Search results

  1. cartman24

    Crazy Surfin'!!

    Holy crap, way to hang zero.
  2. cartman24

    Valentines Day . . .

    So thats what Bowser does whit her...
  3. cartman24

    How to get a free McDonald's meal

    I know people that do this at car washes. Major douche move indeed.
  4. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Observe and Report Picked up a lot towards the end.
  5. cartman24

    Highlight of your day!!

    I slept 15 hours, being sick sucks.
  6. cartman24

    The Expendables!

    Looks like it should be very entertaining if nothing else. I don't know if they could have put any more action stars in the film if they wanted to.
  7. cartman24

    Maria Menounos, hot or not?

    I'd say she is hot, I would never pass her up if I had the opportunity.
  8. cartman24

    fleeing man jumps fence right into prison

    If only other prisoners could be this "smart".
  9. cartman24

    Butler Sticks One On Aniston's Bunghole

    Lucky ass dude right there.
  10. cartman24

    Tori Black or Miley Ann?

    Tori Black for me. Miley is cute, but not as cute.
  11. cartman24

    Battlefield Earth: writer JD Shapiro apologises

    There is no apologizing for a movie as abysmally bad as Battlefield Earth. Just keep quiet and stop reminding people that you have any association with it.
  12. cartman24

    $88 Billion Deposited in Va. Couple's Account

    I never find free money in my bank account...:(
  13. cartman24

    Fox cancels "24" TV show; movie version is next

    Makes me happy actually. I haven't seen a single episode of the show, now I get to watch every episode in order and don't have to wait for weekly episodes :D.
  14. cartman24

    Which one of these 2010 heavy hitters are you stoked for most?

    Gran Turismo 5- I haven't played one since GT3 so this will be great. Halo Reach- Probably going to be vastly overhyped, but I need a different shooter right about now.
  15. cartman24

    Best Cartoon of all time

    South Park Old Simpsons Aqua Teen Hunger Force
  16. cartman24

    Just Cause 2

    It looks like a lot of fun from the videos I've seen, but I would get bored of it after a few hours. Games like these are bargain bin purchases for me.
  17. cartman24

    Favorite South Park Episode?

    Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery I love that episode so much.
  18. cartman24

    Are you going to buy an iPad?

    Its an iPod Touch, only bigger. It can't multitask, and it would feel odd to hold. No, I'll pass.
  19. cartman24

    Anyone Miss The NHL on ESPN

    Before the strike, it was decently popular. It was no NFL, but it was at least easy to know when a game was on and Sportscenter would actually show highlights of more than one game.
  20. cartman24

    How often do you masturbate?

    Several times a week. Its a good way to let off stress ;)
  21. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Special Efx - Ballerina
  22. cartman24

    Favourite movie scene

    O5kJ6nJe1oc Awesome!
  23. cartman24

    Anyone Miss The NHL on ESPN

    I miss the days where hockey was popular, period.
  24. cartman24

    Why do you have a computer?

    School e-mail porn boredom Not wanting to be the asshole in the room who doesn't know how to use one.
  25. cartman24

    Ricky martin came out the closet

    So... is this just a last ditch attempt for him to become relevant again? Pathetic.
  26. cartman24

    I thought I was the only one!

    Must have deserved it for the dog to turn on them.
  27. cartman24

    Bowling Fail!

    Just another reason to enforce that bowling is not a real sport.
  28. cartman24

    Dog on Steroids

    I wouldn't worry, there is far too much muscle for it to run after me fast.
  29. cartman24

    "Clash of the Titans" Boom or Bust?

    This movie should be number 1. I would be shocked if anything beat it, way too much advertising and it looks pretty damn good.
  30. cartman24

    Question for the board music snobs.

    Yes, everyone should still hate Nickelback, if they ever make some music with some variation then maybe they will be acceptable, but that's not happening. Hinder is terrible too, but they are nowhere near as overplayed.
  31. cartman24

    Geely to buy Volvo from Ford for $1.8 billion

    Probably for the better. Volvos are decent cars, but for what they are they are severely overpriced. Ford seems to be making some pretty big steps over the other American manufacturers lately, and this just eliminates an unnecessary distraction.
  32. cartman24

    unemployed and have a facebook page?

    People that post things that should be private on Facebook deserve to get caught. Maybe it'll give them a bit of common sense.
  33. cartman24

    Racoon Bites Off Rapist's Penis!

    That raccoon did god's work. Very nice.
  34. cartman24

    Top 5 best games you ever played.

    Super Mario Bros 64 Mario 64 The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Halo Combat Evolved Quake 4
  35. cartman24

    Borderline Prostitution on Xbox Live?

    This is easily one of the most pathetic things I've seen in a while. Half the time I cant tell the difference between little boys voices and girls voices on Xbox Live anyway :dunno:
  36. cartman24

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Nadie from Cumfiesta. In my opinion, one of the most perfect girls I've ever seen.
  37. cartman24

    Elena Heiress vs Isis Love?

    Isis for me by a long shot.
  38. cartman24

    Maria Kirilenko vs. Maria Sharapova

    Sharapova has always had a special place in my heart.
  39. cartman24

    Wich girl has the most beautiful smile

    Re: prettiest smile Lets see: Addison Rose Austin Kincaid Britney Brighton Daisy Maire...
  40. cartman24

    let me take ur picture

    Looks like he's going for a good ol' fashioned rim shot.
  41. cartman24

    Monkey vs. Dog

    This went on for six hours.
  42. cartman24

    How Man Invented The Wheel

    BINGO, who needs science?
  43. cartman24

    For Those Who Like To See The White Stuff Fly!

    Yeah... clicking on this thread had no upside.
  44. cartman24

    Wanker Doll

    Tis needs to be replicated onto silicone for comfort.
  45. cartman24

    Which Video Game Character Are You?

    Master Chief, I knew that was coming.
  46. cartman24

    Rate the signature above you

    7/10 + points for the ass :D
  47. cartman24

    R.I.P Lemonparty

    I still don't want to click it. I feel like its a trap...
  48. cartman24

    Test Area V

  49. cartman24

    28 Weeks Later?

    I didn't like it all that much. It isn't really bad, just disappointing compared to 28 Days Later.
  50. cartman24

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops

    There is no way in hell I'm just blindly buying this one. I will need to rent or borrow it first. MW2 is such a clusterfuck and I cant deal with that kind of stress again. If it is anything like COD4 I will be more than willing to buy it though.