Halo Movie Trailer Debuts!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fuck, that looks badass. The Flood are just freaky looking. I guess cause its a green-band trailer they can't show the fat exploding ones. I can't wait to see them in action!
Its actually better than the actual film itself. I should know, I have a copy of it, it sucks so I destroyed it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Its actually better than the actual film itself. I should know, I had a copy of it, it sucked so I destroyed it.

Fixed your grammar there, sport. :o
Yeah anything posted on 4/1 needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I remember a few years ago when they released a Legend of Zelda movie trailer. It actually looked good though. :-/


what the fuck you lookin at?
looks like the real thing is in the works for 2012...
Like 99% of video game - movie translations, it will no doubt suck and be way overhyped! Hard to believe I know.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Aw, you got me all excited there for a moment :( ....cant believe Bollywood made a Halo film before Hollywood! Wheres Peter Jackson when you need him?! :confused: