Brutal Legend

At first I found it uninteresting and all. I have seen the complete makeover of the game in latest issue of Game Informer and I am slowly becoming intrigued by it all the more.
going to get it just for the tunes be able to combine the loveof metal with videos games that a plus to start with, think it going be a bit of a button masher !! yeah played the demo but was not blown away !! but thats cool because most of the games i loved i did not like the demo that much !! good links video and web site !!
Looks cool, not really worth $60 to me, but I will definitely get it eventually. Its pretty sad that this game has a better soundtrack than most Guitar Hero games.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Looks cool, not really worth $60 to me, but I will definitely get it eventually. Its pretty sad that this game has a better soundtrack than most Guitar Hero games.

and yet ironic that you can't even use the fuckin guitar controller. Not that I see how it would even work but still pretty fuckin lame!
two games i'm buying next week:

Brutal Legend (for my xbox360 - the reason why i'm getting it for xbox is because i found the ps3 demo wasn't as good. mainly the sound FX. it sounded like the sound fx were recorded in low quality on ps3 ...the music and voices were okay on ps3, tho. on xbox everything was perfect. i tend to prefer multiplatform titles on xbox anyway. they tend to be a bit more polished, imo. developers tend to just port the xbox version over to ps3, which leads to ps3 versions sometimes not being as good)

Uncharted 2 (for my ps3)

those two should easily hold me over until COD: Modern Warfare 2 comes out in November.
24-10-2009 release of Dragon Age origins. i am gonna buy that.

on topic: i like metal and fun games, but doesnt it get boring after 2 hours or so?
24-10-2009 release of Dragon Age origins. i am gonna buy that.

on topic: i like metal and fun games, but doesnt it get boring after 2 hours or so?


what the fuck you lookin at?
the demo is kinda fun. Eh...worth a rent at least!
I see where Gamestop is offering a trade-in deal on it- 2 from a list of games and you can get Brutal Legend for 19.99. That's what I am doing I think...
i bought it today along with 'uncharted 2' and 'fallout 3: game of the year edition'.

didn't try them out yet ...didn't even look at them. i'm trying to beat Prototype first. i'm close to beating that game, so i wanna get that out of the way before i get into anything else.

i sold my old copy of fallout 3 for $40 last week to put towards the new 'game of the year' edition. i thought that was a pretty good deal and was the best way to get my hands on the 5 DLC episodes. they're like $10 + tax each screw that. that'd be $60 just for the DLC.

i couldn't believe i got $40 for fallout 3 with the game of the year version coming out a week later. anyway, i'm not complaining. :D