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  1. N

    Obama's Afghanistan Speech....

    Sarge I'll respectfully leave you alone with your grief. I regret your re-living the horror of battle. I am a trauma surgeon. I've worked in battlefield blood. I know. I was and I remain blind on glory. I've never really found the pulse of valor either but I'm glad you can. I mostly struggle...
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    Each US Soldier in Afghanistan Costs $1 Million

    Money and blood, blood and money go together like milk and honey. That can't be right. Money and islamic blood to spill, that's the real fun way to kill. That can't be right. So confused I think I'm turning American. Scared of people in undies. Mommy won't let me fly.
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    American Reputation

    Thanks for the support folks. I try to write eloquent, informed, carefully thought through opinion pieces which, like it or not, are shared with a significant minority worldwide and in the US. I don't see why I should have to don flame retardent clothing when there were many points open for...
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    Obama's Afghanistan Speech....

    Your point is that you can read out loud another's work is that it? No one has suggested you're illiterate. The charges against you here are blood not bard. Take down the band of brothers repetitio. It could churn fresh children into cannon fodder and make your hands blood greasy at the glory...
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    Cam With Carmen / Carmen Bella / Maria Bella / The Maria Bella

    Re: carmen of Waiting at the bus stop in the rain, not knowing when the bus will come and whether you'll have the fare when it does is fun for the self-mutilators but not for the bulk of dedicates.
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    U.S. Soldier Holds American Flag Protest Sign [Pic]

    The blood jockeys will be out in a moment.
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    Each US Soldier in Afghanistan Costs $1 Million

    Obama is betting the spend will buy him a second term. A mighty nation lost, flailing about creating enemies like that's good because it can.
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    American Reputation

    How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness...
  9. N

    Rep. King to Obama: "use the word 'terrorism' more often."

    The republicans would destroy theirs or anyone else's nation if they thought the ruin contained a path to power. Moral bankrupts, policy vacuums.
  10. N

    Global Warming? Really?

    And they'll pray their pussies off to their imaginary friend when climate change fucks their neighborhoods. They lack a sense of the moral dimension of the coming disaster which is typical for the religious. It's all ok though because Sarah Palin will save them at the last minute. She's carrying...
  11. N

    Global Warming? Really?

    Dear Luddites You must learn to distinguish between opinion and expert opinion. The latter has meaning and can be used in decision making. The former is random error writ large and leading fools nowhere. Scientists are experts. Like StanScratch is on Greenland. They know their stuff. How does...
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    American Reputation

    Whoremaker My posts brought forth a blind rage in you. Must have been a nasty grain of truth in there somewhere. Have a good cry and try politeness to avoid future embarrassment.
  13. N

    American Reputation

    Sgt Marine and averageJoe immediately make my point in carbon spewing neon. America is in crisis. These otherwise fine chaps refuse to see the eye-bleedingly obvious. They'd rather chant patriotic ditties than find the humility and true love of nation required to locate a piece of the puzzle and...
  14. N

    American Reputation

    American popularity peaked after WW2. Following Vietnam the US progressively began to be seen as a hubristic, bullying, ill-informed, potentially murderous problem-solver. Think Latin America. George Bush couldn't have been done better if he'd been purpose-built as an offense-giving, cowardly...
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    US Marine Tells Australian Girls To Cover Up, Offends Nation

    Although different in other ways Australia and New Zealand share a casual open sexual culture. Most women bang like a shithouse door in a gale. One night stands and sex on the first date are common. It's hard to find a virgin beyond a certain age. Men and women seem content with each other. Men...
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    Cam With Carmen / Carmen Bella / Maria Bella / The Maria Bella

    Re: carmen of Maybe I should get it sewn up
  17. N

    Cam With Carmen / Carmen Bella / Maria Bella / The Maria Bella

    Re: carmen of Good on you Hugh. I've got a few problems that may seem insignificant right now but they do bother me. I'm a fit heavy bosomed sex addict and I can't trust men to love me for myself. Sensitive advice would be appreciated. Skip the tasteless jokes if you are tempted...
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    Violet Doll / Very Violet / Violet Erotica / Viorotica

    Re: Very Violet / Violet Erotica Watching this trollop is like a sexual overdose
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    New babe added to FreeOnes: Francoise Boufhal

    Re: Francoise Boufhal - Natural Busty Former Model The only pics I'm after have areolae and nipples
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    Nikki Sims / Next Door Nikki / Nikki's Playmates

    Re: Next Door Nikki /Nikki Sims/Nikki's Playmates I'd love to land on her runway.
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    Faith Nelson / Faith / Louise / Sexy Faith

    Hi I would love to be smothered by these dirigibles.
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    Cam With Carmen / Carmen Bella / Maria Bella / The Maria Bella

    Re: carmen of I'm a newbie. Just in time by the look of it. Nice friendly tolerant thread by all appearances. Hope I'm acceptable. Carmen's so hot I've just swallowed my barstool!