11 thing forbidden by God but that christians do anyway

You are a very lonely and sad individual. I never addressed you once until you came at me accusing me of being someone I am not. You are the disturbed one and if I may say so, quite paranoid with the accusations and assumptions you continue to toss about.

Things addressed in this post that should be addressed: zero.

Fucks given by anyone because everyone knows it is Mariah and she's doing exactly the same things she used to: zero.

Party on, Garth.


Staff member
Anal sex is also prohibited by God. Yet Christians practise anal sex.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
One aspect to this is that Christ was part of the Jewish nation at a time when the nation was still singled out as the chosen people. He was an observant Jew. He adhered (largely) to the Levitial law that his family followed. He did not come to abolish that law, but to fulfill it. Christ took the law and transformed it. Similarly to how he took the Passover meal and transformed it to Eucharist (Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, whatever). Did he abolish the Passover? No. He fulfilled it, and created something new in its place.
Fair enough. I think this is the best answer I've heard.