Is Anyone Else Addicted to Caffeine?

I drink so much goddamned coffee and RedBull its sickening. Usually I'll have 2-3 cups of Dunkin' Black in the morning, and 2-3 8.4 oz RedBulls throughout the remainder of the day, and a cup or 2 of coffee around 10:00 pm. If I don't have one or the other by noon, I'm tired as all hell and usually have a raging migraine-like headache that doesn't go away for hours. I've been trying to find some literature as to how to go about "quitting" caffeine, and there is some interesting stuff out there that I have found and will probably try very soon.

Was just wondering if anyone else has issues with caffeine, or experiences the same "withdrawl" symptoms as I do. For the lack of better terminology, it freaking sucks! In my experience it was easier to kick a rabid cocaine habit than to put down the caffeine! :mad:


Closed Account
have you tried caffeinete gum? also I found that it helps to carry an empty cup so that when you feel like coffee you can ease the urge by pretending to drink.
I'm also addicted to caffeine, I mostly drink black coffee and coke. I think that there is no hope but to carry on depending on that drug ;)
Nevertheless, something that helps me is drinking alcohol. If I drink a beer instead of a coffee I won't feel that need for caffeine. It will only come later, so you can drink another beer.
And according to recent polls : beer is good.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Nope. Don't drink coffee, almost never drink any type of soda. Don't use "bottled" water. Right from the tap is fine.
I use to drink tons of coffee and energy drinks when I was younger but stopped drinking because of how irritated my stomach got after doing it for a few years. Its like any other bad habit you have to ween yourself off of it or just stop all together. I stopped all together and felt like shit for a few weeks(really tired and groggy) but after that you will be fine
Too many Diet Cokes and I literally get sick...sort of like a kind of minor headache. Don't know why. I think it's the aspertame or something. There is a lot of poison in soda that people aren't aware of. I do love my coffee in the morning though. Usually 2-3 20 oz. cups. Other than that I usually go for caffeine free pop nowadays.
Nope, I used to have mountain dew every day, then transferred to Monster eventually. Even still, I have never been addicted, I haven't had any in at least a month.
I hate coffee and redbull and other engery drinks, they just make my stomach feel like shit. But I average 4-5 cans of soda a day. My dentist loves me (actually I haven't had a cavity since I was 12 :D)
i am addicted t soft drinks , soda , pop what ever people call them .
i tried to kick the habbit and i just wasnt having any of it
I have a coffee in the morning and sometimes a latte or another coffee at night, I could survive without though and I don't have fizzy or energy drinks at all, my teeth don't react well to them


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Not anymore. I had to give up coffee months ago because the tannic acid in it was tearing my stomach lining apart (I'm not a big breakfast guy so coffee on an empty stomach every day was a regular regimen). I can't say that I miss it to be honest with you. And no more late-morning "crashes". I drink Gatorade in the morning now and the electrolytes seem to give me more genuine energy than the artificial buzz that caffeine did.
I made a conscious effort 5 years ago to avoid caffeine. I don't feel jittery when I drink coffee, but my stomach becomes the bottom of the Mississippi.


Hiliary 2020
My names Meester and I'm a caffeinaholic.
It started out watching my parents and relatives drinking the stuff in coffee.
Then as a teen I experimented, Colombian, Hawaiian, Ethiopian, Chase and Sanborn.
I handled it pretty well for some time, many years, only in the morning to wake me up.
A boost.
Then I started using it recreationally, sometimes even at night.
Now I drink caffeine about 3 times a day, even in the gym.
If I don't have it I am moody, edgy and just can't function until I get some pumpin in my viens.
It took me a while to face up to the fact that I was an addict, a caffeine junkie, but I think I'm ready to cross that bridge right here on freeones.


Official Checked Star Member
I always grew up proud of the fact that I didn't drink coffee and get addicted to it like my parents are. I've only had one coffee ever in my lifetime and really thought I'd avoid caffeine addiction, especially since I didn't even grow up drinking Coke or any of that.

In enters Diet coke...started drinking it two years ago when I was on a stupid diet (wooo for zero cals) but after I stopped the diet, and tried to stop the diet coke, I found that I couldn't. Now I have to have it when I wake up and I hate it lol. I need to quit but hate that shitty, rundown sicky feeling. Boo :(
Nope don't drink coffee. Rarely drink energy drinks any more. Though for a while I did drink a lot of Jolt. Not big on pop either. I drink tea.