Biggest Scam in US Government History - The Federal Reserve

People that possess the skill sets to only qualify for minimum wage jobs should either forget about starting a family or get a second job. When I was in college I worked one full time job and loaded trucks at UPS from 4-8 in the morning and worked part time landscaping. People that have 1 minumum wage job aren't thinking about college funds.


Official Checked Star Member
yeah well in a perfect world.........

that's a very typical elitist answer. unfortunately not everyone is cut out for schoolwork. I am one of those people. I fucking hated it. I sucked at it. I can learn on my own, but I just had zero retention in school.

back when there was regulation on businesses, people made enough money for 1 job, for the parents to be around to actually raise their children themselves and not baby sitters and day care. they were able to save for college or a daughter's wedding and take a vacation every year.

"You've got three jobs? Do you ever sleep? Wow, she's got three jobs. That's as American as it gets" G W Bush talking to a supporter at a town hall appearance.
its terribly sad that there are a lot of jobs that white americans just wont do.

as well, 70% of college degrees are for things like liberal arts that will not qualify or teach them any job skills at all so they are in huge debt with student loans and have nothing to qualify them for these jobs.

if we put more emphasis on technical schools and letting people know that technical jobs pay decent wages it would help. but as it's been said we are down the list on qualifications and education but #1 in confidence. I know people who wont take a job making something because they are holding out for that one specific job, which is stupid. somethng is better than nothing until a better job comes along. this is the mind set of young americans

I asked my son who is now 16 about getting a job to pay for car and food and gas etc and he said "but I go to school and play basketball" I said so what? and he tells me none of the kids he knows or go to his school work. not one. I have asked because I didn't believe him and it turns out he's not lying. He goes to a private school where a lot of the parents are seriously wealthy, but still. What lesson is being taught here?

If you want a good job, then Harvard, Texas A&B Aeronautic University or Chicago MIT can enable to have a serious degree with a serious job like an IT Engineer or a higher executive position, but with degrees like arts, good luck for finding a well paid and qualified job. The lesson taught here is that when one is a damn parasite and an unwilling to work person, he remains the same for the whole lenght of its life. And what will happen when their parents will be gone? These kids will be beggars or tramps.
I am far from elitist. I worked my whole life euen as a kid. I mowed my neighbors lawn to make spending money or to buy Hot Wheels. my first real job was at a fish house where I learned to fillet fish likd a pro. Still comes in handy today. I worked on a golf course as a grunt and used a sling blade not a power mower.My motivation to receive an education was because I had those kind of jobs.
Last week a woman was in court charged with stealing food and was asking for a public defender and I volunteered to represent her pro bono because I knew her PD would likely result in some plea. I write off at least 100 k a year in hours that could be billed.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
its terribly sad that there are a lot of jobs that white americans just wont do.

as well, 70% of college degrees are for things like liberal arts that will not qualify or teach them any job skills at all so they are in huge debt with student loans and have nothing to qualify them for these jobs.

if we put more emphasis on technical schools and letting people know that technical jobs pay decent wages it would help. but as it's been said we are down the list on qualifications and education but #1 in confidence. I know people who wont take a job making something because they are holding out for that one specific job, which is stupid. something is better than nothing until a better job comes along. this is the mind set of young americans

I asked my son who is now 16 about getting a job to pay for car and food and gas etc and he said "but I go to school and play basketball" I said so what? and he tells me none of the kids he knows or go to his school work. not one. I have asked because I didn't believe him and it turns out he's not lying. He goes to a private school where a lot of the parents are seriously wealthy, but still. What lesson is being taught here?

That is unfortunately a sign of the times. While I'm sure that my parents saw my generation as whiny, shiftless and coddled, this generation has mine beat six ways from Sunday. Several times I've told the story about my cousin when he was about 16. His father isn't much of a father (Peter Pan syndrome: goes to Star Trek conventions in full Spock get-up... and he's 47! :facepalm:), his mother is a drunk and so he's been raised by his grandmother (my aunt). When he was little, he (for whatever reason) began to see me as a father figure/male role model. And although I don't claim to be much, I guess I was a better option than what he had to choose from. Long story short... I bought him a computer when he was 15/16 and spoke to him about using it to better get through math, science and technical classes. He'd light up when he saw my cars, so I said he should take that passion and use it to maybe become a mechanical engineer... I'd help him go that route. He doesn't possess a killer instinct (at all), so I never suggested that he go into business. But he was a sharp, (overly) sensitive young man, so I thought he'd do well in anything that didn't require him to have to "man-up" too much. I was wrong.

