Search results

  1. cartman24

    Kim Kardashian denies causing stench on airplane

    It kills me that people actually report on shit like this. Who the fuck cares.
  2. cartman24

    The Human Centipede

    This reaction (to the trailer) is classic. 9zpbYatJRKI
  3. cartman24

    This photoshoot is too sexy!

    The male sex drive prevails again!
  4. cartman24

    Look at the tits on this!

    Haha, nice.
  5. cartman24

    100% Natural

    Not many positives that I can see right there. I wouldn't touch that.
  6. cartman24

    Drinking n' Driving - done right?

    So when they go to a party, does the host take away the battery?
  7. cartman24

    The Human Centipede

    A lot of people seem to be up in arms about how "disgusting" and "wrong" the premise of this movie is. People are even having reactions similar to that of 2 girls one cup on youtube. Personally I didn't think it was bad at all, what does everyone else think...
  8. cartman24

    COD ModernWarfare 3 wishlist

    1.) A spawn system that actually works (and doesn't spawn people behind you for the idiotic payback) 2.) Removal of overpowered killstreaks (Predator Missile, Harrier, Chopper Gunner, AC130, Nuke) 3.) Nerf the Assault rifles to a point where it actually makes sense to use smgs, lmgs, etc. Maybe...
  9. cartman24

    Call of Duty: Vietnam confirmed

    If it has any more than 3 killstreaks then I'll pass :).
  10. cartman24

    Test Area V

    Not so sure about text...
  11. cartman24

    Pink Floyd Is The gReatest Band Of All Time.

    Nope, please try again. They are good, but certainly not the best.
  12. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

  13. cartman24

    Bungie partners with!

    Here's what probably happened: Bungie still needed a publisher and after all of the shit-storm that the Infinity Ward situation caused, bungie saw an opening and made a deal that will give them a much bigger portion than they would have received had the IW thing never happened. Activision needed...
  14. cartman24

    If you were god, what would you change about the MALE body?

    Make all dicks the same size. BAM, solve a lot of problems right there.
  15. cartman24


    Not perfect, at least to me, but damn nice.
  16. cartman24

    Bmw gina

    Umm, is the body spandex???
  17. cartman24

    This is one car i don't what

    Its about time they start transporting the bodies faster :)
  18. cartman24

    A car with 6 wheels

    I can't imagine how this would benefit anything.
  19. cartman24

    Would you even bother to pick up a dime off the street ?

    If I'm alone i'll pick up change on the street, just throw it in my change jar and call it a day.
  20. cartman24

    Hustler's Jesse James Parody

    Pretty stupid if you ask me. Men don't give a shit about the whole Jesse- James story, so why the hell would they buy this? The dude doesn't even look like him, like at all.
  21. cartman24

    The new $100 bill design

    I don't know. I think I need a few samples to make a judgement :D.
  22. cartman24

    Best Link for HQ Pics

    Good links are good :).
  23. cartman24

    funniest game glitches you've witnessed

    Turok Evolution I was messing around with all of the cheats, and had god mode and every weapon on the final boss battle. There was this pulse gun in the game that you could charge up that I was playing with. The boss was a guy on a t-rex with guns and shit, so he charged me like crazy. So me...
  24. cartman24

    If you had 72 Pornstars??

    I don't know, I'll just draw names out of a hat.
  25. cartman24

    Anyone hitting a plateau in this gen (ps3/360) and starting to get.....

    I could care less for graphics, I care way more about the longevity of a game's online portion and the overall fun. I'm at a point where I barely even pay attention to graphics honestly, I just want innovation.
  26. cartman24

    Its Kim Kardashian.

    Its Kim Kardashian.
  27. cartman24

    I never killed kenny, lies all lies.

    I never killed kenny, lies all lies.
  28. cartman24


    She is absolutely right, all that plastic surgery would cost a fortune!
  29. cartman24

    Ski Jump Fail

    At least he stuck the landing...
  30. cartman24


    Asses are EVERYWHERE, and I love it.
  31. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Indeed. The visual quality that can be rendered in a relatively short period is stunning.
  32. cartman24

    Starcraft cheating scandal in South Korea

    I find it amazing on its own that people actually bet on video games anywhere. Its only a matter of time before the US picks up on this.
  33. cartman24

    Nina Mercedez or Devon Michaels?

    Devon for me, just more my type.
  34. cartman24


    That much weight centralized in one position cannot be good for any infrastructure.
  35. cartman24


    Someone needs to call a lolercopter to survey the damage.
  36. cartman24

    It all makes sense now

    So every time we call them fat it just encourages them, interesting.
  37. cartman24

    At at

    I see what they did there.
  38. cartman24


    Horrible, yet hilarious.
  39. cartman24

    Compare and contrast

    The pumpkin is probably a bit more active...
  40. cartman24

    Accident causing billboard

    At least they died happy.
  41. cartman24

    WOW! Look at the way she fucks!

    I love the way Daisy moves. I have been a fan of hers for years. I've said it many times before, her only imperfection is that monstrosity of a tattoo on her back.
  42. cartman24

    Sci-Fi/Horror fans... Alien vs The Thing

    I'm pretty sure the thing would win. As long as the alien's body is inhabitable by them it would only be a matter of time.
  43. cartman24

    WSOBP - World Series Of Beer Pong

    I'm in as long as someone else is buying :D.
  44. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Monsters Vs. Aliens Not too bad for a kiddy movie.
  45. cartman24

    An Inside Perspective

    Reminds me of this:
  46. cartman24

    He just saw 2 girls, 1 cup

    Can i haz mind eraser...
  47. cartman24

    Fap Fap Fap

    So it isn't just the men...
  48. cartman24


    Oh my gosh, that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie wasn't fiction!
  49. cartman24

    I don't know...quit asking!

    Nice, i love dumb people.
  50. cartman24

    Chic Boarding a helicopter

    I need to get me a helicopter.