Its amusing to listen to people who believe in god distance themselves from the actual writings of the bible. They interpret it to suit their needs and excuse themselves from the things they do that contradict the very things they claim their faith is based upon. The old testament was supposedly gods rules for mankind, not just the jews. the jews were his chosen people but there was no specific sect he was aiming at. The new testament was based upon the life of jesus or the "modern times" although 2000 years ago. So does it say somewhere in the NT that the OT is obsolete? I must have missed that. Can someone please post where it says so?
And Mr. Countach it's very obvious you don't practice much of anything other than grandiose rantings and talking down to people. And Lacey Black nailed it just before you said just what she predicted you would say.
First of all you are a disturbed person. Secondly, the only reason she predicted anything is that we have had to remind you dumbfucks time and time again that the Old Testament is law handed down by God to the Nation of Israel so because she doesn't like that fact made her bold prediction. As long as idiots like you keep quoting 4000 year old OT scripture as modern day Christian philosophy I and it appears others will have to remind you of this. As for clarification the Old Testament talked about a coming Messiah the Bible was not a series with a prequel and the content was not re-written mid production. It was combined into two Testaments but it has been distinguished as two separate books and can be purchased as such. I won't even get into the age of grace as opposed to the age of law as that would vaporlock that simple little mind of yours. Gotta save room for Bill Maher drivel and Dailey Kos oozings. You have already been exposed as Milano yet you create a username to try and offend but it just comes across as juvenile and desperate and comical. Even some libs just shook their heads at your latest incarnation. A bit of advice if you are willing to accept it. Seek professional help and quickly. You are coming unraveled faster than a cheap suit. And for somebody that joined the board 2 weeks ago and has only 20 or so posts you seem to know so much about us. Nobody takes you seriously. And when I say nobody, I mean Nobody JesusWasGay :1orglaugh What are you? 15?.