I'm not an American, so my opinion probably doesn't count as much in this case, but I'll say something anyway, because I, too, think this is outrageous, but for somewhat different reasons.
I saw a coverage/reportage (whatever you call it in American English) about this family on TV here. I think, the BBC did a documentary on them as well. I have to say, these people really seem like they are clinically insane and they are at least as dangerous as the islamic fundamentalists America has a hate campaign running against. But the strange thing is, they are not only tolerated (or suffered perhaps in this case) but even supported by local, regional or federal government, because they are christians and christians are allowed to freely speak their mind in the US. Perhaps they look a little bit extreme to me as I'm a moderate Central European, but this would never happen here. And I'm not just saying this because I want to paint a nicer picture of my country. And I don't care that much about dead American soldiers, because that bed the US made themselves. It's just... we'd have the common decency not to show up with signs that say "god hates fags" and "god hates soldiers" at a fallen soldiers funeral, whether we support the war or not. These people are disrespectful, hateful and dangerous perturbators. And if you ask me, it's one more symptom of a society loosing what constitutes a democratic society in the first place: a shared set of morals, mutual help and respect, freedom only to the extent where you don't hurt or gravely offend others (which applies also to the freedom of speech) and so on. And if you ask me, people like these are a dime a dozen in the US. Just think about the recent Hutaree incident or whackjobs like Michael Griffin. There are more than 500 politically, religiously or racially motivated "hate groups" in the US, mostly armed to the teeth. 500!!! The question popping into my mind is, "America, where are you going?. a