Things your neighbor does that pisses you off :)


Closed Account
Always slams the door when he leaves. How hard can it be to simply pull the door shut quietly when you go out or return? The walls actually shake. To make it worse, he has ants in his pants. Otherwise the fellow is quiet.
I just want to sympathize with everyone who has shit neighbors. I had druggies living behind me for almost a year. They'd play what I call 'amphetamine music' - very loud monotonous collections of electronic sound effects with each song lasting up to 40 minutes. And they'd often go for up to 48 hours non-stop.

They finally left a month ago after I had become so annoyed at not being able to get them to consider others, I was thinking about moving house myself.

But they went and I'm still friggin' stoked.
I have a decided problem with chick rock being played over outdoor speakers. If he wants to listen to that soft crap, fine, as long as it's in indoor privacy. But spray it around the neighborhood and I respond: the opening salvo is "Black Dog" at about 110 decibels, progressing from there to "Plush", "Learning to Fly", and a few other choice items, each with a slight increment in volume until he runs up the white flag.
Mows his lawn at frickin' 7:00 am!! Flirts with my wife and my daughter!!!! Fucker!!! :thefinger
My upstairs neighbor in my condo is a waste of oxygen who stomps around like a moose, and her two yappy dogs never shut up. I've often fantasized about unloading a magazine of .223 into the ceiling. :)
step 1: crush a glass bottle.
step 2: mix crushed glass with ground beef
step 3: throw "delicious meatball" over the cedar fence to the neighbours dog.

problem solved.

Squirt gun full of hot suace. for those of us who aren't so evil. hehe.


Land Of The Snakes
Always slams the door when he leaves. How hard can it be to simply pull the door shut quietly when you go out or return? The walls actually shake. To make it worse, he has ants in his pants. Otherwise the fellow is quiet.

i have the same problem with my fucking neighbor he slams his door. day & night in the all the years i've been living here i haven't had a problem with no one. except this skinny creepy musthache Yanni looking asshole!

---> Yanni
I hated where I used to live around because at 1-3AM people would have someone come and pick them up and they would just honk the horn loud and anywhere between 3-5 times.

Instead of calling, instead of getting out and knocking on the door, in the middle of the night they slam on the horn!

then sometimes, and this made me nervous, there would be one car at the end of the street parked, which leads out to main street. Two cars parked side by side of each other, and sometimes a car or two would come down, then leave back out. I had no idea what was going on, but that was when I would grab my buck knife and keep a watch out.

It would be like this for an hour.
my neighbour at my last place had a harley he liked to start up and work on around 2 am. while he was drunk.

on several occasions i went out there in my bathrobe and took his keys.

i usually stopped on the way back into my place to piss on his house too.
I had a damn hot neighbor girl and I could see her almost naked sometimes when looking out of my kitchen window. (Am I a creepy perv when I sometimes stand and go to the kitchen just to look if I can see her? :o)

Now what pisses me off is that she had a damn damn damn ugly boyfriend. He looked like a stupid socialist, student something...ass. :mad:

And what really pisses me off is that she moved a few weeks ago! :D

:eek: And know you have no other choice than to stay with us on the board :1orglaugh !


My Penis Is Dancing!
I had a neighbor in college who really like the song Asylum by SuperTramp. He liked that song a lot.
A lot. Like literally playing it over and over and over from 9 p.m. until 3 a.m. every night for three months straight. Many times, I fantasized of him being eaten by Cthulhu...but alas, that didn't happen until two years later.
I had a fucking neighbor that liked to get his mail completely naked under his bathrobe. . . untied and on windy days. The Chicago PD put a stop to that shit. :thefinger
My neighbors breathe, does that count as something that pisses me off? I believe so.
A neighbor across the street leaves his yappy mutt out all day and night. The neighbor across the alley-way leaves his loud-mouthed grouch of a dog (Rottweiller) out in his unfenced yard chained to a rope that reaches to the sidewalk in front of his home. Scares the hell outta kids and those not from the area.