US congress awards another $205 million to Israel

We're actually very effective at selling arms to countries and groups opposed to Israel and then (maybe out of guilt or hope at keeping the balance) tossing some cash Israel's way. Mind you, I think the purse strings REALLY need to be tightened when it comes to Intl aid, Israel included. Being that the aid we now give to Palestine is being prominently used by Hamas leaders to pay for their vacation homes in Dubai and South America, that certainly needs to stop.

There's also the really bizarre biblical mandate that is becoming more and more prevalent. If anyone ever tells you the bulk of the so-called "Israeli lobby" in the US is Jewish, call their (usually antisemitic) BS -- it's more often than not Xtian Fundies seeking to fulfill the prelude to their chosen end-of-days prophecy. One of my former neighbors goes to Evangelical congregations and collects cash from these poor, delusional souls, purportedly for "Israel's defense." I suppose I could do the same, but I feel that milking gullible people out of their cash is best left to politicians.
There's also the really bizarre biblical mandate that is becoming more and more prevalent. If anyone ever tells you the bulk of the so-called "Israeli lobby" in the US is Jewish, call their (usually antisemitic) BS -- it's more often than not Xtian Fundies seeking to fulfill the prelude to their chosen end-of-days prophecy. One of my former neighbors goes to Evangelical congregations and collects cash from these poor, delusional souls, purportedly for "Israel's defense." I suppose I could do the same, but I feel that milking gullible people out of their cash is best left to politicians.

You are right, the evangelical christian zionists are the most delusional, brainwashed fools in the universe. They worship the Jews and Israel instead of Jesus. They believe in hogwash biblical phrophecy, revelation bs. They are poor and uneducated, they have pathetic lives, they feel like they are going to have the last laugh because they will be saved on the day of judgement while the rest of the non believers burn in eternal hell. They are fanatical religious trash, no different than a fanatical extremist Muslim or fanatical Jewish extremist. Sarah Palin and Mike Suckabee are these sort of braindead christian excrements.


You are right, the evangelical christian zionists are the most delusional, brainwashed fools in the universe. They worship the Jews and Israel instead of Jesus. They believe in hogwash biblical phrophecy, revelation bs. They are poor and uneducated, they have pathetic lives, they feel like they are going to have the last laugh because they will be saved on the day of judgement while the rest of the non believers burn in eternal hell. They are fanatical religious trash, no different than a fanatical extremist Muslim or fanatical Jewish extremist. Sarah Palin and Mike Suckabee are these sort of braindead christian excrements.

I think even Jesus the Nazarene would beat you about the head with a big are making emceeemcee sound rational...!:rolleyes:

I'll give you $50 if you go post here, and stop wasting space in FreeOnes Talk...really!
Although most of the posts are a bit above you intellectually, they will welcome another ranting racist brother, I'm sure!:wave2:

EDIT: Do not post link to any other forum
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I think even Jesus the Nazarene would beat you about the head with a big are making emceeemcee sound rational...!:rolleyes:

I'll give you $50 if you go post here, and stop wasting space in FreeOnes Talk...really!
Although most of the posts are a bit above you intellectually, they will welcome another ranting racist brother, I'm sure!:wave2:

EDIT: Do not post link to any other forum.

You are an embarrassment to Jews. If you were representative of all Jews, than anti semitism would completely logical and justifiable. I bet you look like a gargoyle in person, a cross between golem and gilbert gottfried, Im sure women find you utterly repulsive.
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clearly the $205 million has upset pitmaster, he appears to be frothing

Every American should be pissed that their tax dollars would go to support a regime that stands for Racism, Ethnic cleansing, and Terrorism. Every decent person in the world should be pissed that such injustices and oppression are allowed to take place in our world. The Serbians were not allowed to ethnically cleanse Albanians, The South Africans were not allowed to have their Apartheid state, The Nazis were not allowed to have their way with Racism and Extermination= Why are the Israelis allowed to do these evil things???? The USA and Israel together are the greatest purveyor of Violence and Terrorism in the world. You can not legitimately defend Israeli terror and oppression and possess a conscience. Defending Israel is no different than defending Nazi war crimes. The world is waking up and the USA needs to get the memo, you can't pretend to be the good guy when you support and enable pure evil.
"The Nazis were not allowed to have their way with Racism and Extermination= Why are the Israelis allowed to do these evil things"

If the Israelis are trying to "exterminate" the Palestinians, they're doing a piss poor job -- just sayin'. The closest thing to ACTUAL religious/ethnic cleansing taking place in the world today is occurring in Africa, and (surprise surprise) the religion of "peace" is at the helm.


