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  1. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    THANK YOU SO MUCH :) Ive been looking for a site like this. Flyers had that game, dam Penguins.
  2. M

    2009 NFL Draft

    This is probably the 1st time I have no idea who any of these key players are.
  3. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

  4. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Wow! Capitals just dominated :) while the Rangers played with their head up their ass. Tortorella almost went fista cuffs with a drunken fan.
  5. M

    Just tried the KFC Grilled Chicken...

    I also love El Pollo Loco, but I wonder, is it even healthier?
  6. M

    is south park still funny?

    No, he is right.
  7. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Made in China glass @ the Duck's arena
  8. M

    Just tried the KFC Grilled Chicken...

    Everynow and then, I love to just pig out in their buffalo spicy wings.
  9. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Yeah can the redwings just please get the hell out, because of they repeat again for the cup then the entire playoffs will be a waste! I just watched game 4 and that was fucking pathetic. That game winning goal was a garbage goal because Columbus allows for every forward in red crash the net...
  10. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    That too many men penalty was a killer. Dam redwings :mad:
  11. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Game 5 going back to Philly :)
  12. M

    Car Music?

    Heres the deal, I'm shooting a short video segment of an Automobile museum, and I'm in need of a good car song to play over it. Posts your suggestions. I'm thinking Gary Numan's song, but its a little to techno'ish. Something not too soft and not too loud.
  13. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    U guys see Avery's cheap shots tonight? Guy is just asking for it.
  14. M

    Just tried the KFC Grilled Chicken...

    That is how they grill it.
  15. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Face it, Boston is just a stacked team. Not to mention a great goalie, and defender who is like Shaq on skates.
  16. M

    Just tried the KFC Grilled Chicken...

    They've had grilled chicken out before, how is this new? I remember it being on the menu like 3 years ago.
  17. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    RJ Umberger pwned Mike Commodore fail And I'm really pissed the Blues got defeated. Couldnt even win 1 game, fucking pathetic.
  18. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Who is she?
  19. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I'm not saying Im a Devils fan, but wasnt that goalie interference?
  20. M

    Latina babe ID

    Who is she?
  21. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I'm wondering how they even made the playoffs :dunno:
  22. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I dont think Bettman will ban fighting, I think its just rumors to stir publicity.
  23. M

    "Awkward" Question for Miss California at Miss USA Padgeant LOL

    Why do they even bother asking questions? I mean really, do these chicks even make a difference in life? Do we really give a fuck what they think?
  24. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    They are unstoppable.
  25. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I just called Versus customer line, and the guy told me that its been blackout because of nhl contract bullshit!!! Typical.
  26. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Im in So. Cal :dunno: :crash: :mad::fight::confused:
  27. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Is anybody else not getting the sharks/ducks game on versus?
  28. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I loved how Philly and St. Louis stepped their game up today. But too bad St. Louis lost. Now lets see if the Sharks can step up their game. Hockey playoffs baby... its all Ive been watching, its all I talk about, its all I think about when Im in bed. Is the Sharks/Ducks game not being shown on...
  29. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Flyers fucking dominated :D
  30. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Capitals played so horrible!!! Couldnt hit the net, bad passes, and they were getting icing calls on their powerplays. FTW? Bruins just pwned the Canadians :)
  31. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Seems like every year, an athlete has a spleen injury. Your spleen is an inside organ, how can you injure it? :dunno: A few weeks ago, this guy I play pick up hockey with took a puck to his stomach. Left a nasty bruise but we all thought no big deal, it will wear off. Well about a day later, he...
  32. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    Youtube's uniqueness has slumped in last few years because pretty much everything is being taken down due to copyright. Even has been regulated, now they can only show certain television show episodes at a limited time. Go to any Youtube video and its been taken down due to 3rd party...
  33. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    Do you guys know if Parez Hilton is even making money off his website? Someone told me he is making bank.
  34. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    Wait... whats this all about? Why is Stern mad?
  35. M

    porn stars that smoke cigarettes...

    Anita Pearl, Now that is smoking hott :)
  36. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Blues are helpless, they have nothing!
  37. M

    MILFs Wild Holiday

    That 1st chick could pass for the Octomom.
  38. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Dude come on Philly... how can you expect to win with bullshit penalties like that :dunno:
  39. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    Until we see the day when myspace, facebook, youtube, etc... switch from being free to paying membership, the internet is done!
  40. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    And yet people are so convinced that google ad clicks work. :dunno:
  41. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    Can we just all agree that getting rich from the web is long gone?
  42. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    I dont think thats the case, I think the question is are people even clicking on ads? Do YOU click on these?
  43. M

    youtube in trouble ???

    I have a youtube account and I love youtube. Hell I dont even google search for news anymore, I just want to see a youtube video of it. Do you guys think making money off the internet is really a possibility anymore? A few years ago, I was part of the rush of trying to strike it rich from the...
  44. M

    Massive Burger - like 5 big macs

    4,800 calorie burger!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isnt the average calorie consumption a day suppose to be at least 2,000? So if you ate that whole thing, you wouldnt have to eat for like 3 days. It be like a snake, eat 1 big meal and your good for a whole month.
  45. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    What can you say about last night's game? Ducks came into San Jose and just punk'd them.
  46. M

    John Madden Retired!!

    Madden is a legend. Jim Rome said a good point on his show this morning, replacing Madden with a copy of him will be a big mistake. Madden was a guy who would cut the crap of typical broadcasting, and called the game by his own thoughts. Chris Collinsworth is like Katie Couric: Fake looking...
  47. M

    John Madden Retired!!

    I think they should change the game to NFL 2010, etc...
  48. M

    John Madden Retired!!

    I hope Chris Collinsworth doesn't get his place, I cant stand that guy. Does this mean Madden is retiring from EA Sports also?
  49. M

    Do any porn stars Twitter?

    Re: Twitter I hate searching for old threads :)
  50. M

    Do any porn stars Twitter?

    Twitter I did it, I signed up at Twitter :crash: But only because I had to for my class. Twitter sucks! They wont last long and all this money poured into them and they have made zero revenue. The only good use I see Twitter is for celebrities. Discuss.