Things your neighbor does that pisses you off :)

We can't have that now can we! I think dying in hell is much to soft on them. They should burn in the fierce agonying fires of hell for eternity, just dying isn't good enough :nono:

:eek:If people must not means they can't be drunk !:confused:
What would I do if I want to make them believe I am a girl ?!:1orglaugh
(This is a personnal post for Booth ;)!)

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
You know the type of guy that glorifies his car above all else, he's always outside wiping it off, always under the hood doin something, Well, anyway here's what happened, I am outside leaning on my car, drinking a 40oz & smokin cigs, & this fucktard neighbor of mine, comes storming over towards me totally fuckin PISSED THE FUCK OFF & he accused me of messing with his car and throwing rocks @ it, evidently he saw some pretty major scratches or dents, So I says, being the Sarcastic MF'er I always am, said, I don't know what the fuck your talkin about so if I was you, I'd turn the fuck around & I'll pretend you didn't just say any of dat shit to me. Well he didn't take that advice, & I said look MF'er I didn't touch your fuckin car, & if your gonna blame somebody for fuckin with your car, you best catch them in the act. cuz your ass didn't see me doin anything to your fuckin car, He said I know it was you. & I say ok so your so sure I fucked up your car what the fuck you gonna do to me.

he said I'm gonna fuck you up. I said yeah you & what army then laughed @ him & said you better get the fuck outta my face with that :bs: cuz I don't know what the fuck your talkin about.

Mind you the dude was allot bigger than me, but I don't scare, I just don't give a fuck, I don't back down from anybody, so he turns around pissed & says don't let me catch you fuckin with my car. & I says yeah & what.. I said you mine as well try & beat my A$$ now, cuz I didn't touch your car to begin with, so he proceeds to get in his car abruptly backed up, and burns some rubber speedin away, @ 1st I was fuckin pissed cuz he came @ me like that, and I am gettin my buzz on sort of speak, so I was game for some shit, my adrenalyn was rushing, I was like trippin for a few minutes, then after I told my sister what happened she cooled me down a bit, & she always makes sense out of everything, she's my little sister & she controls me. :D I started to laugh about it, after she said he's the one pissed off @ the wrong person, fuck him & I was like yeah your right, cuz I REALLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO THE FUCKTARDS CAR, I wish I had cuz, he & I, already had words over other :bs: issues before the car thing happened, but after I while I thought it was funny that I not only punked him out, & pissed him off so bad for punkin him out & the fact he was thinking I was the one who vandalized his car.

p.s. how come it seems like the longest posts are trying to explain something that took place & didn't even last more than a minute or two? :rolleyes::dunno:
"p.s. how come it seems like the longest posts are trying to explain something that took place & didn't even last more than a minute or two? "

^^Life is like that:(
Mine are lazy. I rent half a duplex which they own, and get a discount on rent for mowing and snow removal, and every time I first haveto spend half an hour cleaning up the shit from their 2 dogs and their kids toys scattered all over the lawn.

But the most annoying thing was this summer, he had been doing some tiling in his side. I work maintenance at a resort and am pretty capable in all trades and have an extensive tool collection that I take good care of. But this guy set up his tile saw in the backyard, used it for a day or two, and then left it outside for over 2 months, through many rainstorms. He could have packed it up in 5 minutes, but after the amount of rain it saw I'm pretty sure it's fucked now. What a jerk.
Oh boy!......My neighbor is a mechanic amongst other things. He is like a farmer , starts the day early and ends late. Only problem is he even does work on Sundays. Last Sunday he had his daughter weeding my yard, " gas powered weedeater ". I should note that her, her dad and myself keep my lawn mowed but it's the fact that it's on a Sunday.
You know the type of guy that glorifies his car above all else, he's always outside wiping it off, always under the hood doin something, Well, anyway here's what happened, I am outside leaning on my car, drinking a 40oz & smokin cigs, & this fucktard neighbor of mine, comes storming over towards me totally fuckin PISSED THE FUCK OFF & he accused me of messing with his car and throwing rocks @ it, evidently he saw some pretty major scratches or dents, So I says, being the Sarcastic MF'er I always am, said, I don't know what the fuck your talkin about so if I was you, I'd turn the fuck around & I'll pretend you didn't just say any of dat shit to me. Well he didn't take that advice, & I said look MF'er I didn't touch your fuckin car, & if your gonna blame somebody for fuckin with your car, you best catch them in the act. cuz your ass didn't see me doin anything to your fuckin car, He said I know it was you. & I say ok so your so sure I fucked up your car what the fuck you gonna do to me.

he said I'm gonna fuck you up. I said yeah you & what army then laughed @ him & said you better get the fuck outta my face with that :bs: cuz I don't know what the fuck your talkin about.

