Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!

Will E Worm

The top bowler for the Special Olympics looks forward to meeting President Barack Obama in an alley.

"He bowled a 129. I bowl a 300. I could beat that score easily," Michigan's Kolan McConiughey (KO-lahn Mc-KAHNA-he) told The Associated Press in an interview Friday.

The athletic-minded president made an offhand remark Thursday on "The Tonight Show" comparing his weak bowling to the Special Olympics.

I used to work with an old guy who hated the Special Olympics. He got into a fight with his wife because he said the Special Olympics "make these people think they are normal but they are not".


Obama is just another human being, not particularly special, but hey, it was a slip and I wouldn't hold what he said against him, for there's to many other important things that I could chide for, like policy. ;)
People are way too sensitive these days. One small slip and they are up in arms. I am sure those reta..(ahem) Intellectually Challenged can beat Obama in bowling any day of the week, but not much else I am afraid.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
No one can take a joke now. Glad he said it. Too bad he had to appologize for it.
Although, what came to mind on this.... "Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!" Probably not the only thing he can beat too... (Ba-dum-bump!)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
People are way too sensitive these days. One small slip and they are up in arms. I am sure those reta..(ahem) Intellectually Challenged can beat Obama in bowling any day of the week, but not much else I am afraid.

I know, right? God forbid the day that he says that something is "gay". All hell will break lose.


Closed Account
Obama is just another human being, not particularly special, but hey, it was a slip and I wouldn't hold what he said against him, for there's to many other important things that I could chide for, like policy. ;)

Seriously people dont start this shit :( There is other things to worry about like um......... i dont know......... the economy.
Obama is just another human being, not particularly special, but hey, it was a slip and I wouldn't hold what he said against him, for there's to many other important things that I could chide for, like policy. ;)


People are way too sensitive these days. One small slip and they are up in arms. I am sure those reta..(ahem) Intellectually Challenged can beat Obama in bowling any day of the week, but not much else I am afraid.

America or 52% embraced political correctness on November 8

No one can take a joke now. Glad he said it. Too bad he had to appologize for it.
Although, what came to mind on this.... "Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!" Probably not the only thing he can beat too... (Ba-dum-bump!)

what a punchline

Look the man has appologized let's move on and "hope" that he does not upstage Biden. I mean this guy is way more articulated than Bush, yet in a smart kinda way his mouth makes him look like an ass...better yet just tell Obama to keep his mouth shut
Oh come on, its becoming ever more tedious seeing what Obama statement is being picked up by the media that causes one controversy or another. The guy tried to make a joke, not a very funny one I might add, but thie is what the media focuses on. Wow!

Are there not more important things they could be focusing on right now? I guess not, because the president making a joke about how bad he bowls is so controversial that its everywhere. We now have special olympic bowlers coming ou and saying they could beat Obama. Well did this guy not think about it for a second, wasnt it in fact Obama's intention to state that he could not bowl very well. Or is it in fact that whichever media company found this guy, when he was asked he had no time to think about his answers because a microphone was shoved in his face. Or was the interview edited in such a way to help the cause whoever did the interview.

People have become far to sensitive these days, and especially now when all news is, is celebrity spotting, once one celebrity (the President is now a celebrity for some reason, this happened way before Obama so it cant be blamed on him) says something without thinking everyone jumps on it because they know if its spun the correct way it'll cause a reaction and more viewers will tune in. I guess we've all fallen for it.

When the President is put on a par with Paris Hilton for newsworthy issues, something is wrong.
Well, at least Obama was not on the PC band wagon. That's refreshing.

Right, for that we can give him credit (although the term "PC"/"politically correct" is largely meaningless these days.

The person riding THAT bandwagon (out of sight, hopefully) appears to be Sarah Palin, who said this crap:

"I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.

“These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them. I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community."

Yeah, I'm sure Obama has nothing but scorn, ridicule, and contempt for retarded people, like most of us do! :rolleyes:
Right, for that we can give him credit (although the term "PC"/"politically correct" is largely meaningless these days.

The person riding THAT bandwagon (out of sight, hopefully) appears to be Sarah Palin, who said this crap:

"I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.

“These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them. I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community."

Yeah, I'm sure Obama has nothing but scorn, ridicule, and contempt for retarded people, like most of us do! :rolleyes:

You know if any Republican had said that every other person in the US would be calling for impeachment.

So, don't get all wadded up over Palin. She's just being political, like all other beaurocrats do.

Politicians being venomous is in their DNA.
You know if any Republican had said that every other person in the US would be calling for impeachment.

So, don't get all wadded up over Palin. She's just being political, like all other beaurocrats do.

Politicians being venomous is in their DNA.

Yeah, I am the one "wadded up".


Will E Worm

Obama is just another human being, not particularly special, but hey, it was a slip and I wouldn't hold what he said against him, for there's to many other important things that I could chide for, like policy. ;)

He maybe, but if Bush had said this it would have been all over the news.

Obama also said derogatory comments about Asians being short.
Go to Youtube and watch the videos.
Everyone says things they shouldn't, so I'm not going to bash Obama over it... but yeah, if Bush would have said the same thing, people would be calling for his head.

I do think that I'd like to see Obama bowl this retarded kid and lose :rofl:
Everyone says things they shouldn't, so I'm not going to bash Obama over it... but yeah, if Bush would have said the same thing, people would be calling for his head.

I do think that I'd like to see Obama bowl this retarded kid and lose :rofl:

I would die if Obama got pissed off if he lost... I think I would piss myself from laughing to hard. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hiliary 2020
"It was like the special olympics or something"

Scumbag wouldn't be saying that if one of his kids was born with a problem.

I'd like to give him a good old fashioned, james caan, godafather 1, garbage can involved beating, just to show him making jokes about disabled people is not cool.

Well, we know his feelings on the value of life based on his partial birth and even full birth abortion voting record.

I supposed before that that he will attempt to cut budget resources to mentally disabled people.
This re-enforces that concern.
If he does ever cut services to mentally disabled people to allow more services for Halfawhita , her babies daddies and her six bastard children, thats when I hope someones waiting in the grassy knoll.


"It was like the special olympics or something"

Scumbag wouldn't be saying that if one of his kids was born with a problem.

I'd like to give him a good old fashioned, james caan, godafather 1, garbage can involved beating, just to show him making jokes about disabled people is not cool.

Well, we know his feelings on the value of life based on his partial birth and even full birth abortion voting record.

I supposed before that that he will attempt to cut budget resources to mentally disabled people.
This re-enforces that concern.
If he does ever cut services to mentally disabled people to allow more services for Halfawhita , her babies daddies and her six bastard children, thats when I hope someones waiting in the grassy knoll.

I personally know a little girl who bowled higher than a 129...but that's not important.
Obama had no business being on a Pop Culture tv show-off show...he's a sitting President. It doesn't matter how anyone "feels" about it, there is a certain protocol attached to the office of President of the United States, and publically hanging out where crazy movie stars put in nightly appearences alongside balloon-biting dogs and "who's the stupidest person we found walking around" contests isn't a proper venue for the President of the US.

That may be why he's the first...