Things your neighbor does that pisses you off :)

Fuck! What is the point of sidewalks if no one fucking uses them!? They either walk in other people's yards or the street! Fucking damn kids don't know jackshit anymore!

This oh and when they break into my house that's fucking great too. Next time they will get an 870 express mag to the face. I don't think a tv is worth a whole lot of buckshot rearranging your face!


Doesn't complain when I have my television on too loud way into the night. What the fuck is wrong? JUST TELL ME TO TURN IT DOWN FOR GOD SAKE. I'll turn it down she admits it bothers her. Instead she just fucking blanks me every time I see her. Even when I say hello she puts her head down or quickly puts her phone to her ear. NO ONE IS CALLING YOU, YOU FUCKING LOSER, YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY FRIENDS. I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU SPEND YOUR ENTIRE LIFE SITTING AT HOME BY YOURSELF!
Doesn't complain when I have my television on too loud way into the night. What the fuck is wrong? JUST TELL ME TO TURN IT DOWN FOR GOD SAKE. I'll turn it down she admits it bothers her. Instead she just fucking blanks me every time I see her. Even when I say hello she puts her head down or quickly puts her phone to her ear. NO ONE IS CALLING YOU, YOU FUCKING LOSER, YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY FRIENDS. I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU SPEND YOUR ENTIRE LIFE SITTING AT HOME BY YOURSELF!

is that how you really feel? honestly? come on don't be shy!