Biggest Scam in US Government History - The Federal Reserve

the fed is still purchasing US treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities and there still are no signs of slowing down

The Fed fueled the disastrous bubble that caused the Great Recession and the man at the center of the whole thing was Alan fucking Greenspan. It's that bug-eyed asshole who made America the fucking mess it is today
The Fed fueled the disastrous bubble that caused the Great Recession and the man at the center of the whole thing was Alan fucking Greenspan. It's that bug-eyed asshole who made America the fucking mess it is today

Some assistant D.A. just sent me a text saying that she heard I had surgery and wanted to know if she could come over and my face is swollen and bandaged and I dont want her to come over looking like this. I am almost old enough to be her dad. She is very nice to me at the court house so i got a feeling thir might happen. She has some bad timing.

How'd it go?
Alan Greenspan burst the bubble when the mortgage-backed securities failed to add to the circulatory stream because that homo, I'm sorry, POMO, did not take into account (as in flat out refused to) the tangible rarity.


Hiliary 2020
It's the cause of almost every problem in the world for the past 100 years.
And it goes back even much farther than that. The US Revolution, The Napolianic Wars, ect.

I think of all the old science fiction movies about the future. The future was usually better in many ways.
But in those movies and stories there were no Central Banks.
Most of the worlds problems would disappear almost immediately if the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks were done away with.
Bold statement but its true.
Almost all wars would end. Poverty would practucally disappear.
People think all the misery in the world is normal, that its just the way it is.
It doesnt have to be and if every country would tell these bankers to fuck off things would be the way they should be.

Every American should learn this
Ron Paul has a lot to say about this aslo.
What would happen if the USA told the Federal Reserve to fuck off, you ain't getting another penny then took over control of their own currency?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

And now the Fat Cats are sitting on the White House tables, bringing the Swamp in there.

Look at the Trump Budget. You are getting raped full scale, all the programs paid by the government that benefit the small man and woman cut away, and a massive boost for the defense contractors and deregulation like hell for the financial sector.

And all in the name of "Giving the country back to tghe people".

Yeah, the Wall Street People.


Hiliary 2020
So what you are saying Supa is that Trump is no different than Bush or Barry.
You Might be correct.
But you also might be overlooking the very possible fact that the PREZ just doesn't have that kind of power.
Especially a new PREZ like Trump who has no strong political connections.
therefore it may very well be that Trump just can't do anything about it at this point.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So what you are saying Supa is that Trump is no different than Bush or Barry.
You might be correct.
But you also might be overlooking the very possible fact that the PREZ just doesn't have that kind of power.
Especially a new PREZ like Trump who has no strong political connections.
therefore it may very well be that Trump just can't do anything about it at this point.

I guess you misunderstood me. I believe that the US president has no actual rule over the Fed, and I suspect that it is more or less an entity thatgets ruled by the network of top banks and is, if we look at it honestly:

A independent branch of the US government with very little public oversight or control.