There is no apologizing for a movie as abysmally bad as Battlefield Earth. Just keep quiet and stop reminding people that you have any association with it.
Makes me happy actually. I haven't seen a single episode of the show, now I get to watch every episode in order and don't have to wait for weekly episodes :D.
Gran Turismo 5- I haven't played one since GT3 so this will be great.
Halo Reach- Probably going to be vastly overhyped, but I need a different shooter right about now.
It looks like a lot of fun from the videos I've seen, but I would get bored of it after a few hours. Games like these are bargain bin purchases for me.
Before the strike, it was decently popular. It was no NFL, but it was at least easy to know when a game was on and Sportscenter would actually show highlights of more than one game.
Yes, everyone should still hate Nickelback, if they ever make some music with some variation then maybe they will be acceptable, but that's not happening. Hinder is terrible too, but they are nowhere near as overplayed.
Probably for the better. Volvos are decent cars, but for what they are they are severely overpriced. Ford seems to be making some pretty big steps over the other American manufacturers lately, and this just eliminates an unnecessary distraction.
This is easily one of the most pathetic things I've seen in a while. Half the time I cant tell the difference between little boys voices and girls voices on Xbox Live anyway :dunno:
There is no way in hell I'm just blindly buying this one. I will need to rent or borrow it first. MW2 is such a clusterfuck and I cant deal with that kind of stress again. If it is anything like COD4 I will be more than willing to buy it though.