Actually, I'm quite good looking:D; and when did I claim to be a Jewish are assuming this? You must be a Jihadi, hating all women and wanting to kill Grannies and little children to show your manliness...!:rofl:

Anyway, anyone who finds your insane ranting ...well, insane... is a perfectly normal, rational person; but thanks for the contrast you provide!:D
As for antiSemitism, folks in your class of intellect don't need any inspiration to find some fanatical reason to hate mythical people (Israelis don't really match any of your and emceeemcee's descriptions); and I have had to turn down the US diplomatic service countless times; they want me to be the official American Goodwill Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
I'm just so busy plotting World Jewish Domination that I don't have the time.

But hey...congratulations on getting out of the red REP Zone're such a charmer!:wave2:


Actually, I'm quite good looking:D; and when did I claim to be a Jewish are assuming this? You must be a Jihadi, hating all women and wanting to kill Grannies and little children to show your manliness...!:rofl:

Anyway, anyone who finds your insane ranting ...well, insane... is a perfectly normal, rational person; but thanks for the contrast you provide!:D
As for antiSemitism, folks in your class of intellect don't need any inspiration to find some fanatical reason to hate mythical people (Israelis don't really match any of your and emceeemcee's descriptions); and I have had to turn down the US diplomatic service countless times; they want me to be the official American Goodwill Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
I'm just so busy plotting World Jewish Domination that I don't have the time.

But hey...congratulations on getting out of the red REP Zone're such a charmer!:wave2:

^Trufax that....Hax.
did you know that america is the country with the highest debts in the world?

Clearly Israel is at fault...XD
if we're being honest, the aid we send to Israel or any other country is NOTHING in comparison to the 1/2 trillion we spend a year on the military -- or for that matter, the 250+ billion we piss away in the desert every year.
My god, we need to worry about our own economic issues before just handing it to other countries. I wish the US would just go neutral for a while.
It´s for helped Israel to buy more nuclear weapons, and used in "Samsom option" against all the world. because the only country in the world who have the "devine law" to use nuclear weapons in the "sacred" U.S, and the "devine" Israel.
Every American should be pissed that their tax dollars would go to support a regime that stands for Racism, Ethnic cleansing, and Terrorism. Every decent person in the world should be pissed that such injustices and oppression are allowed to take place in our world. The Serbians were not allowed to ethnically cleanse Albanians, The South Africans were not allowed to have their Apartheid state, The Nazis were not allowed to have their way with Racism and Extermination= Why are the Israelis allowed to do these evil things???? The USA and Israel together are the greatest purveyor of Violence and Terrorism in the world. You can not legitimately defend Israeli terror and oppression and possess a conscience. Defending Israel is no different than defending Nazi war crimes. The world is waking up and the USA needs to get the memo, you can't pretend to be the good guy when you support and enable pure evil.

you need to smoke a joint, i'm not saying you're wrong all governments do fucked up things to their people and people of other nations, they'll step on anyone they're capable of to serve their own ends, but you need to chill a bit


Sigh...if emceeemcee didn't exist God would have to create him for us, just to shine as an example of what fanaticism can do to a personality...eewww. Nasty and sad, but somehow amusing in a wild-eyed crazy guy on the corner ranting kinda way!:D

God? Who would have guessed that phil was one of the imaginary friend crew as well as a neocon. BIG suprise.

Clearly you are desperate to believe that the Israeli's are America's best friend, so let's take a look at this shoddy article you spammed up-

"Senator Daniel Inouye has stated that Israeli data on the Soviet military has saved the U.S. billions of dollars and that the contribution made by Israeli intelligence to America exceeds information provided by all NATO countries combined."

How did Russia get the bomb? Americans gave Russia the nuclear secrets, not just Americans but Zionists, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Morris Cohen, Martin Sobell, David Greenglass, Klaus Fuchs and Harry Gold

Also, any savings are completely negated by the inconvenient facts, which you choose to overlook, that Israel reverse engineers everything it buys from the United States and sells it on to countries like Iran, Venezuala, China (you'd be the first to be frothing at the mouth, labeling those countries as terrorist states)

The world is a funny place. With 95% of the worlds weapons design and development being done in the US, why is it that American technologies show up in enemy hands continually? Could the long history of Israeli spying against the US be involved?

Case in point, the JA 10 Strike Fighter; Designed to go toe to toe with the F 16 at a third the cost, the Chinese JA 10 is a bargain. Problem is, it is also largely American. Is America upset that their design and avionics are showing up in Iran? Why has China built a plant to construct this advanced fighter in Paksitan, a fighter that is the result of a joint project between the governments of Israel and China?

Are you confused? You are supposed to be. With Russia building a plant in India to produce a new stealth fighter based on the stolen plans of the F 22 Raptor, why shouldn’t Paksitan be producing their version of the F-16? What do these two enemies have in common? “Their planes are largely American designs, designs stolen by spies, and distributed by Israel, even to Pakistan, Israel’s sworn enemy

Perhaps the most troubling of all is the Israeli/Chinese arms relationship. Israel is China's second largest supplier of arms. Coincidentally, the newest addition to the Chinese air force, the F-10 multi-role fighter, is an almost identical version of the Lavi (Lion). The Lavi was a joint Israeli-American design based upon the F-16 for manufacture in Israel, but financed mostly with American aid. Plagued by cost overruns, it was canceled in 1987, but not before the U.S. spent $1.5 billion on the project.

Last April, when the Navy EP-3E surveillance plane was forced to land in China after a Chinese F-8 fighter flew into its propeller, photos show Israeli built Python 3 missiles under the fighter's wings.

If Israeli weapons sales to China induce misgivings, including the most recent U.S. blocked sale of Israel's Phalcon airborne radar, the beneficiaries of Chinese arms transfers of Israeli-American technology are even more disturbing. In 1996, as disclosed in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, China sold over 100 missiles and launchers to Iran, along with a handful of combat aircraft and warships. Even worse, in 1997 the New York Daily News reported that Iraq had deployed Israeli-developed, Chinese PL-8 missiles in the no-fly zones, endangering American pilots.

Israel's dealings with the scum of the world's tyrants-including the white clique in South Africa, Somoza of Nicaragua, Gen. Pinochet of Chile, Marcos of the Philippines, Duvalier of Haiti, Mobutu of Zaire, the allegedly cannibalistic Bokassa of the Central African Republic-invariably result in its further exclusion from more "respectable" circles.

How many billions you think that costs your country phil?

"In 1981, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, stalling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capabilities and allowing the U.S. to engage in conventional warfare with Iraq in 1991 and 2003."

Rubbish. The attack sped up the nuclear weapons program-
Prior to that attack, Osirak had regularly been inspected, and the IAEA saw no evidence of any attempt to construct a nuclear weapons programme
The IAEA conducted numerous inspecitions of Osirak and found absoultly no evidence that Iraq was developing a weapons program.

" In order to prevent such attacks from occurring in the future, Baghdad took prompt action after Israel's successful air strike. Khadduri explained, "We began to disperse our nuclear facilities to end up with eight or nine sites for production, processing, enrichment design and research."

The norm, however, required the evasion of a few inconvenient facts. Shortly after the 1981 bombing, the Osirak site was inspected by a prominent nuclear physicist, Richard Wilson, then chair of the physics department at Harvard University. He concluded that the installation bombed was not suited for plutonium production, as Israel had charged, unlike Israel's own Dimona reactor, which had reportedly produced several hundred nuclear weapons. His conclusions were supported by the Iraqi nuclear physicist Imad Khadduri, who was in charge of experimental work at the reactor before the bombing and later fled the country. He too reported that the Osirak reactor was unsuitable for the production of plutonium, though after the Israeli bombing in 1981, Iraq took the "solid decision to go full speed ahead with weaponization." Khadduri estimated that it would have taken Iraq decades to obtain the required amount of weapons-grade material, had the program not been sharply accelerated as a result of the bombing. "Israel's action increased the determination of Arabs to produce nuclear weapons," Kenneth Waltz concluded. "Israel's strike, far from foreclosing Iraq's nuclear career, gained Iraq support from some other Arab states to pursue it."

