all comes together pretty well, way too short though (took me 4 hours).
  4. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    So I still don't even have one achievement, after playing for almost 9 hours. Maybe I should try campaign to get that out of the way... I am having a very hard time adapting to the new gameplay, I think they made the game a bit too easy for beginners and maybe that's why I seem to die a lot...
  5. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Haha, I have a feeling, that as long as the servers don't explode I will neglect single player for a long time. I can't wait to play multi.
  6. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    I am so torn whether I should go out at midnight tonight and get it or not. I have school at 9:40 tomorrow morning until 5 so I really wanna play it a bit before I have to daydream all day in classes. I didn't pre-order, I never do, so I might not bother, but I'm still tempted. Otherwise I...
  7. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bond - Explosive Not many songs like this get my interest, but this one is great.
  8. cartman24

    Favorite Sitcoms?

    Recent: Curb Your Enthusiasm Other: Seinfeld Kenan and Kel Fresh Prince That 70's Show Thats about it...
  9. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Even still, its pretty hard to get an 11 streak, and nobody was trying to shoot him down, so I still think it'll be rare.
  10. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Heres a good quality video of the nuke for those who want to see it: The manned chopper looks kinda overpowered, but whatever.
  11. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    1.) Remember, the M16 shoots in bursts, so it does the same damage per bullet, only faster. 2.) A bunch of guns are missing that were in MW1, they're just keeping things fresh.
  12. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Why yes, yes there is:
  13. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    New trailer :) Space station level?!?!?!
  14. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    This is bound to piss some people off... I can see what they are trying to do, but really, I like to talk to people in other games once in a while and this makes this impossible. Hopefully there aren't too many...
  15. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Yeah but... You can only choose three total, so really, I doubt that many people will even have Nuke as a choice in most game types. Everything should level out, if there's on thing IW is good at it is making a balanced game.
  16. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    And the perks were posted soon too :D Marathon (Tier 1) Standard: Unlimited Sprint Pro: Get over obstacles faster Sleight of Hand (Tier 1) Standard: Faster reload Pro: Aim down sights faster Scavenger (Tier 1)...
  17. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    There's a video of the nuke on a website, but the audio may or may not be tampered with so I'm not posting it. It does two things, kills everyone on the map, including yourself, and instantly gives the win to the person or team who deployed it ( whether they were winning or not). Some things...
  18. cartman24

    The 5 Most Horrific Bugs in the World

    The giant hornet scares the shit out of me, damn. I cant imagine what i'd do if I ever encountered any of these, except run...
  19. cartman24

    Whats Worse?

    Fall Out Boy by miles.
  20. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    The Killstreaks: 3 Kills - UAV 4 Kills - Care Package 4 Kills - Counter UAV 5 Kills - Sentry Gun 5 Kills - Predator Missile 6 Kills - Precision Airstrike 7 Kills - Strike 7 Kills - Attack Heli 8 Kills - Emergency Airdrop 9...
  21. cartman24

    Find the man in the coffee beans

    Nice, took me like 15 seconds. Surprised considering how obvious it is.
  22. cartman24

    tight ass or bubble butt

    I love myself a bubble butt :).
  23. cartman24

    Are you male or female?

    Im a man, man.
  24. cartman24

    Perfection v Imperfection

    I am actually usually more attracted to imperfect girls myself. It makes them more unique and they stand out in the crowds of bleach blonde chicks that spend all of their time trying to look pretty.
  25. cartman24

    Full Sized Stuffed Camel . . . .

    Wow... one of the grossest pictures I've seen in a while, congratulations.
  26. cartman24

    Sport With The Worst Officiating

    Baseball, without a doubt. The fact that fans have to accept the fact that every umpire has a different strike zone is really kind of ridiculous. I also find it amazing that they take so long to argue between themselves to decide to look at a replay (which is rare enough) when it would take less...
  27. cartman24

    Kim Kardashian vs Esperanza Gomez

    Kim's is incredible, very hard to beat (would make an excellent pillow too :D).
  28. cartman24

    Would it be weird for me to get a fleshlight?

    I wouldn't fall for the hype, rubber will never feel like the real thing. Also, consider the embarrassment if someone ever found it and imagine how nasty it will get over time.
  29. cartman24

    is porn against God?

    Nah, I see it more as a way of expressing gods artwork ;).
  30. cartman24

    Have you ever been to an opera?

    Nope, and I'd have to be pretty in love with a girl to even consider going.
  31. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Devil Wears Prada - Sassafras I don't like this band much, but this song is pretty good.
  32. cartman24

    Do you like tattoos and piercings on pornstars?

    Depends on the girl really, some are better suited for the punky look, so tattoos and piercings look right for them. Then there are gorgeous girls like Daisy Marie that get giant monstrosities on their back, that I do not like. I don't mind "tramp-stamps" or smaller tattoos that aren't overly...
  33. cartman24

    Photoshop Fraud

    Not only is it photoshopped, its done very badly. No reason to be skeptical, just be sure.
  34. cartman24

    NFL Winless Poll

    I have to believe that the Titans can pull something together eventually.
  35. cartman24

    NFL Undefeated Poll

    Colts are most consistent so I have to say them.
  36. cartman24

    If you ran out of toilet paper, what would you use?

    Some form of paper, probably an old receipt or something.
  37. cartman24

    Check Here to See if You Won in the October Raffle!!

    Close but no cigar :(. Maybe I should have bought more than one lol.
  38. cartman24


    $20 I don't play often at all.
  39. cartman24

    Would you become a male pornstar?

    Sure, seems like a damn good way to make a living.
  40. cartman24

    DJ Hero!

    Seriously, anyone who buys this... I don't know about them...
  41. cartman24


    Yeah, I've seen pics of it before, looks pretty hot, though I would be reluctant to let a girl do it with me.
  42. cartman24

    Your first internet porn wank ?

    I was probably 16, it was a gallery of a softcore model, maybe Teen Kelly, I can't remember.
  43. cartman24

    Redneck snowmobile competition

    So its the middle of summer and you've got a snowmobile, what to do? Ask no more:
  44. cartman24

    Things That You Don't Like

    Cheese Standards of society New "Rock"
  45. cartman24

    Open casting call to fuck Jenaveve Jolie

    Damn, I don't live anywhere near there. Otherwise I'd be all over this.
  46. cartman24

    Cold Pizza and Raviolis (leftovers) - Thumbs up or down ?

    Cold pizza is fine, better than reheated I think.
  47. cartman24

    Whats the weight of your porn clips on hdd?

    None on my Hard Drives, I've got dozens of DVD backups though ;).
  48. cartman24

    Sienna West or Lisa Ann?

    Lisa Ann beats almost any Milf for me.
  49. cartman24

    favorite Stephen King-based movie?

    Shawshank is amazing, The Green Mile is a close second.
  50. cartman24

    Eva Angelina v's Angelina Valentine

    Eva Angelina easily.