Education is not for a slip of paper, or a great job at the end, as many of these posts herein clearly point out. Education is for you. Every day, your brain needs to be fed, it craves new knowledge; whether you heed its call or not is up to you. the real world that is pretty much all it's really for. I pride myself on my knowledge. I like knowing about the world around me and understanding it, but knowing a lot doesn't keep me feed. I know from experience. Education and intelligence isn't a replacement for common sense, it is something to be used to enhance it. Having a meaningless slip of paper that might or might not even matter in how well I could do (and in most things probably doesn't) in a job I could get with it might, and even those jobs are getting harder to get anymore, even with "education". Plus the last time I checked education was one of the most expensive, if not most expensive, things a person has to pay for in their entire life. How about you pay for all those people that will just "feed their brain" when they are getting diminishing real use out of it. (And also lets face it most of the stuff they will teach you might not even need or could have easily picked up anyhow in the majority of non-scientific professions and most people will probably forget most of what they learned within a year anyhow.)