Search results

  1. cartman24

    Secret's out

    :rolleyes: Wow geeze, what a shocker...
  2. cartman24

    Well, that's just the biggest cootie I've ever seen.

    Yeah... some people should not be allowed to own pets. Ever.
  3. cartman24

    Yeah, I really don't wanna know why they.............................................

    Re: Yeah, I really don't wanna know why they......................................... So fat that neither of them need armor, brilliant.
  4. cartman24

    do you shave?

    Just the face and not all that often. The last thing I want is all of that itching down below if I shaved my balls.
  5. cartman24

    milk, milk, lemonade...

    Not so sure I'd go for lemonade or chocolate...
  6. cartman24

    what men want

    Wow... I realllllllly hope this isn't my fate.
  7. cartman24

    Google will fail evidence here.

    All I use is Google. Yahoo is good for email and fantasy sports, and thats it.
  8. cartman24

    Leanna Sweet or Sasha Grey

    Sasha Grey, no contest.
  9. cartman24

    ★★The Official Miss FreeOnes 2010 Results Thread!★★

    Congrats to Bree, though I saw it coming a long time ago.
  10. cartman24

    Do you fear death?

    Sometimes, but it is inevitable, so no reason to really.
  11. cartman24

    Any Reason for New Madden?

    It has been increasingly more pointless to keep up with the Madden series, especially since EA now owns all the rights to NFL games. They make minor changes and roster updates, yet people still buy the new ones year after year.
  12. cartman24

    show me your signature

    Pretty damn good for paint. It is definitely unique.
  13. cartman24

    Best Breakfast menu?

    Dunkin Donuts for me, its fast and its decently good.
  14. cartman24

    ESPN's Erin Andrews receiving death threats now, so sez her atty

    Isn't that pretty much a normal thing to get when you are a celebrity? Maybe she should look at it as a compliment...:dunno:
  15. cartman24

    Rainbow Munn

    I approve of this image.
  16. cartman24

    Latina Pornstar of the Decade?

    Daisy Marie for me.
  17. cartman24

    MLB 2010 Thread

    The bottom end of the sox lineup showed a lot more finesse than I expected to see this early in the season. I really hope they can continue to do this.
  18. cartman24

    Tiger Woods' childhood teacher demands apology.

    Tiger woods should just send an apology letter to every single person in the US. That should remedy the flurry of random people accusing him of things.
  19. cartman24

    Happy Easter

    I sure hope the easter bunny shows up at my house this year :).
  20. cartman24

    Is Carmella Bing obese/fat/over-weighted ?

    She has a bit of fat on her, but she sure as shit isn't obese. Let's just call her healthy and end this idiotic argument.
  21. cartman24

    what game are you playing right now?

    I just finished Halo ODST, it was pretty cool and I liked the open world aspect of it. The only issue I had with it was that I didn't really get any story out of it that Halo 3 didn't already tell me.
  22. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    My Thoughts: Commando is a much bigger issue though, especially the invulnerability the player gets during the lunge. It is just as bad when they spawn right next to you when you are just about to get a killstreak legit. Can be argued either way, but dual shotguns are always retarded...
  23. cartman24

    Breast or Ass?

    Unless some women wear pants belts around their necks id say its an ass.
  24. cartman24

    Hilarious video with ATVs and idiots

    That's just not right.
  25. cartman24

    Trampoline Pool Flip Fail

    The kids learned a valuable lesson that day... and a new word.
  26. cartman24

    Thank you. Yes it is Olivia Munn :)

    Thank you. Yes it is Olivia Munn :)
  27. cartman24

    Would you get a tattoo of a girl?

    Nope, never. I'm hesitant of getting any tattoos at all, let alone a girl that could disappear from the radar at any moment.
  28. cartman24

    Kagney Linn Karter v's Shawna Lenee

    Kagney for me, but it is pretty close.
  29. cartman24

    Halo Movie Trailer Debuts!

    *sigh* I won't be surprised if this is better than the actual film if it ever gets into production.
  30. cartman24

    Carmella Bing

    Put on a few pounds but she is just as hot.
  31. cartman24

    You will all shudder at his greatness...

    The epicness of this video, its overwhelming. Can't...stop...watching...
  32. cartman24

    whos do yall like better

    Pinky I suppose.
  33. cartman24

    Cliff Bleszinksi to reveal new game on Jimmy Fallon

    :yesyes:Maybe the multiplayer will actually be playable this time around
  34. cartman24

    Things that bothered you today!!

    The board layout today -_-
  35. cartman24

    New Board Format<<<

    Easily the most annoying April Fools site joke I've ever seen. Well played...
  36. cartman24

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Megadeth - Rust in Peace
  37. cartman24

    South Park or Family Guy?

    Except for fanboy assholes that insist on referencing a line from it every 10 minutes.
  38. cartman24

    Veins or Smooth Skin?

    This is easily one of the most random threads I've seen in a while. I don't look for veins a hell of a lot, so I don't care too much. I suppose if I had to choose I'd say smooth skin.
  39. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Warmen - Return of Salieri
  40. cartman24

    Nice pair of speakers

    That would make for a most excellent entertainment setup.
  41. cartman24

    Dual Purpose...Really...REALLY???? WTF?

    Its better than the urinals at my school, you know the ones that don't flush!
  42. cartman24

    This is the type of story that pisses me off

    Dude should protest.... oh wait.
  43. cartman24

    South Park or Family Guy?

    South Park, Family Guy is overplayed I think, it feels very repetitive.
  44. cartman24

    IE 8 is f***ing crap!

    Try Google Chrome, lots of people like that.
  45. cartman24

    Modern warfare 2 DLC maps March 30th

    ^^^That's what the COD series felt like to me. I would be on a roll one day and then would absolutely get hammered the next. I took a look at the new maps and though they look cool, most seem to be camper's paradise once again. I can honestly say that you are a better man than me if you can...
  46. cartman24

    Whats the Weather like Where you Are?

    Its been raining for about 2 days straight, but its supposed to be nice this weekend :D.
  47. cartman24

    Need Good April Fool Joke (Or Tell Ur Best)

    Vaseline on the toilet seat is always good for a laugh. Either that or saran wrap under the seat
  48. cartman24

    Favorite Seinfeld episode?

    This Episode:
  49. cartman24

    Things that bothered you today!!

    The fact that I'm sick as hell.
  50. cartman24

    F**k the Health Care thing i just lost at monopoly

    I think everybody is missing the big story here... Someone actually finished a full game of Monopoly!