I think the only thing that (really nice) computer ever got used for was talking to his little teeny-bopper friends on FaceBook and playing games. He is a disappointment to me. He will probably still be living with his grandmother when he's 30... if she's still alive. :(

While I feel for those who can't support themselves with low(er) wage jobs, I feel the most important thing we can do (as a society) is encourage more people (young and old) to enter fields that actually will pay the bills... careers for which there is a demand. I am not bullshitting. I can get a kid, with just a 2 year associates degree in machine technology, a job TODAY, making at least $20/hour. By the time he works some overtime, he can make an easy $60 grand a year. If he decides to take classes and get a BS in Engineering (which many companies will pay for!), he could go on to make $80K to over $100K a year. Why is it so hard to get young people to take advantage of these opportunities? I do not know. When some of the "young conservatives" on FreeOnes were whining a couple of years ago about Obama not fixing the economy for them, I suggested that they take advantage of the incredibly low interest rates, take what money they had or could borrow and buy a duplex on a 30 year fixed rate. Live in half and rent out the other half - that's how I got started in real estate... during a recession that was about as bad as what we just saw - and I didn't have low interest rates on my side (my first mortgage was a 30 year at 10.5%... and I was damn happy with it!). But see, it was easier for them to whine & cry (and convince me of their make-believe "conservative credentials") than actually get off their asses and TRY! As far as I know, not a one of these babies ever made the slightest effort. They just like to get on here and whine. You don't always succeed. But you have to TRY. I'm thankful for the good luck and blessings that have been bestowed on me. I really am. But I have also put in a hell of a lot of effort. I would not have even considered having a wife and kids when I was still trying to get my feet under myself. Those are choices I would not have made. But I have fucked up (as we all have or will). I've just never fucked up to the point that I couldn't work my way through it.

I don't have an issue with taking the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 or whatever. But I don't think it would matter that much (overall), because it wouldn't affect that many people and I don't think it would solve the overall problem we have in this country that you also mentioned: lack of skills, education, motivation and stick-to-it-tiveness. As automation becomes cheaper, more of these lower skill jobs will be permanently killed off, no matter what the government mandates... that's why people need to get prepared now.


Official Checked Star Member
Well for one I'm assuming that you're white. That's a HUGE advantage simply in skin color when it comes to a job application. You have said you were raised in a military household with a father. That is a solid foundation to live how to learn and to learn how to live.

When we just dismiss people who aren't educated we're blaming them for quite possibly the faults of their parents and the environment from which they come. When your skin is brown you have a tremendously higher burden on your shoulders to overcome than a white person. That's a fact and dismissing people without skill sets as if it's just their fault is not fair.

I commend you on representing the person you mentioned.

My son's generation is the first in the history of mankind that will no exceed those of the generation that came before. That is a frightening thought.

During the campaign Mitt Romney gave a speech where he was dismissing the poor people with low paying jobs and swiped his hand at the air in a very dismissive way and said "start your own business. Borrow $20,000 from your parents" that just proved how absolutely out of touch with the average American he is.
My father was away a lot. He served in Korea and Vietnam. The money he made was not
from his military paycheck. He was a smart inuestor and invested in companies like IBM GE and Pepsi when there was no one to advise him. You dismiss things based on skin color and intelligence. Not everybody was blessed with a physical appearance that would allow them to make money doing porn or become a model either.


Official Checked Star Member
of course not and I don't dismiss the advantage of looks at all. I know people who are busting their asses and barely making it. people like georges who think everyone who doesn't have health insurance is a lazy homeless person is are so misinformed.

my friend is 41 and has a 24 and 21 year old and a few years ago while on the pill got pregnant and had twins. she was a single mom who raised the first 2 all by herself without a penny from the father. now she's doing it all over again because the guy she was engaged to didn't want any more kids so she's doing it all by herself. she works 3 jobs and doesn't have a penny left over for anything.

our country is the richest in the world but it's quickly becoming one of the largest populations of people living in poverty. thats perfect for the wealthy at the top because they get to write their own rules. but I dismiss very little counselor
It's a good thing that I have grown to like you even with that bitchy attitude of yours or I would have told you to go and hug a nut by now.


Official Checked Star Member
yeah? and I would have simply told you to hand toss a protein shake and make yourself some throat yogurt to gargle with while singing my name as you inset a 3 lb suppository.
Damn!!!! I will have to remember that one lol

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
here are a couple of perfect examples:

Since deregulation of the trucking industry in 1980, more than 100 once- thriving trucking companies have gone out of business. More than 150,000 workers at those companies lost their jobs.

Actually, it's more like, in the first few years, and most were union carriers, paying a fair wage. The first year of deregulation, Roadway, one of the largest at the time, had to borrow money to buy equipment, for the first time in it's existence. In my area, there are only 2 union carriers, and that's the result of a few once very large companies merging. UPS package division, has paid 6 billion dollars, to free itself from the union fund.


Because it's so mismanaged, the money they, and their employees put in it, won't be there by the time they retire, so they bought out, and are managing it themselves. They will likely be the only ones, that have the guaranteed monthly payout after retirement.
IMO the answer to the federal reserve is not to abolish it but to take it over, give the power to coin a nation's money back into the hands of the american people ( The US treasury) oh wait JFK signed that executive order 11110 which would have taken the power to print money out of the hands of the federal reserve and put it back where it belongs at the US Treasury which would have meant no more borrowing money from the fed at a ridiculous interest rate, of course JFK went to Dallas 6 months later and we know what happened to him, you don't mess with dollar INC, plain and simple, anyone who attempts to will have some bad strokes of health like Andrew Jackson (failed assassination attempt supposedly by the Rothschilds), Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy did