*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Seems like he's getting better and is very likely to get through this OK. Good for him. Now, azll we can hope is that, now that Covid has affected him personnaly he will realise how serious this pandemic and he will take serious action to fight the disease, slow down the spread, etc. Maybe he'll wear a mask in public, maybe he'll make mask mandatory during his rallies, maybe he'll tell his fans to wears mask and do social distancing as much as possible, etc.
Or maybe this is just me being too optimistic and naive...

The obvious thought is where the heck are the fancy masks that you assume Trump would be selling? I guess China wouldn't cooperate to manufacture them.
Seems like he's getting better and is very likely to get through this OK. Good for him. Now, azll we can hope is that, now that Covid has affected him personnaly he will realise how serious this pandemic and he will take serious action to fight the disease, slow down the spread, etc. Maybe he'll wear a mask in public, maybe he'll make mask mandatory during his rallies, maybe he'll tell his fans to wears mask and do social distancing as much as possible, etc.
Or maybe this is just me being too optimistic and naive...
Are you talking about The Donald? Growing concerned and having empathy for something other than money. Nah.
Seems like he's getting better and is very likely to get through this OK. Good for him. Now, azll we can hope is that, now that Covid has affected him personnaly he will realise how serious this pandemic and he will take serious action to fight the disease, slow down the spread, etc. Maybe he'll wear a mask in public, maybe he'll make mask mandatory during his rallies, maybe he'll tell his fans to wears mask and do social distancing as much as possible, etc.
Or maybe this is just me being too optimistic and naive...

Clearly I was much too naive and optimistic...

Imagine being a member of one of the 200 thousand odd families who have watched someone die from covid, and then having to listen to this big orange ballsack after spending 3 nights with a team of personal doctors with an unlimited budget come out and tell you that covid is no big deal and you shouldn't be worried about it.

Once he's no longer president anymore, spitting on donald trump should become America's favorite hobby.
Here's a fun article about ensuring democracy in India.

In India’s six-week marathon election that began this week, the Election Commission has ruled that no voter should have to travel more than 2 kilometers, or just over a mile, from their home to cast a ballot, whether they live on a Himalayan peak or an island in the Bay of Bengal. The polling booth in Gir Forest National Park in Gujarat is set up for the sole human inhabitant, a Hindu priest who lives among the lions. Polling officials hike for a whole day to reach the remote village of Malogam in Arunachal Pradesh, where just one woman is registered to vote.

Republicans should try to learn from countries that value democracy.
Some interesting news regarding the election, Supreme Court reinstates witness signatures for South Carolina Mail-In Ballots

Surprising new poll results Trump now ahead of Biden, but within margin of error, in 7 battleground states

Dems are outspending Republicans in key Senate races

This election might be the toughest one, I will eagerly wait for the secound round debate to see how it goes. If you remember in 2016, Hillary lost the 3 debates against Trump. Let's see how well Joe will do against Donald Trump in the next rounds.
If you remember in 2016, Hillary lost the 3 debates against Trump.

No, turds, nobody remembers that.

Writing on September 28, FiveThirtyEight found that every scientific poll to that point had suggested that voters thought Hillary Clinton performed better than Donald Trump in the debate. A CNN/ORC poll of debate viewers found that 62% believed Clinton won, compared to 27% for Trump. A poll conducted by Public Policy Polling found that 51% thought Clinton won the debate, while 40% thought Trump won. A YouGov poll found that 57% of Americans declared Clinton the winner, while 30% declared Trump the winner. A Politico/Morning Consult poll showed that 49% of likely voters thought that Clinton won the debate, while 26% thought that Trump won, and 25% were undecided. Echelon Insights polling showed that Clinton won the debate 48-22, and that the debate made 41% of respondents more likely to vote for Clinton while 29% were more likely to vote for Trump. A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 56% of Americans thought Clinton did better, while 26% thought Trump did. An NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll shows that 52% of likely voters who followed the debate chose Clinton was the winner, 21% chose Trump, and 26% did not choose either candidate. A Gallup poll showed that more respondents thought Clinton did a better job than Trump by a margin of 61% to 27%. A Fox News poll shows that 61% of respondents thought that Clinton won the debate while 21% said Trump did. An ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that 53% of respondents thought that Clinton won the debate while 18% said Trump did. A CBS News poll shows that 32% of likely voters say that they thought better of Clinton after watching the debate, but only 10% of voters said that they thought better of Trump afterward.

A panel of Los Angeles Times analysts consisting of Doyle McManus and two others found that Clinton won all six of the debate segments. Among swing-state party officials and strategists surveyed by Politico, 79% agreed that Trump did not win the debate.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
27 days until election day. Polls are wrong if you only look at them in absolute terms. Keeping in mind that a 90% Chance of winning means you lose one time in 10. It happens and I wouldn't get in a car with a 10% of the brakes failing each time they are needed. (Especially if I was going to need them more than 15 times.)

It seems like Trump's trajectory is heading in the wrong direction (84% Chance Biden wins): https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/
The Senate is looking close (66% Chance of D control): https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/
The House is not (94% Chance of D control): https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/house/
[Keep in mind that 538 was one of pollsters giving Trump a Chance in 2016 - 28% or so.]

If the Republicans get routed, how fast do they run away from Trumpism? If Biden is too old in 2020, will Trump be too old in 2024? Just kidding, we know Trump will never be too old.
Any trump bootlickers out there wanna make any bold claims about how pence is going to destroy Harris in a few hours? We know you're going to do it afterward, no matter what happens, so might as well get started now.
I'd like to think we can all agree that it will be the most professional of the three (or possibly 2) debates.
pence was exactly what I expected. I thought Harris picked up a bit of stride in the second half, but in the first she meandered a bit, trying to shoehorn her rehearsed stories in, but she always managed to bring it back.
pence did a lot of interrupting and going way over time, which was fucking annoying.

But overall, Harris wore the pants in that debate.