For Those Who Like To See The White Stuff Fly!


Lord Dipstick
You're so lucky I started drinking a Smirnoff... or else. I would come to New Jersey, find you, punch you in the balls, castrate you, and then puke on you to show you my disgust right now.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You're so lucky I started drinking a Smirnoff... or else.

Malt liquor? Are you fucking kiddin' me, pal! I knew you were light in the loafers. You want to know how I know you're gay? You drink Smirnoff. :rofl:


Lord Dipstick
You're so lucky I started drinking a Smirnoff... or else. I would come to New Jersey, find you, punch you in the balls, castrate you, and then puke on you to show you my disgust right now.

What "fruity" flavor are you drinking?
Raspberry?....and is there a cute lil umbrella in the glass too? :angels:
I don't know whats more disturbing, the image, or the thought of whim's fruity drink