This is the type of story that pisses me off

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Okay, what the fuck? I think he should be allowed to kill the protesters. They would no longer need financing as they're dead, and we'd be minus a few people who clearly have no business living in the first place.

Say what you will about the war, but you should always support the troops. To paraphrase ...they stand upon a wall and say, "Nothing's going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch."
Dude should protest.... oh wait.
God hates fags? God hates the soldiers? God hates his vegetables? How dare you not show at least a shred of common fucking decency for this fathers loss of a son that lost his life fighting for the country that allows you to freely be a mindless fuckhole inbred cult. And by the way: If God hated half the shit you claim...


They should do like every other dumb-ass cult and get a nice little mass suicide going. I'm sure a donation or fund would be set up for this soldiers father in his son's name. When it is, count me in.
It's going to the Supreme Court.....that may turn out to be a landmark decision, but I doubt it. This group is right up there with the KKK if you ask me, which you didn't, but I'm saying it anyway. Of course I value free speech, but in extreme cases like this, I think certain restrictions should be put in place.

Until then, I am hoping for an "accident" to befall these demons. Seeing the kids wearing the God Hates Fags T-shirts breaks my never fails to amaze me how some people can instill such a level of hate in the hearts of children.

Should mention also that Bill O'Reilly is going to pay those fees for the family, and Dennis Miller has also pledged assistance.
Fuck protesters! Especially these assholes!

There might be something known as freedom of speech; however, there is also something known as fucking common decency and kindness! Respect! Shutting your goddamn fucking mouth before you go and protest someone's dead son's funeral!

I swear, these people, someone needs to slap them with a shovel and hope the remaining brains cells get enough of a charge so they can say their last words, which would be apologies, and drop over dead!

Twats! They should take their fucking protest signs and shove the wooden part right up their asses and give them a good internal splinter!

Pisses me off. What fucking disgraces!



Postal Paranoiac
This is a scary situation. That there are people in positions of authority...*cough* Rush...Sean...Conservatives...*cough*...who would support this.
Its not enough that the family lost their son but they gotta put up with these fucktards picketing and invading their privacy? Fuck those protesters. They don't deserve a cent and they should be fuckin sent to jail for their disgraceful acts. Pity I'm not a dictator or i'd have tortured every single one of those protesters..wouldn't even give a shit about their right to free speech.
i'd be very tempted to pay them with as many 230 grain .45 caliber lead "ingots" as they could possibly digest...maybe that's just me though...


Hiliary 2020
This is a scary situation. That there are people in positions of authority...*cough* Rush...Sean...Conservatives...*cough*...who would support this.

support what?
making this poor guy pay for legal costs of a group that used his sons death to promote their bullshit?
crashing and disrupting a funeral, how low can you get.
i dont think that will be supported by many conservatives

i noticed also the headlines were all "father refuses to pay"
not "father being forced to pay".
more lib media bullshit preying on the dumbness of the average american

i know if it was at someones i knew funeral i couldnt restrain myself and i would make an extreme example of at least one of those scumbags.
this stuff should not be tolerated at all.
This is a scary situation. That there are people in positions of authority...*cough* Rush...Sean...Conservatives...*cough*...who would support this.

Would support what exactly? What the hell are you implying? I would expect someone like HR to turn this thread into a political doesn't become you Maildude, and it doesn't make any sense.

I know this is a porn forum, but there is a time and some fucking respect to the slain, man.
I'm not an American, so my opinion probably doesn't count as much in this case, but I'll say something anyway, because I, too, think this is outrageous, but for somewhat different reasons.
I saw a coverage/reportage (whatever you call it in American English) about this family on TV here. I think, the BBC did a documentary on them as well. I have to say, these people really seem like they are clinically insane and they are at least as dangerous as the islamic fundamentalists America has a hate campaign running against. But the strange thing is, they are not only tolerated (or suffered perhaps in this case) but even supported by local, regional or federal government, because they are christians and christians are allowed to freely speak their mind in the US. Perhaps they look a little bit extreme to me as I'm a moderate Central European, but this would never happen here. And I'm not just saying this because I want to paint a nicer picture of my country. And I don't care that much about dead American soldiers, because that bed the US made themselves. It's just... we'd have the common decency not to show up with signs that say "god hates fags" and "god hates soldiers" at a fallen soldiers funeral, whether we support the war or not. These people are disrespectful, hateful and dangerous perturbators. And if you ask me, it's one more symptom of a society loosing what constitutes a democratic society in the first place: a shared set of morals, mutual help and respect, freedom only to the extent where you don't hurt or gravely offend others (which applies also to the freedom of speech) and so on. And if you ask me, people like these are a dime a dozen in the US. Just think about the recent Hutaree incident or whackjobs like Michael Griffin. There are more than 500 politically, religiously or racially motivated "hate groups" in the US, mostly armed to the teeth. 500!!! The question popping into my mind is, "America, where are you going?. a
Here's another article about it. The fact that there is a shithead sitting on a bench that is allowed to make legal decisions as irresponsible and deplorable as making a mourning father pay the people who disrespected his son's memory during his funeral is a testament to the fucked state of things in the US. It's part of the pussification that the country's undergone over the past 3 decades. Teachers can't give failing grades to underachievers because it's psychologically traumatizing to kids, people are no longer willing to help strangers on the street for fear of being sued by the person they're trying to help, warning labels have to be put on everything because there's a chance that some idiot somewhere won't have any common sense, it's all part of the same trend. Now this case is going to the Supreme Court. Hopefully they'll judge on the side of decency and not reward those disrespectful shit stains. For the father that would more insulting than spitting on his son's grave. :2 cents:
Those are some really scum. I guess if there is any decency at least people might pitch in and help him pay for the legal cost he has to reimburse them for.

On the other hand, this is a consequence of free speech. Things like this sadden me, but I would rather have incidences like this than to go around stopping people from saying what they want because some people don't like it or it will hurt feelings. Free speech is meaningless and doesn't exist if what can be said can be arbitrarily limited because people don't like it. You shouldn't be able to go around limiting what people say because it goes against somebody else's sensibilities. While these people act like assholes, have no dignity or honer, and shamelessly abuse a bad situation to garner attention to themselves if we start stopping them from speaking out someday it could be us in the future that are stopped when our opinions happen to be the unpopular ones. In some ways this is the price of freedom. Freedom isn't and never was free. Things like this are just an example of that.

As much as people don't like it I have to grudgingly say they judges ruling is probably the correct one. You can't change the law or alter a ruling just because one side of a case happens to be filled with a bunch of lowlifes. I can see why they guy wanted something from them after what they did at the funeral, but nobody forced him to sue them when his legal position was extremely shaky at best. I do hope some people in the community help him out though if he doesn't reasonably have the means to pay it.
Wow. I'm surprised that I'm one of the few people who is not outraged by this.

I thought everyone on here was a Libertarian/Conservative "constitutionalist?", that believed in fighting for Freedom, and all that jazz. What a bunch of hypocrisy. Just proves that people only stick to their beliefs if it benefits them, or suits their agenda, and ditches it at the drop of a hat when it doesn't.

Here's the fact. A guy didn't like what some people had to say so he sued them. The court ruled that it's their right to say what they want to and they made the plaintiff pay the court charges since he brought it up and lost. Case closed.


Closed Account
Wow. I'm surprised that I'm one of the few people who is not outraged by this.

I thought everyone on here was a Libertarian/Conservative "constitutionalist?", that believed in fighting for Freedom, and all that jazz. What a bunch of hypocrisy. Just proves that people only stick to their beliefs if it benefits them, or suits their agenda, and ditches it at the drop of a hat when it doesn't.

Here's the fact. A guy didn't like what some people had to say so he sued them. The court ruled that it's their right to say what they want to and they made the plaintiff pay the court charges since he brought it up and lost. Case closed.

Agree. Although these peple are some religious nuts they legally protested in a public area. No one trespassed nor interrupted this service:dunno:

Dragging these people to court over something said in a public place(that did not incite violence) borders on a 'frivolous' lawsuit by the family. Should everyone be dragged to court because they hurt our feelings or said something mean about a loved one(deceased or living) in a public place?

He gave this church/organization more publicity than they should have.

Considering the cruel things said here about deceased people/celebrities(some of the very ones upset about this) ; I am a bit surprised at the outrage.