Mind you the dude was allot bigger than me, but I don't scare, I just don't give a fuck, I don't back down from anybody, so he turns around pissed & says don't let me catch you fuckin with my car. & I says yeah & what.. I said you mine as well try & beat my A$$ now, cuz I didn't touch your car to begin with, so he proceeds to get in his car abruptly backed up, and burns some rubber speedin away, @ 1st I was fuckin pissed cuz he came @ me like that, and I am gettin my buzz on sort of speak, so I was game for some shit, my adrenalyn was rushing, I was like trippin for a few minutes, then after I told my sister what happened she cooled me down a bit, & she always makes sense out of everything, she's my little sister & she controls me. :D I started to laugh about it, after she said he's the one pissed off @ the wrong person, fuck him & I was like yeah your right, cuz I REALLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO THE FUCKTARDS CAR, I wish I had cuz, he & I, already had words over other :bs: issues before the car thing happened, but after I while I thought it was funny that I not only punked him out, & pissed him off so bad for punkin him out & the fact he was thinking I was the one who vandalized his car.

p.s. how come it seems like the longest posts are trying to explain something that took place & didn't even last more than a minute or two? :rolleyes::dunno:

Holy Shit! Is this you Marlo? :confused:


Closed Account
Getting thier fucking lawn mowed at fucking 6am and house working done with buzz saws at that time as well that person should be shot thank you.
Lots, but my favorite, is when the stupid bitch gets a ride, and they pull up at Midnight or 1am, while I'm sleeping in the apartment next to hers, and they honk the horn until she comes out.
Most of my neighbors, both young and older, are very nice people and even nicer to live by.
But we've got a few dipshits that live in the neighborhood.
For example:

01.) Mr. Woodburner - this guy is a stay at home dad whose wife, a nurse, is the family breadwinner. Well this guy is infatuated with his homemade woodburner.
Damn think stinks out the neighborhood. I think he's burning his garbage in it as well.

02.) Mr and Mrs. Drunk-Lushes - these two late 30's winos put on quite the clown show for all of us. Whether it be chasing their loose dog while stumbling drunk or just being passed out filthy drunk in their own front yard.

03.) Mr. I Can't Hold My Booze Very Well - this guy is in his mid to late 20's, a car saleman who parties like he's still living in the frat house in college - lol
Neighbors find him passed out in his SUV parked in their driveways all the time because he gets so stupid drunk he forgets which house is his.
Last week at 3am, my dog is going nuts so I got outside to check and found this putz standing in the middle of another neighbor's driveway pissing & singing Frank Sinatra songs at the top of his lungs.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
My current neighbors are probably the best neighbors I've ever had. Actually, my entire neighborhood is awesome!

However, when I lived in Florida there was this fat old guy in the apartment across from my bedroom that would sit in his room and jack off to porn all night. He never closed his I had to start closing mine so I didn't walk in on that image damn near in front of my face. :1orglaugh

And the crack heads downstairs were always fighting, the baby crying, drug deals going on, and drug busts going on every other week. Mind, I lived in the ONLY apartment complex in Okeechobee so the option of moving wasn't exactly there at the time. :1orglaugh

After a few years I had the oppertunity to live in a condo in North Palm Beach. Unfortunatly, this had a home owners association so before I was allowed to move in as my friend's roommate, I literally got put on trial by the board. God I hated those people...
The damn kids are still walking on my yard!

Seriously! I hate that! There is a fucking sidewalk for a reason!

Not to mention, one was shaking the fucking telephone pole because a squirrel was at the top of it! I thought, I either wish the pole falls so he will be fucking in trouble with the city or the squirrel will jump down and fuck his face up!

Either way, it fucking bugs me!

Maybe if I go about like a crazy individual and start talking and yelling at myself, or yelling at them while tossing my arms in the air like a madman will keep these damn kids off the fucking yard!!!

Fuck! What is the point of sidewalks if no one fucking uses them!? They either walk in other people's yards or the street! Fucking damn kids don't know jackshit anymore!

And, yes! I am fucking bitching! I don't care!