Things that bothered you today!!

Had a quick search couldn't see anything so i thought i give it ago.

This thread is for everybody that has had something that has pissed you off today, for example, i just switched on my TV to watch to football and the signal was playing up so i had to retune it, and now it won't pick up the channel, Stupid ass TV.

So if anything has pissed you off today, post away.

PS I may make another thread called highlight of your day, depends if i can get the football on or not.
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Coming to the realisation while still practically semi-conscious this morning that I had actually survived another nights sleep.

It was all uphill from there...


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Nothing. I'm off work for a week. :nanner: That means no drama from sophomores until Monday. Go me, high five!


Postal Paranoiac
The smell of public refuse emanating from the landfill across the river. And cigarettes.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
The fact that I stillll dont have a cell phone.. I still dont have a car and I stillll dont have a job. Other than that its been a fanfuckingtastic day :)
The fact that I'm sick as hell.
Getting killed so many fucking times in MW2 and ending up with a ratio of 4 to 14 when I usually finish the other way around or at least even :mad:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The fact that half my town is still flooded and I have to take the most obscure side streets to get home with the rest of the state


Seems like everywhere I go these days the damn cashier says that I can get a discount if only I surrender my identity only to get back a stoopid gimmicky membership card :hammer: :flame: :mad:

I'll tell ya what ya can do with yer membership card lady :thefinger



what the fuck you lookin at?
modern warfare 2. Fuckin game. I do great one day then get my ass handed to me for the next week. I don't understand?