American Reputation

America is a very young country. We are going to make mistakes and learn as we go. Frankly I think a lot of people base what they think of the US on our politicians.

Do you think it ends with just politics? The US, as I mentioned earlier, exports a lot to the world. I include modern entertainment in that, tv shows etc.

Also, one of the things that always strikes me is the whole 'Cool' concept.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^^^ Every Entente country had assistance from another country, so perhaps saying they kicked their asses overstated the size of their victory. While the Germans continued to try and defeat France, France managed to win some important and bloody battles, including Verdun - the longest battle of WWI. France lost more men than any country except for Russia, but they managed to keep Germany away from Paris and the rest of France. Other countries helped, but if it wasn't for the bravery of the French the Germans would have taken France eventually.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Do you think it ends with just politics? The US, as I mentioned earlier, exports a lot to the world. I include modern entertainment in that, tv shows etc.

Also, one of the things that always strikes me is the whole 'Cool' concept.

Well I have never heard negative things about our exports. We do make some great tv shows and movies. I hear a lot of negative comments about our politicians.

We are cool. :)


Even when it's an American making the criticism?

Making a conscious effort not to read any criticism of your country might suggest that you are scared it may be of substance and subsequently threaten some deeply held beliefs..., you're saying...what?
I don't read crap (which I have heard before, actually), so I'm scared You Might be right? And my beloved country might turn out to be Nazi Germany or Pol Pot Cambodia? Keep on dreaming, child.
You have the power of soft serve ice cream in your words!:rofl:


Philbert, most people I know would be embarrassed to know little of the outside world, not proud, I think maybe this is one of the major dividing lines. If you think of it in terms of business you could quite easily do more if you know the market, I think that's a manner people could easily agree with.

Are you really that silly...?
You should be embarrassed to be so world ignorant, in that I agree.
But I read your words to indicate that I should be embarrassed to be ignorant of the outside world? Really? When did I say I was ignorant of the "outside the USA" world?
Actually, I can easily assume, by the simple-minded theme in your post, that you are very ignorant of the US of A.
I, on the other hand, have spent years outside the USA, from Central America to Afghanistan. I have lived in the East, Europe, the Americas, and have family in other countries I keep in close touch with.
Which parts of the USA have you lived in?
Your DVD player?:rofl:


Not liberal conspiracy theory, well documented public record.

A timeline of CIA atrocities

If you aren't convinced by any of that can you can research and cross reference it all. It's well documented. It's 101 to most people who live outside the US.

you leave yourself open to the charge of hypocrisy re Israel/Palestine- You say the world was right in not letting Saddam take over and slaughter the people of Kuwait- guess what was happening in Palestine in 1948?

Jordanians and Egyptians, along with Syrians, were slaughtering Jews wherever they could find some unarmed or old/young enough?
We know that history...
Sgt Marine and averageJoe immediately make my point in carbon spewing neon. America is in crisis. These otherwise fine chaps refuse to see the eye-bleedingly obvious. They'd rather chant patriotic ditties than find the humility and true love of nation required to locate a piece of the puzzle and work on it. Bread and circuses, the death of empires. I'm a true friend but they can no longer distinguish friend from foe, heroically blazing away at their combat boots, demanding unearned fealty, and sycophantic compliance from others. Civil discourse quite beyond it would seem now. There are plenty of wise and well-read Americans but they can't be heard above the mob. Bombing Yemen would slake the blood lust for minutes. Why not do it? What if Faux News self-immolated as a service to the nation? How would soldiers and average folk find out what to think? Palin would still lead the charge off the cliff, of course. Tea bagging from a hairdo with glasses. Would you shave your balls for that? If the permanent war works out mommy will have nice postcards from everywhere and she'll get to choose the best coffin she can afford. Thanks for listening, thoughtful and polite. Try reading both posts for meaning several times to contain your most embarrassing instincts.
This board is being overrun by morons...
This board is being overrun by morons...

Don't say that. I secretly hope that alongside economics, physics and peace etc that the Nobel Committee will also turn to porno blogging when handing out gongs. The thought of Georges up on that podium in his bow tie and straight jacket or the arc lights reflecting off Blue Balls sequined gown brings a tear to my eye.
Are you really that silly...?
You should be embarrassed to be so world ignorant, in that I agree.
But I read your words to indicate that I should be embarrassed to be ignorant of the outside world? Really? When did I say I was ignorant of the "outside the USA" world?
Actually, I can easily assume, by the simple-minded theme in your post, that you are very ignorant of the US of A.
I, on the other hand, have spent years outside the USA, from Central America to Afghanistan. I have lived in the East, Europe, the Americas, and have family in other countries I keep in close touch with.
Which parts of the USA have you lived in?
Your DVD player?:rofl:


Anytime someone uses the word "atrocities" connected with various American activities, I ignore what is obviously an agenda-driven rant by some lame anti-American.:thefinger
Atrocities are like... Rwanda, or Pol-Pot and the Cambodian slaughter...

