Things that bothered you today!!

Meh. The whole damn day just about

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Once again, nothing. Beautiful day today. Hit some balls at the range and took the dog for a walk. Getting ready to buy a case of beer and head to my buddy's house for some washers. Damn, do I love vacation​
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Being woken by the phone ringing.
There was a huge line at the liqour store today, and the lady behind me was caughing for 10 minutes straight. I'm pretty sure I have tuberculosis now. fml

Also, I keep hitting preview post instead of submit reply and I'm going to throw my computer if I do it again.
The morons at work who thought it was funny to waste my time :crash: and then waste more of my time when I had to fix their balls-ups.

I'd had enough of their BS and left work early. Back home the damn cold callers kept calling and pestering me all afternoon and while answering the phone my dog tried to steal my Apple Danish off the coffee table and ended up knocking over my beer
The morons at work who thought it was funny to waste my time :crash: and then waste more of my time when I had to fix their balls-ups.

I'd had enough of their BS and left work early. Back home the damn cold callers kept calling and pestering me all afternoon and while answering the phone my dog tried to steal my Apple Danish off the coffee table and ended up knocking over my beer

Even your dog is April Fooling you brah