Re: Your favorite porn 'one hit wonders'???
A girl from cumfiesta by the name of Nadie. She also did a bangbros scene under the name Nadia. I'd love to see more of her.
They did two things right and one thing wrong:
1.) They picked a fan-fucking-tastic Pantera album
2.) They actually used master tracks :D
1.) No Suicide Note Part 1, damnit that would be nice to sing
HOLY SHIT. I didn't even know that album came out! I haven't looked at dlc in months. I will have to get this soon, maybe we can play some together sometime.
I can't say I'm surprised, of course they'll discriminate against weight at a place like Hooters. I have to say that that image makes her look skinny as hell, but maybe it gives a false perspective, none of us know.
If there was a point to using Twitter I probably would, but it is completely useless and terribly designed (seriously, just add quick links to what someone responds to).
They should consider keeping all of the stats online (as in not viewable on the console, like Halo). I think that would alleviate some of the boosting.
Sad to see her go, but as long as they don't substitute someone for her that is far less attractive, (I'm Looking at you The Dark Knight) It shouldn't be all that bad.
Nope, I used to have mountain dew every day, then transferred to Monster eventually. Even still, I have never been addicted, I haven't had any in at least a month.