R.I.P Lemonparty

I was just checking out lemon party, like I do every Sunday night, and I realized there is a video to the two fucking douchebags from Super Bad talking about it.

www.lemonparty.org See for yourself :(

Lemon Party is officially uncool. :(
I still don't want to click it. I feel like its a trap...
Sorry about your loss, Diva. I'm sure you'll eventually move on and find another site to do the job lemonparty used to do. Something like cakefarts.com :dunno:


My Penis Is Dancing!
They have spent way too much time thinking about the picture. It is almost like the picture has taken over their minds. It is like the picture has consumed their souls. It is like they see the picture everywhere they go, as if they see it in every child's eyes, in every mother's words, in every man's hopes. It is like the picture follows them around, becoming part of their being until, in the end, they are the picture.
Or their fags.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Ya know, I never clicked on the (many) Lemon Party links that have been here. I remained loyal to this - the site that served the same purpose as Lemon Party on a board I used to post on.