$88 Billion Deposited in Va. Couple's Account

This is probably the only time you'll ever hear anyone complain about having too much money.

The Hickman family of Chesterfield, Va., recently noticed a little extra cash in their checking account -- $88 billion to be exact.

Instead of spending the money, the Hickmans decided to call SunTrust Bank to report the error. Even after talking to several bank employees, no one seemed to know how the problem occurred or how to fix it.

Eventually, SunTrust told the Hickmans it would have to freeze their account until Monday morning. The Hickmans in turn were left spending the entire weekend without any money.

Stephanie Hickman said she couldn't even afford groceries.

"I'm not saying that the $88 billion is my money, but the $150 at least that we had in the account was my money, and now I can't even access that," she said.
SunTrust is now trying to clear up the problem, so that the couple can use the checking account again.

"I'm not saying the $88 billion is my money (really??:rofl:), but the $150.....was" :rofl::rofl:



Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Trust me, you don't want to make that mistake in my bank account. Like the Democrats in Washington, I have no problem spending other people's money without thinking about where it's coming from. I wouldn't have been able to spend all 88 billion (well, unless I like bought Portugal or something), but I would have tried my damnedest...
I have an account with Sun Trust.

Pretty sure some of that money is mine.


Two words....Cayman Islands. They ever make an error like that with me, I'm so outta here. Transfer that money to the Caymans, then split it up between Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco, Bahamas and every other "banking" country. "Disappear" to Bahrain for a few months and see which way the wind is blowing. If they really want their money back, they can have it for 30 cents on the dollar. Then make an order with Boeing for my own Air Force One.

If anyone wants me, I'll be off in dreamland for the rest of the day.
At least they did the right thing. :)

Because this could have seriously come back and bit them hard in the ass and they end up screwed for life on so many different legal levels.
Two words....Cayman Islands. They ever make an error like that with me, I'm so outta here. Transfer that money to the Caymans, then split it up between Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco, Bahamas and every other "banking" country. "Disappear" to Bahrain for a few months and see which way the wind is blowing. If they really want their money back, they can have it for 30 cents on the dollar. Then make an order with Boeing for my own Air Force One.

If anyone wants me, I'll be off in dreamland for the rest of the day.

Exactly.... or as Steve Miller used to say
"take the money and run"

Note to self: check my bank account...
Why doesn't this shit ever happen to me? :(


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The bank obviously wanted them to have it. It's part of their new customer appreciation gig.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Bank error in your favor. Collect $$$88 Billion!!! :nanner:


Lost at Birth
wow with that kind of money they could pay off dr. evil to save the planet and still have enough money to split a single scoop at Cold Stone. probably wouldn't be able to afford any toppings tho.
Not only did they do the right thing they did the smart thing. They don't let people keep money when that happens, and the chances of a financial institution not noticing it quickly or them even using it and getting away with it even if it didn’t are approximately zero.


Even after talking to several bank employees, no one seemed to know how the problem occurred or how to fix it.

That's the Holy Grail right there! Like I said, fast wire transfer, then haul-ass out of the country. There's still plenty non-extradition countries out there. And by the time they do catch up, they're willing to make a deal on most, but not all of the money. Keep 30% for my time and trouble (which comes out to $6,160,000,000) and call it a good days work.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'd settle for a 1% finder's fee and we could call it even. :tongue: