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  1. cartman24

    Can you solve this maze?

    I solved it the legitimate way, however the most efficient way is to just go straight up and around the border :).
  2. cartman24

    Favorite Babe over 70 - The Poll

    I'm definitely going with none of the above. I put a cap on girls that are over 30 years older than me (let alone 50).
  3. cartman24

    Game 4 Lakers Versus Thunder

    I'd love to see OKC go all the way. Durant is amazing.
  4. cartman24

    How do you Like you Hto Dog

    Ketchum, mustard, and relish. Damn its good.
  5. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Avantasia - Stargazers So amazingly good.
  6. cartman24

    What is your favorite auto racing type?

    I like NASCAR, but only the set-up that they used before the retarded "chase". Old style rubbin-is-racing, thats what it was all about.
  7. cartman24

    Man down to his last $30 wins 258 million

    I'm just happy it isn't someone so old that they could die at any moment as usual. Good for him.
  8. cartman24

    who is the hottest indian pornstar?

    Priya Rai, as long as she isn't "orgasm-ing"
  9. cartman24

    most beautiiful girl on the planet

    Olivia Munn :yesyes:
  10. cartman24

    How old are you ?

  11. cartman24

    Taylor Swift or Shawna Lenee

    Taylor, I have always wanted to know what a singer's orgasms sound like.
  12. cartman24

    Ha, I used to feel the same way, good luck.

    Ha, I used to feel the same way, good luck.
  13. cartman24

    Azusa Yoshizuki Vs. Yoko Matsugane

    Yoko for me. I love her hair color.
  14. cartman24

    Batman, Spiderman, X-Men or Ironman movies

    Its a toss up between Iron Man and Batman. I have to go with Iron Man, only because I didn't like Batman Begins nearly as much as either The Dark Knight or Iron Man.
  15. cartman24

    I don't think she is tan enough.

    Looks just about perfect to me.
  16. cartman24

    One hell of a pair of sexy kn...

    Her knee nipples have finger tips :eek:
  17. cartman24


    A fine serving plate indeed.
  18. cartman24

    WORK It's Really Piled Up On Your Desk

    Sure as hell shuffles my priorities around.
  19. cartman24

    I think she's hot.

    She is pretty cute, the back-and-forth between you guys was the only funny part about this thread though.
  20. cartman24

    Iron Man Punches Hugh Grant

    That was... interesting, and I loved it.
  21. cartman24

    Steven Seagal emotion chart

    I especially like confused :yesyes:
  22. cartman24

    Family portrait

    Might want to get that touched up before framing...
  23. cartman24

    Inflatable Wild Swan

    To hide the evidence :dunno:
  24. cartman24

    Dangerous Sex kills

    Hope he doesn't shoot his load on her.
  25. cartman24

    Happy Hour

    Nice, and you don't even have to be drunk to think she's hot.
  26. cartman24

    Utah death row inmate chooses firing squad

    Ultimate badass way to go.
  27. cartman24

    Beatuful plus model

    Not bad, I certainly wouldn't shut her down.
  28. cartman24

    Armpit Fucking / Bagpiping

    Seriously... whats next. Will some dudes start to fuck a girl between her head and her shoulder when this gets boring. I don't see how this could be arousing for either side.
  29. cartman24

    Arizona Immigration Bill PASSES!!

    About time someone steps up and does this.
  30. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Killers - Sams Town I forgot how much I like this band.
  31. cartman24

    Test Area V

    New sig
  32. cartman24

    To all you Iphone/Apple haters...

    If Verizon had the Iphone I would have bought one too, but AT&T service sucks, period. I'll take my Droid and be plenty happy with it.
  33. cartman24

    Outtie or Innie

  34. cartman24

    Do you know where to get fresh unicorn?

    So thats where they've been hiding...
  35. cartman24

    Okay, who here shaves their pubes

    I trim, shaving causes way too much "itchyness"
  36. cartman24

    Wiping Your Ass: Do You Stand Or Sit?

    I just lean forward a bit, that gives me sufficient clearance :yesyes:
  37. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

  38. cartman24

    Has Microsoft lost your trust??

    It all depends on when it releases and what its like. If it depends on motion controls I say fuck it, otherwise I might buy it launch day.
  39. cartman24

    If You Like Hot Peppers ....

    I'd pay extra for that brand!
  40. cartman24

    Tramp Stamps

    They are ok, but when the girl gets older it isn't going to look so sexy.
  41. cartman24

    MLB 2010 Thread

    Red Sox down by three in the second, this trend is really getting old. I know its early, but it will still be hard to dig themselves out of this hole they're digging.
  42. cartman24

    So long hitler...

    Probably a good thing, its funny, but it was starting to get old. Someone needs to find a new clip now :D.
  43. cartman24

    Who says LEGOS are for kids?

    If only life were like legos. Just add more bricks for a bigger johnson :D
  44. cartman24


    Aww, not cool.
  45. cartman24

    You can actually hear it right now!

    Ha, reminds me of my childhood :)
  46. cartman24

    I think I could solve it!

    I bet people would buy these too *facepalm*
  47. cartman24

    Someone actually took the time to make this!

    Might as well have made it a water fountain with all the time it must have taken to make...
  48. cartman24

    Barber shop in Poland

    Looks like my kind of place.
  49. cartman24

    General Motors repays government loans, plans $120M investment in Detroit-area plant

    Re: General Motors repays government loans, plans $120M investment in Detroit-area pl I didn't expect to see this for a long time... Maybe they can improve their terrible quality with the apparent growth in revenue.
  50. cartman24

    Christina Hendricks vs Megan Fox

    Megan Fox, aside from the tattoos, she is just about perfect in my eyes.