"Israel shares with the US important experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs."

And their top reasons for terrorist doing so are because of your relationship with Israelis.

"Most of the US military aid to Israel must be spent in the United States, which benefits US military contractors."

This is the biggest BS claim of them all. It doesn't benefit anyone other than Israel.

The United States PAYS another country to buy things from it. This is just corporate welfare.

"In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel."

US stores weapons there and no military analyst worth his salt is of the opinion that Israel has anything to offer of worth to the United States. They have minimal manpower and no resources.Robert Baer, Bill and Kathy Christison, Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, and Michael Scheuer are all CIA veterans who have shot holes in the 'strategic alliance' BS

"I know who I trust in an all out war...and who has devoted enormous time and energy into killing Americans. "

Yeah me too, and it's not necons and zionists.They've got you bogged down in endless war in the middle east making enemies out of people who weren't your enemies before, drawing you into insurgencies that have helped tip your country to breaking point financially while esculating terrorism.

The rest of that cute little cut and pasta just talks about existing developments that the Israelies have added to. Nothing origianl There are no crucial bits of weaponry or resources that America couldn't have made on it's own or done without. Prove me wrong if you want, I need a good laugh.

It's getting much harder to be an apologist for a racist state which tried to proliferate nuclear weapons to a white supremcist nation while also proliferating coventional US made weapons weapons to the Iranians, the Chinese etc


God? Who would have guessed that phil was one of the imaginary friend crew as well as a neocon. BIG suprise.

Clearly you are desperate to believe that the Israeli's are America's best friend, so let's take a look at this shoddy article you spammed up-

"Senator Daniel Inouye has stated that Israeli data on the Soviet military has saved the U.S. billions of dollars and that the contribution made by Israeli intelligence to America exceeds information provided by all NATO countries combined."

Also, any savings are completely negated by the inconvenient facts, which you choose to overlook, that Israel reverse engineers everything it buys from the United States and sells it on to countries like Iran, Venezuala, China (you'd be the first to be frothing at the mouth, labeling those countries as terrorist states)

How many billions you think that costs your country phil?

"In 1981, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, stalling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capabilities and allowing the U.S. to engage in conventional warfare with Iraq in 1991 and 2003."

Rubbish. The attack sped up the nuclear weapons program-

"Israel shares with the US important experience in homeland defense and warfare against suicide bombers and car bombs."

And their top reasons for terrorist doing so are because of your relationship with Israelis.

"Most of the US military aid to Israel must be spent in the United States, which benefits US military contractors."

This is the biggest BS claim of them all. It doesn't benefit anyone other than Israel.

The United States PAYS another country to buy things from it. This is just corporate welfare.

"In contrast to US commitments to Korea, Japan, Germany and numerous other countries in which the US has over 100 military bases, the US has no military bases in Israel."

US stores weapons there and no military analyst worth his salt is of the opinion that Israel has anything to offer of worth to the United States. They have minimal manpower and no resources.Robert Baer, Bill and Kathy Christison, Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, and Michael Scheuer are all CIA veterans who have shot holes in the 'strategic alliance' BS

"I know who I trust in an all out war...and who has devoted enormous time and energy into killing Americans. "

Yeah me too, and it's not necons and zionists.They've got you bogged down in endless war in the middle east making enemies out of people who weren't your enemies before, drawing you into insurgencies that have helped tip your country to breaking point financially while esculating terrorism.

The rest of that cute little cut and pasta just talks about existing developments that the Israelies have added to. Nothing origianl There are no crucial bits of weaponry or resources that America couldn't have made on it's own or done without. Prove me wrong if you want, I need a good laugh.

It's getting much harder to be an apologist for a racist state which tried to proliferate nuclear weapons to a white supremcist nation while also proliferating coventional US made weapons weapons to the Iranians, the Chinese etc

Woah lad hold your horses! Hes actually apparantly quite good looking.


Woah lad hold your horses! Hes actually apparantly quite good looking.
Damn straight...
(Unlike JJ85, who is a wizened, hyperactive Leprechaun; "ugly and illiterate is no way to go through life, son.", to paraphrase Dean Wormer.):rofl2: