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  1. M

    So I Drove My First Hybrid and.....

    I just dont like the way they look. Why cant they give hyrbid cars good looking style?
  2. M

    Chris Brown arrested for assaulting Rihanna

    No, he is related to Ike Turner. :1orglaugh
  3. M

    Chris Brown arrested for assaulting Rihanna

    I dont like Chris Brown, but the fact that he would throw away his career over some dumb shit like this is ridiculous.
  4. M

    Yes!!! A-Rod comes clean!

    So does this mean that MLB has and is nothing but fake roid'ed up players?
  5. M

    Jack in the Box to outsource drive up window duties

    Not true. The Jack In The Box by my house that does this has a legit order box.
  6. M

    A-Rod reportedly tested positive for steroids

    Goddammit!!! I dont even like baseball but these steroid scandals are getting annoying!!!
  7. M

    Whats happening to Los Angeles?

    I must say, one thing that cracks me up about Los Angeles is the local news channels. Just the way they present themselves, and on FOX 11 the weather guy is also the sports guy LOL.
  8. M

    CPR's proof

    Dam, nice job. Here in California, its actually a requirement that you have to take CPR in order to graduate high school. What is fentanyl?
  9. M

    Exotic dancer set on fire outside LA bar

    LOL, the bar was called "Babes & Beer".
  10. M

    Puff Puff Pass Michael Phelps!!!

    I think Phelps should of denied its him. The picture is shitty looking and of course its a bad side angle so how can you really tell?
  11. M

    The Star Wars Holiday Special

    They should show this to kids in detention.
  12. M

    The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Well the cartoon part of it was cool, but the acting was just horrible! Its like a really bad acid trip.
  13. M

    The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I just watched this in my class and it is TORTURE!!! :rofl2: Talk about a piece of shit. We had to plea to our professor to shut it off, but it was a case study of when television programs go bad. For those of you who dont know what I'm talking about, this was an 2 hour long spin-off television...
  14. M

    Jack in the Box to outsource drive up window duties

    The jack in the box up the street from my house has been doing this. You can tell because the person speaks good English and you can actually hear them.
  15. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    I'm telling you, he sounds like Charlie from Always Sunny in Philly. You be the judge:
  16. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    Since when are actors allowed to yell at the DP's?
  17. M

    Puff Puff Pass Michael Phelps!!!

    I dont know why people glorify him. Hes a fast swimmer, I get it, but swimming is not hard.
  18. M

    Puff Puff Pass Michael Phelps!!!

    Ive always noticed that a lot of pot smokers I know personally do not smoke cigarettes. They get offended even if i bring the word up and look at me in disgust. :dunno:
  19. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    Ok then its settled, publicity stunt. :thumbsup: The creativeness of movie marketing.
  20. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    Doesnt he sound like Charlie from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia? LOL
  21. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    yeah because nobody is planning to see it. :1orglaugh
  22. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    I think this is fake. Its either: A) He knows the guy and they were joking around B) Its a publicity stunt C) He was practicing for a scene in the movie Without video evidence this is bogus. Its a movie set, there is 15 cameras all over, how is there no video?
  23. M

    Christian Bale speaks to set employee like a piece of shit!

    Is there actual video of this? Just the audio could mean its just a joke or maybe he was practicing his lines? Oh and I too am wondering why we need another Terminator movie.
  24. M

    MLB 2009 thread

    Recent news: Dodgers offer 1yr deal for $25 Million. Manny rejects. Are the Dodgers out of their mind? How is that worth it on their end? Do they actually expect to win the World Series this year? Why not just tell Manny to fuck off, and use that 25 million to buy a bundle of free agents?
  25. M

    Pornstars and Anal. What's the obsession ?

    Whats the obsession? Oh about a $1000 more paycheck.
  26. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres/Ducks game was good.
  27. M

    Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast

    Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl They interviewed some 70 year old woman from Arizona who was watching when this happened and she wants the person in charge arrested. LOL. God how I wish this happened world wide.
  28. M

    Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast

    Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl Im watching about this on the news and of course everybody is having panic attacks! Get over it, it was funny.
  29. M

    Puff Puff Pass Michael Phelps!!!

    And you thought the visine was just for the chlorine!
  30. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    No, in fact I fell asleep through the 3rd qtr. But that was most likely because I was little bit drunk and hadnt had much sleep the night before.
  31. M

    Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast

    Re: Porn shown during the Superbowl All I gotta say is its about dam time somebody did this.
  32. M

    Porn clip interrupts Super Bowl broadcast

    Porn shown during the Superbowl In Tucson AZ yesterday, comcast somehow accidently broadcast a pornographic clip lasting 30 seconds in front of thousands of viewers during the superbowl! He gets up and flops his dick around right in front of the camera :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh...
  33. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    They said because songs relates too much with the war going on. :dunno:
  34. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Did u guys hear about this porn incident during the superbowl? LOL.
  35. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Because they were more concerned at having Faith Hill sing "America the Beautiful". So Bruce Springsteen could have enough time to shake his ass and swing his guitar around his neck. And they needed to wrap it up so The Office could be shown. :dunno: And the pre & post-game idiots: Bob Costas...
  36. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Cards could of won. 3 defenders standing in front of Holmes just fucking around. Congrats to the Steelers but I know we all wanted the Cards to get the win. And the Vince Lombardi trophy looks like a corny hunk of shit trophy. The Stanley Cup, now thats a trophy. P.S. I thought NBC's coverage...
  37. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    We need to discuss the half time show. Now I'm not saying Springsteen sucks, I'm just sick of seeing 60 year old rock stars on stage in tight pants shaking their asses. But your not going to get a "wardrobe malfunction" with Springsteen.
  38. M

    Kurt Warner

    a big NO.
  39. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Was that Dan Patrick interviewing on the field?
  40. M

    Senate Approves Digital TV Delay

    This is what I dont get, do antenna users pay for tv?
  41. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Seems like all NBC cares about is Journey and Bruce Springsteen.
  42. M

    Senate Approves Digital TV Delay

    So why isnt the government requiring that radio should be paid for? I mean isnt this why their getting rid of tv antennas, so people stop getting channels for free.
  43. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    /\ Disgusting :throwup:, its like an ugly sweater your grandmother gives you for Christmas. [/IMG]
  44. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Well its on NBC this year so I hope so. They are the only 2 NFL commentators I appreciate.
  45. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Is Madden and Michaels calling the game?
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Ive been keeping my eye on this Clutterbuck guy from the Wild. Good teammate...
  47. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Devils OT goal was nice!!! Jamie Langenbrunner, the give & go...
  48. M

    ID babe

    Kelly Madison and who else?
  49. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

  50. M

    The President and wife . . . FISTING ? !!

    I saw this already. Dirty!