Every NES game online games open in browser


I was playing Wii at a friends house for a couple weeks when he came home on leave. They had the new Mario Kart and it had some of the NES maps on it. Just brought back memories and it was a really enjoyable game. Even though it's made for little kids.

I wonder what the sport games were like back then.
It doesn't work on my computer. It says to click on the game window, but there is no game window. :confused:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I was playing Wii at a friends house for a couple weeks when he came home on leave. They had the new Mario Kart and it had some of the NES maps on it. Just brought back memories and it was a really enjoyable game. Even though it's made for little kids.

I wonder what the sport games were like back then.

lame dude...really fuckin lame. By todays standards that is, but back in the day RBI baseball was my shit! 8 bit goodness!!! :thumbsup: simple as hell too, you only had 2 buttons not 100...
I still like a lot of the NES and SNES games. Sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of stuff they managed to cram into that small amount of megabytes. I think if more game companies had that spirit today, we would have a lot more good games. Sometimes all the stuff they have in games today becomes like the special effects in movies they make now. It should just make things better, but too often it becomes a crutch to cover for shoddy work.