Custom User Title List (the usually silly words under your username)

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Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: No escape from reality

A great line from Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: The doctor will see you now

if you can find one that isn't busy with COVID-19 patients


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: Knows the Truth

Pick your favorite truth, there are so many to choose from, most of which contradict each other.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Damn, I missed a week updating and never noticed. Days all just run together when you're in COVID lockdown.

This week: What are clouds made of? Linux servers mostly.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Sonofabitch, I missed updating another week.

This week: Any way the wind blows

from the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: You know where you stand in a hell hole

C'mon, you know the Spinal Tap song!


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: That's a Texas-sized 10-4
from a great series called "Letterkenny"


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: Passin' laws just because

from the Tragically Hip song "Born in the Water"


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: I start fires

not gonna say what kind of fires or where


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: It's called, "Lick My Love Pump"

another great line from Spinal Tap


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: And their voices rang with that Aryan twang

More great lyrics from the Tragically Hip song "Bobcaygen"


Woke up just now, one sock too many
This week: Pitter patter, lets get at’er

another classic from Letterkenny
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