Exactly my thoughts. Its insane that someone gets in trouble because the media felt like they needed to blow up this story, even though noting can be proved.
Not sure if he is the right replacement, he just doesn't seem to fit the mold. I am sick of Daniel Craig though, so it doesn't really bother me too much.
Hopefully they keep making first person shooters at the new company. I'd like to think that MW2 is so fucked up because of Activision pushing so hard, so this could be a breath of fresh air. Anyway, goodbye Infinity Ward, your glory days are gone.
I can't really explain it. If you try a real form of racing, then you gain a better appreciation for what they do. One major plus is that you can bring your own booze into the races and drink to your hearts content.
Can't say I have ever been a fan of them, but this is still really sad. Liquid Metal (Sirius channel) is doing a tribute to him every hour until monday night.
Hard to take a stance (who knows what he said/did), but I can't imagine it could have been bad enough to provoke that. Police need to back down from their power trip.
Bad teeth are by far the biggest turn off for me. I wouldn't totally shut a girl down because of them (they can always be fixed) but I would be hesitant.
2D, definitely. 3D is a stupid gimmick that adds absolutely nothing to the movie. Even a movie like Avatar that was designed for 3D did nothing for me, if anything it made the experience an annoyance because of the uncomfortable glasses.