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  1. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Wow, seems like way too much time off.
  2. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Is the Frozen Four going to be shown on ESPN?
  3. M

    Door to Door Magazine Sellers

    I think that is my problem, I'm just too nice. I cant say NO to people.:dunno:
  4. M

    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    Whats really sad, is the mom begged her not to go to USC.
  5. M

    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    Reward money just went from $10,000 to $135,000.
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    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    Is negligence worse than intentional? I cant bare to hear that girl's poor mother cry anymore. I too just shake my head and wonder why?
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    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    What kind of world do we live in where people just drive away? This is beyond negligent.
  8. M

    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    The person thrown off the car was a male friend. He is alive but in the hospital with serious injuries. Living in Los Angeles, I have been at that USC intersection before. In fact, I drove by there today and it is in deed a busy intersection. It is one of the entrances into USC, and I fail to...
  9. M

    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    Absolute shame! I hope they catch these sons of bicthes. Girl was killed, and her friend was dragged on top of the car and thrown off.
  10. M

    I love gapes, and I know there R others who do 2

    I thought this thread was about grapes... the fruit. Please excuse my mistake, I'm all doped up on Nyquil right now and about to crash.
  11. M

    Frozen Pizza

    Celeste is good for the late night/ dont feel like cooking/ piss drunk. Only problem is they dont come in bigger sizes.
  12. M

    Lisa Ann was on Love Line

    Lisa Ann was guest host last night (3/29/2009) on Love Line and it was great! She talked about her career, the Sarah Palin video, and she also mentioned that she will be in a upcoming Eminem music video.
  13. M

    Shamwow Guy busted! The guy at 1:11 is wearing a KKK shirt!
  14. M

    Shamwow Guy busted!

    Yeah I can defiantly seeing him jocking himself because he is the ShamWow guy. :1orglaugh
  15. M

    Shamwow Guy busted!

    How do the they even realize its him? Does he go around bragging who he is? "Do you know who I am?" And either he aged really horribly, or that Shamwow commercial was shot when he was 24 years old.
  16. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Holy shit, Toronto vs. Buffalo game tonight was insane!!! Lets go Sabres :)
  17. M

    California home is struck by car for third time in 10 months

    Kinda funny but sucks they haven't caught the bastards. Ive actually heard similar stories of this happening with homes that face a stop sign.
  18. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I want to have hockey night at my buddys place tomorrow for the Wild vs. Rangers, but he thinks it wont be a good game.
  19. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I finally get to watch a game on Versus today :) Devils vs Phylers.
  20. M

    Parolee kills 3 Oakland Police officers

    Im really sick of turning on the news and hearing cops getting killed. Shame!
  21. M

    Door to Door Magazine Sellers

    The ironic thing is, the son of a bitch completely caught me off guard because Ive been expecting a repair guy to come to my house all day. Thinking it was him, I wouldnt of answered the door.
  22. M

    Door to Door Magazine Sellers

    lol, seriously???
  23. M

    Door to Door Magazine Sellers

    Have these pricks knocked on your door? This young black guy comes to my door dressed up in a suit and tie giving me a lecture about how he is trying to keep off the streets. Then he tells me about his goal of helping to improve his community and he can only reach that goal if I order magazines...
  24. M

    Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!

    Seriously people dont start this shit :( There is other things to worry about like um......... i dont know......... the economy.
  25. M

    Where is this from?

    I already know their names, but what site or video is this from?
  26. M

    Dillan Lauren Ava Vincent Fight

    This is so old..................... but so fucking hott!!! Dillan Lauren fucked her up. I dont know why, but pornstars fighting makes me more hornier.
  27. M

    Stop the world Oprahs dog died

    I heard on VH1 that when she was growing up, she was so poor that for a pet she collected cockroaches.
  28. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Was that 3 TB players that just let Ovechkin dance around to score his 50th goal :ban:
  29. M

    Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

    Lucas destroyed his own masterpieces.
  30. M

    President Obama On Jay Leno!

    Im watching it now and its weird, feels like hes running for president.
  31. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    wtf.... since when did Jordan Tootoo become such a bad ass?
  32. M

    Should The Simpsons end?

    Pull the plug already.
  33. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Why Brodeur's record breaker even a big deal? The more wins than Roy just seems pointless to me. Its like giving Chris Chelios a recognition because he is like 100 years old and still playing.
  34. M

    Jenna Jameson had her behbehs!!!

    Seems like everybody is having twins these days.
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    Red-light cameras questioned

    I dont get how if its run by companies, why you still have to appear in court? Also, I dont get how those cameras work? They must be hi-tech because how the hell can they focus exactly on the plate. Isnt there matters that come into affect? Like speed, size of vehicle, and the exact point it is...
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    Red-light cameras questioned

    I dont get how paying a huge fine solves the problem, the city is just out to make people broke. I had to pay $400 for my ticket and take online traffic school, which they basically tell you the answers.
  37. M

    Red-light cameras questioned

    Lately where I live, Ive been seeing the cameras going off at false times. Even when the light is green.
  38. M

    Red-light cameras questioned

    Ive been busted before. $400 fine :(
  39. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres just lost in a shootout :(
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    Donte Stallworth Is A Really Good Driver...

    Seems like all NFL players should just stay locked in their homes.
  41. M

    Top 15 SNES moments

    anybody remember F-zero? I Lost alot of sleep playing that game.
  42. M

    Top 15 SNES moments

    No Mortal Combat? That list sucked! I personally think Super Mario ranks between #1-3.
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    Anyone seen Koyaanisqatsi?

    I saw this film yesterday and it was amazing. It is 80 mins of nothing but video in high speed time lapse. Probably the best time lapse footage Ive ever seen. :thumbsup: Its basically a observational documentary/film portraying humans as objects. And in transition, shows how we have gone from...
  44. M

    This is so annoying...any other recent grads?

    You are absolutely right. :bowdown:
  45. M

    top 20 NES moments

    Now there needs to be a top 20 for SNES. Remember when you first played Mario Bros for SNES? Man that was fun. Flying, secret levels, Yoshi...
  46. M

    top 20 NES moments

    Thats true about excite bike, the fact that you could build your own levels!!!
  47. M

    Every NES game online games open in browser

    Lemmings too!!! That shit was my fav.
  48. M

    Every NES game online games open in browser

    HELL YEAH, Thanks for posting this. Now I have something to do this weekend :)
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    Support Janine Lindemulder while she is in jail!!

    She should of just sent them an I.O.U.
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    Support Janine Lindemulder while she is in jail!!

    How do you not pay your taxes for that long?