A 2 year old chain smoker, crazy world huh


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By the time he's ten that kids gonna have a voice like Tom waits.

If he lives that long.....

For you lazy people!
Usually in these countries kids are smoking by the age of 10 or 12. If the parents can't control whether or not their 2 year old is going to smoke or not, they suck ass at parenting and can't wait to see them try and control a teenager
Keep in mind that these "parents" probably make some extra money from having his picture taken or doing an interview. They are probably on the bottom of the foodchain and found an extra way to make some easy cash and feed their family.

Crazy world huh

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The Sun told on Saturday how the two-year-old got hooked after dad Mohammed gave him a fag at 18 months.

Lolz. Is this about gay marriage or cigarettes. You silly Brits...


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I hear the dad is up for father of the year. Let him smoke at 18 months, what the hell.
Unbelievable, something I'd expect to see in a comedy movie.