…yeah, you're not contradicting yourself or anything, are you? I just suggested the embarrassment one would normally feel by actively choosing to remain ignorant. I can't quite see how or why you're trying to paint me as being that now. The thread is about reputation not how extensive your knowledge is of Europe or mine of the States.

I'll resist the temptation to follow you and run off a list of 'credentials', I don't see the point. I could spout off a number of places I've been to or things I've done, but why? They would be just as dubious as yours. However, to answer your question: I have lived in America. I spent nine years in New York and a year in Los Angeles. So my knowledge is first-hand.

My posts brought forth a blind rage in you. Must have been a nasty grain of truth in there somewhere. Have a good cry and try politeness to avoid future embarrassment.


Man I love these boards:nanner:

Philbert my man its been too long! I'm dying to hear your take on europe and the various other places you've been. I imagine your gonna spout off about some hell holes and bad shit you saw, likely while you where doing some service time. Remember hearing such stuff from a canadian when I was over there which was all fine and well except if you go far enough back funnily enough alot of that shit has strangely got links to american foreign policy:eek:


Sgt Marine and averageJoe immediately make my point in carbon spewing neon. America is in crisis. These otherwise fine chaps refuse to see the eye-bleedingly obvious. They'd rather chant patriotic ditties than find the humility and true love of nation required to locate a piece of the puzzle and work on it. Bread and circuses, the death of empires. I'm a true friend but they can no longer distinguish friend from foe, heroically blazing away at their combat boots, demanding unearned fealty, and sycophantic compliance from others. Civil discourse quite beyond it would seem now. There are plenty of wise and well-read Americans but they can't be heard above the mob. Bombing Yemen would slake the blood lust for minutes. Why not do it? What if Faux News self-immolated as a service to the nation? How would soldiers and average folk find out what to think? Palin would still lead the charge off the cliff, of course. Tea bagging from a hairdo with glasses. Would you shave your balls for that? If the permanent war works out mommy will have nice postcards from everywhere and she'll get to choose the best coffin she can afford. Thanks for listening, thoughtful and polite. Try reading both posts for meaning several times to contain your most embarrassing instincts.

Who has said anything about bombing Yemen? It sure was not me, from what I read from CBS they seem to have matters well in their own hands.

You say that I can't distinguish between friend and foe, trust me son I know who are foes are and I have seen first hand what they can do.

I don't understand why people think we need to say "I'm sorry." I am proud of my country any bad that we done is far excedded by the good that we have done. We have taken refugees from all over this golbe and given them a fresh start for success in their life and happiness that they could not have in their own country.

People from Ireland, Italy, Poland, East Germany, Soviet defectors, Vietnamese and Cuba that all have gotten a better life and a chance of success. My grandparents risked certian death by defecting from the Ukraine 1932 during the Holodomor where 3-7 million were starved to death by Stalin. My grandfather became an American citizen, joined the USMC on December 8th, 1941. When I was growing up I asked him why he did that he told me "This country gave me and your grandmother a fresh start, I own my life to this country." He was proud to be an American as am I.

I look at things this way, no matter how much infight we do as a nation. Whether it be Progressive v Conservative, Democrat v Republican, Black v White, Christian V Atheist all that stops at our borders and shores when this nation is threatned or questioned in the world.

so yes I am DAMN proud to be an American and I am damn proud to be part of the history of this great nation.

Semper Fi America!:hatsoff:
Yer still a flamer, dickhead. :flame:

Sorry to burst your bubble, but when a clueless fuckhead calls me a flamer? Doesn't mean much. Sorry Champ, no bueno.


My posts brought forth a blind rage in you. Must have been a nasty grain of truth in there somewhere. Have a good cry and try politeness to avoid future embarrassment.

Blind rage? Ha. Don't flatter yourself. Try nauseated annoyance. I've dealt with simple minded Eurotrash like you for years, and one thing always rings true of your ilk; you're a never-ending parade of deluded morons who have convinced yourselves of your undeserved intellectual superiority, whilst the truth is that you're nothing more than naive, ignorant troglodytes. Go ahead and continue telling yourself that you're right, that you're superior, that you know all, but the truth is unchangeable; you're a fool. A blind, disconnected, irrelevant simpleton, with no clue of what is really happening in the world. Your head is buried in the sand, and time is passing you by. I pity you. I truly do. To live in a world, and have no idea of what is truly around you? Sad... Just sad.


Banned, you're saying...what?
I don't read crap (which I have heard before, actually)


seeing as it's so easy for you to dismiss it as a 'crap', I guess you'll be able to easily provide a counter argument which disproves some of those things?

pick a few and go for it if you think you have something to teach us.

Jordanians and Egyptians, along with Syrians, were slaughtering Jews wherever they could find some unarmed or old/young enough?
We know that history...

what does THAT have to do with european Jews ethnically cleansing Palestinians?


We have taken refugees from all over this golbe and given them a fresh start for success in their life and happiness that they could not have in their own country.

The great irony is that a lot of them were refugees fleeing wars that were instigated or perpetuated by the US- Vietnam, El Salvador, Iraq , Afghanistan......

kind of negates any claim to altruism now doesn't it?