Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
That's his point . . . maybe? :dunno:
Bingo! You win the kewpie doll, F!!! I was waiting for some right wingnut to say this. I just didn't think it would be you.
That's his point . . . maybe? :dunno:
If we put the State of Alabama up for auction on eBay, what could we get for it?
Maybe $50....
he is more a community organizer than a president
Idiotic statement. No one (with any degree of rationality) would want the president of the United States to be assassinated. However, apparently you think it's no big deal that someone on the right would feel that way.
I'm no "lib" either....just an American.
It is funny though that people called for Bush's death all the time at every rally held against him....
It may have been in bad taste, but I bet those kids will never forget that geometric principle associated with it.
Some of them won't forget to try and assasinate President Obama either :ak47:
Watch out there Odysseus....the Secret Service monitors this website and they have agents in the UK. :eek:
The main thing is to destroy all of those greedy working people! Just take them down, by all and any means necessary, then there will be equality.
Hail - Hail the lazy deadbeat proletariat! :bowdown:
Do you agree with me ?
I don't think this is a big deal.
Whats would they fire him for, having bad taste?
Its not like he's condoning the assasination of the long legged mack daddy.
Its really a first amendment thing.
I have thought of what would happen if he got wacked, many of you probably have also.
And as a teacher I think its a good conversation topic.
I think if he did get wacked and it was a white guy who did the wacking the consequences would be very different to if it was a black.
I hope it doesnt happen, but just talking about it should not be punishable.
Hell were not in 16th century England are we.
Yeah...right...there was a huge lovefest when this film was released.
Thanks for playing, try again.