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  1. M

    MILEY CYRUS Gets TAG TEAMED By Black Man & Batman aND CRIES!!!

    Yeah but you gotta admit she looks like shes 18.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I think this is the Shark's year.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    getting back to college hockey, all I can say about Saturday's game was if you missed it, you missed out!
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    MLB 2009 thread

    How did he die?
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    Porn star Marilyn Chambers found dead in Calif

    You know where I heard this story? On a news radio station, AM channel. It was kind of weird actually, like if CNN was talking about porno.
  6. M

    phil spector found guilty

    You see kids, celebrities in Los Angeles do get convicted! I live about about 5 blocks from his mansion. Its a castle on a hill, pretty unique looking.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Detroits in the the playoffs aggggggggggain :lame:
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    Pirate Attacks

    Why are they called Pirates? That sounds so funny. Its like calling a bank robber a bandit.
  9. M

    Pirate Scum Defeated
  10. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Anybody watch the frozen four final? WHAT A GREAT GAME!!! Just when you thought the game was over, it was starting. Boston pulled a comeback to force sudden death, and then won it with a flutter goal. But the best thing about it was hockey was on ESPN.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres are headed to the golf course :( How did they not make the playoffs?
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Just wondering if anybody watching the Penguins game, did they give a moment of silence for those 3 police officers killed on Saturday?
  13. M

    Jay Mohr making fun of voice over guys

    Jay Mohr was in Jim Rome yesterday and just bashed on the voice over guys for Carls Jr, Espn, and Pay Per View. :1orglaugh Starts at 1:30
  14. M

    Angels Pitcher Killed After Game!

    too soon?
  15. M

    Help me stop the spam emails

    Nope, never reply to them or unsubscribe.
  16. M

    Angels Pitcher Killed After Game!

    wtf is going on at Angels stadium ?!?!?
  17. M

    Help me stop the spam emails

    Im beginning to think its one of my friends playing a trick on me. Probably putting my email in mail letter boxes. :crash:
  18. M

    Help me stop the spam emails

    All of sudden Im getting bombarded with porn spam, and its not even going to my spam folder its going into my inbox. I get it about every hour of the day. :helpme:
  19. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres won tonight, but I think its going to take a miracle for them to clinch.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

  21. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Im not a Avs fan, but Budia made some great saves last night vs the Sharks.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    wow.... Islanders got spanked!!!
  23. M

    Eminems' New Video!

    lol, :thumbsup:
  24. M

    Eminems' New Video!

    Its already been 10 years since Eminem blew up. I can still remember back in 1999. Listening to his 1st album while smoking weed and playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Can I get a hell yeah?
  25. M

    Pictures from the Phoenix Forum

    Why does it seem that the webmaster events look more fun than avn?
  26. M

    Eminems' New Video!

    I was the 1st to break the news about her in his video. :)
  27. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    This is a good point, however I'm white and growing up playing hockey was hard for me to. I had a hard time understanding why hockey was so expensive. And I dont know if any of you guys still play today, but now the sport is more expensive. These new composite sticks costs $100-$300 and they...
  28. M

    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    Update: The women they arrested was the driver, and police are still looking for her husband, the one who got out and threw the man off their car. The bitch was brought to court today and she pleaded not guilty!!! Oh, and get this... their baby was sitting in the back seat of the car when this...
  29. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    the NHL and NBA do have something in common. In hockey, whenever we see a black guy playing we think "oh neat a black guy is the team." In basketball, whenever we see a white guy we think "oh neat a white guy is on the team."
  30. M

    The Official 2008/2009 NCAA Basketball Thread

    Wtf, fans cant rush the court now?
  31. M

    The Official 2008/2009 NCAA Basketball Thread

    Im not a bball fan, but Im watching this game and it is booooooooooooooring! :sleep: The crowd doesnt even seem into it.
  32. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Hell yeah!!! Good times.
  33. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Wtf happened with Winnipeg? Was hockey's popularity dieing there? Personally, I would love to see San Diego get a pro hockey team. There could defiantly be a market here with Anaheim's success. Come on New York Islanders, pack up your shit and move out here :)
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Its just what that guy calling the game said, how do you back up your player who does stupid shit like that? There is such thing is taking good penalties and taking dumb ones.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    good topic discussions.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I have friends who have been so stubborn about getting into hockey, and then when I take them to watch a game, they fucking loooooooooove it.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    The 90's was great but I personally love the game today. I love how you can do 2 line passes, I love the off-sides tag up rule, and I love how goalies cant enter the corners. As for fighting, I think the biggest misconception people assume is that fighting in hockey is brawling. Its not, its...
  38. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I too wonder why and would like to investigate this decline among American hockey fans. All Americans want is battle and blood which hockey has, and yet golf gets more ratings and coverage. And turn on ESPN or Versus at any given time and what do you see? Poker and Bull-riding :dunno:
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Its like I told my friend today... if I had the NHL network, thats all I would watch. Hopefully someday soon on a big ass plasma HD screen :)
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Since we are on the topic of NFL versus the NHL, I have to agree that the NFL is just unwatchable now. I wouldnt say its the rules so much, I personally think the game is just too easy for today's players. I saw so many fucking teams last season throwing hail mary's on a 1st or 2nd down. One...
  41. M

    Whats up with these shootings?

    Yesterday in New York, and today in Pittsburgh. Guy gets laid off from his job and goes ape shit with a gun. :dunno:
  42. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Avery's pathetic accident He is starting to make the NHL look like the NFL. And thats not good.
  43. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Im watching the Rangers vs Bruins game and Sean Avery hit Tim Thomas in the back of the head with his stick, Thomas came charging after Avery. Almost had a brawl. Avery is fucking goon. Bruins clinced playoffs :)
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Whats up with TB's goalie throwing his stick out? @1:16 Tamba Bay Cheaters.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres vs Caps game was stupendous :) And Im also happy to hear that the Blackhawks have clinched the playoffs, good for them.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Buffalo Sabres :thumbsup:
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    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    She begged her not to go because of the bad area. Just a tragic irony.
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    USC Student killed by brutal hit and run

    A possible suspect was arrested today. Keep your fingers crossed.
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    tattoos you're going to regret

    Nick Cannon has a huge tattoo of "Mariah" on his back. What a dumbass!
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    Is Jay Cutler being a little bitch?

    Letting him go was a big mistake by the Broncos. Actually, 2 mistakes. That, and taking foot on the field. Thats right bitches, I bleed Charger blue. :thefinger