I drink so much goddamned coffee and RedBull its sickening. Usually I'll have 2-3 cups of Dunkin' Black in the morning, and 2-3 8.4 oz RedBulls throughout the remainder of the day, and a cup or 2 of coffee around 10:00 pm. If I don't have one or the other by noon, I'm tired as all hell and usually have a raging migraine-like headache that doesn't go away for hours. I've been trying to find some literature as to how to go about "quitting" caffeine, and there is some interesting stuff out there that I have found and will probably try very soon.
Was just wondering if anyone else has issues with caffeine, or experiences the same "withdrawl" symptoms as I do. For the lack of better terminology, it freaking sucks! In my experience it was easier to kick a rabid cocaine habit than to put down the caffeine!
Was just wondering if anyone else has issues with caffeine, or experiences the same "withdrawl" symptoms as I do. For the lack of better terminology, it freaking sucks! In my experience it was easier to kick a rabid cocaine habit than to put down the caffeine!